Desean Jackson made the same mistake in High School!?!?! (video)


Well-Known Member
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sorry its not a great copy but you can see it pretty well..
What a chump. I'd bench him for at least a game or fine him a few thousand bucks for conduct unbecoming of a professional athlete. If I were a GM or a coach, crap like that would piss me off big time. It angers me now and I have no vested interest in his success or failure as a player. I'm sure he got an earfull after that play anyway, they showed him on the phone with someone from the booth...wonder what he was told.
what was the ruling on the field? i didn't see the play but i know the eagles got it back on the one yard line but it looks like the cowboys woulda recovered it.
thats what i would have thought but for some reason they said by rule of a backward pass, they get the ball on the one. I didnt understand it myself
Similar to the call with Ed 'Hercules' Hochuli, the play was whistled dead after the intitial "Touchdown" call. Since the whistle was blown, no further play can continue. The spot of the ball when the play was blown dead was the 1yd line and last touched by Philly. Therefore, Philly starts with the ball 1st and goal on the one.
Don't go overreactin' there, Smoke.

Chew his *ss out, fine him, bench him for the first quarter or whatever this week, tape a football to his hand for the entire week of practice--do whatever you have to do so his dumb *ss never ever even thinks about doing something so stupid again.
i was being factitious

as far as im concerned its a non issue

they scored the next big deal

now if they hadnt scored......
I really like that "tape a ball to his hand for a whole week of practice". Every morning when they suit up, Reed duct tapes a ball to his right hand and makes him run the entire practice with it on. He only gets to remove it after everyone is off the field and back in the locker room. Rinse and repeat for 5 straight days. Great idea!!!

And for those of you pissed off about this, and think the Eagles will even care...


Everyone knows this is the kids one problem, attitude...they won't do anything about it as long as he continues's not like he hasn't been beasting out there WITHOUT a #1 or #2 complimentary wideout
hes young and cocky.....sometimes not a bad thing.....just needs to make sure he gets the ball across first
I'm glad it was at least on MNF. He got humiliated enough to never do that again. I'm just curious now to see whether he acknowledges it with something funny after his next TD.
I'm glad it was at least on MNF. He got humiliated enough to never do that again. I'm just curious now to see whether he acknowledges it with something funny after his next TD.

id be willing to bet he does something humerous with it