Delaware Monday pick 5


Pretty much a regular
Was gonna do Saratoga, but there are 3 turf races, and no shot they will be run on the turf. Rain is coming down and not stopping. So a bunch of scratches and small fields off the turf, no reason to bet it. Kind of like Sunday, same thing, the pick 5 paid jack shit, not interested. However, the Delaware pick 5 could pay decent, so gonna do that.

Haven't been on here in a while so figured I would post. This is totally unrelated to my post topic, but was looking at Phil Steele college football, and he has the Huskers 4th my team oh yeah, I was thinking 2nd or 3rd, but ok Phil. Tommy Armstrong at qb, suppose that justifies his 4th place ha, he does blow Tommy. I mean the Huskers have a more talented roster than Northwestern and Iowa for sure, but have a crappy qb. Well, plus a tough slate of road games, at Wisconsin, at Michigan St, at Northwestern, and at Iowa. Guess I can see his 4th place division finish. There is no better offensive and defensive player combo though than Ameer Abdullah at RB, and Randy Gregory at DE. If you can name 2 better players on offense and defense combined in the Big 10, fuck I would like to hear it, no way.

Anyway onto the pick 5, just preliminary here, have to see the scratches tomorrow before I can make a real ticket.

Delaware race 3, pick 5, preliminary bet ha, don't know why I'm posting this before scratches are announced tomorrow, well drunk and decided to post

.50 pick 5, 4,5,7,8/1,3,11,12/6/1,5,6,7,8/1,2,3,4,5,8,10,11 that would be a 320 buck ticket, which is a bit pricey, guess scratches may take it down a bit tomorrow.

Don't even know why I posted really. Just bored and fucking drunk as shit. That last race at Delaware is wide open that maiden special weight event the 7th race. Had to use 8 horses ha, but you gotta pay to win sometimes, hopefully I'm looking at the will pays before the 7th and they are all 1500+, maybe not, but I'm sure most of em will be if I make it there. I like my single the 6 in the 5th race, the 3rd leg of the pick 5. I mean the 3 horse is favored, but that fucker has been sucking ass and running 2nd forever. Think that 6 can take it, since she improved big time last time out.

I'm gonna be on house arrest soon, cuz of my DWI, I talked about that before that dumb ass running a red light and t-boning my ass ha. Then of course I was drunk so got the DWI, lucky I didn't have much that day was a light day so only tested out .127. Most of the time it would have been around .2 or closer to .25, so got lucky I wasn't drinking too heavily that day. Shit would have been an aggravated DWI most days over .16, they give you a stiffer penalty then. My lawyer though says I will get maybe 10-30 days house arrest, so ok, I'm fine with that considering it is #2 for me, ha, I always get off shit. But really I wasn't fucking up at all, just some dumb ass 17 year old kid ran a red light, if retards wouldn't run into me I would be fine drinking and driving, but there are a lot of retards out there. Lucky for me there was a witness behind me that told the cop we had a green light for almost 10 seconds. Yeah didn't think some fucking retard would be blowing a red light that had been red for 10 seconds +, but yep, fucking Lane Hames ha. That kid has the ugliest damn chick I have ever seen, shit I would much rather whack off to porn than fuck that ugly bitch.

Will be on here to update my pick 5 ticket, finalize it tomorrow. Nothing for certain yet of course without scratches.
That 7 horse in the 1st leg will be a big favorite, but he is no lock. Fuck he hasn't been doing shit for a while. Broke N2L last time out, but now N3L here, not sure if he can win or not, maybe, we'll see. I got him on my ticket, but he could lose I think.
Fuck nothing to do anymore. Just go to the track sometime ha, no job these days. The cab rides suck ass, since the DWI, I can't drive, that is costly. Sometimes my parents or my brother will pick me up, but that doesn't happen a lot. So it is a cab a bunch which doesn't help matters.

