Definition - cap the cappers

30,000 Foot View: Being able to generally separate the good cappers from the not-good cappers

More Granular: Of the good, being able to identify general strengths and weaknesses -- e.g., success with specific sports/leagues

Even More Granular: If you identify strengths of the good, being able to identify specific angles/spots where they are more (or less) successful -- e.g., teams; situational spots

my 2 cents
This is my term, I've used it for years...

I cap cappers.

What do I mean? Some of that has been covered.

One part that hasn't, I'll see someone that's went through a slump for a bit, took a break and starts capping again -- instant tail.

There are so many situations like this.

Also, some guys know their home teams and how to get them. Others are just emotional.

I generally do not use this for evil -- such as fading someone.

The due factor is big here.
I don't think there is no such as a due factor. Example. I was playing bacarat last night on line. The banker won 12 hands in a row. Banker lost the next hand. After that hand won the 6 in a row. That's 18 out of 19 hands. I wonder how many people went broke playing the due. Due is a mythical word in gambling.
I had a slump and took a break and I'm back again
This is my term, I've used it for years...

I cap cappers.

What do I mean? Some of that has been covered.

One part that hasn't, I'll see someone that's went through a slump for a bit, took a break and starts capping again -- instant tail.

There are so many situations like this.

Also, some guys know their home teams and how to get them. Others are just emotional.

I generally do not use this for evil -- such as fading someone.

The due factor is big here.
I had a MLB slump and took a 24 hr break and I'm back again. Ready for you to tail :D
Capping a capper is difficult - without knowing what criteria they used to produce any plays.
Over the years, guys who posted tip sheets, have posted plays based on trends.

But there is no capping factor statistically/scientifically, for each team that can be validated into that trend.

How many tip sheets have been able to post a play with statistics or production numbers/ and say we are on Team A because they statistically have all these factors that show us the final score?

The trends always ended because the original players who created them for any length of time - were no longer with those teams or their opponents, who were no longer in that same capacity against them.. Therfore making them useless from game to game or season to season.

Most successful cappers are those who can win 54% or more over a period or years. Not just by one winning season or one losing season.

Until we all can find the criteria a capper used, capping one of them, is a guess.