Derek Fisher


CTG Partner
Staff member
Just wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with him and his family at this time.

It must be a horrible feeling to have your daughter with cancer.

I could have kept this to myself but I figured some of you guys feel the same way.
I have been looking around to try and figure out whats up..

absolutely terrible.

He was the x-factor tonight two...a few great defensive plays..a huge 3 ball and toss in 3-4 assists..

not bad for a guy that flew in around halftime and has that shit on his mind
wow, that's awesome brewer...

I hate this disease and have seen it affect so many people from all walks of life.
Yeah, he interviewed after the game, his daughter had retinal cancer in her eye. He said if they hadn't caught it when they did she'd have died.

Apparently she had successful surgery this morning in NY and he flew from there straight to the game. Talk about an emotional rollercoaster.

I add my name to those who's thoughts are with the guy and his family.
That's great news JP, thanks.

I think I read she is an infant brewer but I could be wrong.
Prayers to you and your fam Fisher. My pops was diagnosed to bile duct cancer 6 monthes ago. He's just not the same as he was. Good Luck Fisher.