delhomme or farve?


thunder thighs & hairy muffs specialist
im afraid carolina will get a lead and just run the ball..we seen what romo did against giants farve coming off a bad game I thknk hes in a nice spot
only thing that concerns me is ints and sacks,those are negative in my league..last week even though he had like 23 completions, he got sacked 4 times and threw no pick, delhomme didnt get sacked at all or throw a pic.
good points. sacks adn ints are heavily weighted in this league too. how is GBs pass protection vs a sub par defense? i didn't see the philly game, but you know they had to be blitzing 2/3 plays. NYG will get burned a bunch if they were to be that aggressive.
I started favre..but delhomme ripped it up team is nasty..heres my starters this week....favre,r. moss,s. smith, mcgahee,caddy, westbrook, shockey,kicker from gb, and carolinas def..i sat ne def and tehy ripped it up..I already won by 25 and still have westbook to go
nice team. "championship!"

likewise for me this week. i've sealed up wins in all 3 of my leagues. i even picked up and started cinci's D over the vikes, in a league that penalized yardage... cinci was -10 on the day, and minny was +25. i still won by 30.