Really hope Tommy Armstrong improves a bunch this year, that is completely a reach, I have no reason to think so. If he does the Huskers could at least challenge for the division title or win it. There are enough players that they could do it, if there is good qb play, that is a big if ha, man Tommy I don't know he is not very good from what I've seen so far.
Got to say younggun who I have been talking to, and splitting bets occasionally he is a big bitch. Will post it, cuz he won't pay what he owes me. Well we have been going in together on some bets, and we won some money, and I just put em in at the Lincoln track, which was ok for him cuz I didn't screw him over like he is me. I paid when we won earlier a bunch. Now we just lost a few and he is fucking me, he owes me 636 bucks, and it has been for a week, fucking no money, haven't seen it. Guess should just figure anybody I talk to regularly and become friends with can't trust their ass, nope. I said before we started splitting pick 5 bets, if we get up over 500 or down over 500, somebody is sending a moneygram or western union, he agreed, now he is fucking me, fucking me in the ass, not paying.
Oh well, he will get what he deserves. I mean it isn't a big deal 636 bucks, fuck that isn't close to what I sent him in winnings. You know though nobody wants to send money for sure just get it, guess I better expect him not to pay since it's been a fucking week, lol, won't break me, but I'm not splitting anymore tickets with him. What a fucking douche, I pay him a bunch and then we lose a few in a row, and he won't pay. Fuck if anybody wants to tell younggun to pay me and man up, and not be a bitch, go ahead, he is another member. Shit I am the one without a job, and he is making 50 k+ a year, think he could pay me back for the bets we lost. It is really bullshit, fucking pay your bets dude, what the hell? I paid you when we won, I didn't pocket the fucking cash. Now we lose and younggun is just not paying me back, this is really fucked.
Just had to vent on here about that. I mean it is crazy, I paid younggun when we won, now he is fucking me over. Guess oh well, he can just fucking not pay, and be a big bitch.
Probably talk to yg tomorrow and there will be another excuse as to why he can't send the money I'm sure, he was too busy with work this past week. When CVS is open all damn night to send moneygrams, and there is no reason other than he has a girlfriend and other stuff going on besides gambling ha, what the fuck, that is a sorry excuse. Shit u drive by a CVS anywhere you go including leaving work, those are everywhere mothafucka.
Shit I better go to bed. Sure this won't help in getting my money ha, no he will be even more resolute in not paying me after this. What a fucking turd, I mean I paid him when we won, now we lost a few, and nothing, fucking nothing. And shit he has the kick ass job making 50 k + a year, and what do I have, yep nothing, fucking nothing, and he is refusing to pay me the 636 bucks. What the hell kind of fuck does that? Shit especially when I paid him a bunch more when we won, a lot more. I wasn't gonna fuck him over, I could have pocketed the cash if I wanted. Guess he figured this guy will pay, then if we lose I'm not paying ha, fuck I may make a trip to Minnesota I guess.
Yeah guess I better quit talking about that squabble between me and younggun. He should pay, but he won't I guess. Yeah nothing like fucking over somebody that paid you a bunch, and a guy that has no job, that is great man, you are a class act yg.

Oh well, gonna hit this Delaware pick 5. Will be back tomorrow at 11 or so central time to make changes, cuz there will be scratches I'm sure.
Assumed you were in the joint Tuck

Hope you bang one out at Delaware bud, internet folks don't tend to have a ton of integrity, just live and learn there
Yeah Lloyd and KJ, back on here. No Delaware today they cancelled the races ha. Says that a severe storm caused a washout at the 1/8th pole on the track last night, I'll be damned. I checked the weather there and it didn't look all that bad yesterday, kind of strange, says they had maybe .25 of an inch of precipitation guess it could have been more at exactly where the track is located, not sure. Today it is clear and sunny there, no bad weather. I figured there wouldn't be any weather problems today there, guess I figured wrong. Damn now there is nothing to do today. Well there is Presque later they have two pick 4's, those races start at 4:25 central time. Gonna check those out, see what I come up with. Will put those bets up on here, sure probably nobody cares, but will anyway.

And yeah KJ, I heard from yg this morning, and guess what? No money ha, guess he isn't gonna pay me. It is crazy cuz he trusted me, and yeah I paid when we won. Now we are down 636 each, and no money coming my way been over a week now. I mean we haven't been splitting tickets all the time or anything just sometimes, you know occasionally. Thing is he has been winning here lately, and still isn't sending me anything. Fuck he hit a pick 5 at Saratoga for about 22 k or something like that, you would think the fuck could settle up with me on the 636 bucks, no big deal, but no.

Well anyway gonna check out Presque Isle for some pick 4's see what they look like. Will be back later after I figure if I wanna do anything there or not. If they look super chalky or have real small fields I won't bother.
Well here's the Presque Isle ticket. Not sure if this is a great idea to put so much money on it, since it may be chalky, guess we'll see on that.

Presque race 1

.50 pick 4, 2,4,5,6,7,9/1,2,3,4/2,3,4,6/1,2 so it's 96 bucks total

Kind of need a price to come in the 1st leg or I'm screwed ha. Oh well, think it could happen. I'm not overly confident, but maybe it will. If I don't get a long shot in the 1st race then I'm not really gonna make much on the ticket. Also need the 1 or 2 in the last race. The 8 is favored, but she is stranded on the outside with speed to her inside, which should park her pretty wide on the turn. She hasn't ever been real wide yet, so think that hurts her chances, well hopefully anyway.
The late pick 4 at Presque I'm not gonna bother with. There aren't any horses running there in the later races, so fuck that shit. Come on long shot in the 1st race baby, then we could get paid, otherwise probably not.
I meant earlier that the 8 the favorite I'm going against in the last leg, hasn't been real wide lately, so hope that fucks her up with that outside post with speed to her inside.
Ha that was some shit at Presque, the jockey fell off the damn 5 horse in the 1st race right at the gate, then he was still laying there when the horses were turning for home. So everybody pulled up, declared no race. Well it was a mile 70 yards, so the race went around the whole track, and the starting gate was right about at the finish line. Man I have never seen that I don't think. It really sucks cuz my 6 horse at 10-1 was moving like a machine around the turn heading for home, can't say for sure if he would have made it, but he had a good shot, will say that. Guess have to settle for 86 bucks or something, don't remember exactly what I got, ended up losing 11 bucks or so on the damn thing. Too bad they couldn't finish the race cuz I think my 6 at 10-1 was gonna do it, then would have made 1 k or so probably, somewhere around there I think, or a bit more, oh well. That fucking Feliciano couldn't move his ass off the track ha, that is really being an asshole saying that, I hope he's okay, he did take a hell of a spill there.

Anyway won the Mountaineer early pick 4, and that paid 1437.80 so boooooooom!!!! Yeah bitch, I was gonna put it up, but I don't have the CTG on my phone. I see when I'm posting now it says posted using mobile device, but no it isn't, I'm on my home computer. The Mountaineer pick 4 was great, cuz the 1st leg of the pick 4 was taken off the turf, and the favorites were awful on dirt, I could see that. They ran awful like it looked like they would. Fuck the 6 horse was 7/5 and he had never run worth a damn on the dirt, good on turf yes, but not on dirt. It looked like a total crap shoot, and it was, a 37-1 came in the 1 horse on the rail. So got paid. Suppose I may put up a post tomorrow about something. I'm not real sure what I will bet cuz there aren't any great options, but maybe something will look okay. Gonna have to check em out.
That Mountaineer pick 4 was fucking great, ha, the favorites were completely terrible on dirt in the 1st leg, race 2 there. That shit got moved from turf to dirt, and I was looking at it like oh my, there could be some crazy shit here, and yep 37-1 the 1 horse. Should probably get to looking at Finger Lakes now or Parx, guess the Presque goes later as well tomorrow.

That was crazy at Presque though, man, I am trying to remember if I have ever seen that, and I don't think so. Guess I am not a die hard horse guy that has just been doing this forever and seen everything. Somewhat new to doing this day in and day out. Fuck I would just dabble a little on the horses, bet a bit on em here and there, now I bet em everyday all day.
I don't know if I should bet Parx, those motherfuckers just kick out horses for next to nothing there, ha, it is pretty crazy. Well I haven't been betting it, but I see when I'm out there at the track what they do, they are booting horses for anything there, shit you don't even have to touch a horse, but if you just come over a bit and make him alter course a little, your fucking gone, lol. I mean shit in New York at Belmont and Saratoga your jockey has to punch a horse or the other jockey to get disqualified, basically. I can't remember exactly the day, but there was a horse at Belmont that about caused a huge disaster and wreck, by swinging out into another horse, just cuz he was fucked, cuz tired horses were backing up into him, and he was gonna lose all momentum. So he swung out his horse fucking slammed another horse in the face with his ass, and then the horse he hit almost fell, but no disqualification ha, and I was pissed cuz that fucker won, then I had the 2nd place horse that would have paid 1200 on the pick 5. One thing I have learned so far with the horses, New York there are no rules, you can do whatever the hell you want to win there.
Hell I don't know what day that was. I thought I maybe knew, but it wasn't right. Belmont or Saratoga though if you can cheat do it, whatever it takes, no disqualifications there for sure.