Declaring for NFL Draft and Not Playing in Bowl Thread

Soon we'll need a separate thread on who is and isn't playing in bowl games
BAR usually fires up the inevitable suspensions thread (whether grades or too much free time) before the bowls, just saying that I'm guessing it will become increasingly popular for guys that declare to skip as well.
Miami Florida and FSU arrests are usually awesome this time of year ...

Senior ineligibility is usually awesome this time of year ....

Suspensions .....

Declarations for draft ....

I will just check donbest game week
Miami Florida and FSU arrests are usually awesome this time of year ...

Senior ineligibility is usually awesome this time of year ....

Suspensions .....

Declarations for draft ....

I will just check donbest game week
FSU arrest won’t matter. Not going to a bowl. As far as Juniors, any FSU junior that receives a grade better dart. It is not going to get any better.
Just like things we shouldn't expect to hear:

Army isn't fielding a full squad due to....
BAR usually fires up the inevitable suspensions thread (whether grades or too much free time) before the bowls, just saying that I'm guessing it will become increasingly popular for guys that declare to skip as well.
That's a good idea. Feel free to start it, we'll pin these if need be.
Really a no win situation. He has gotten worse every year. He obviously won't get drafted. His best case scenario is to make it on a team as a UDFA in the right spot and impress. We'll see. You never know.
Similar to Browning. Reminds me of the annually diminishing career of Logan Thomas yet we wasted a 4th rounder on that guy :hang:
I get how old players get worse but not young ones. Old guys lose their athletic ability over time. But what do young guys lose?

Maybe Browning just needs some wide receivers again, a speedster like Pettis who creates separation

Cant remember the last time I even saw LJ lmao. He has the Le‘Veol Bell style tho, patience and waiting for holes to develop. He was great in last year‘s bowl. Sparty run-blocking is abysmal tho (98th in stuff rate for example) a guy like Bell and LJ too need a good o-like that can open some holes for them to quickly sneak through. Ofc any rb can say that to a degree which I guess is why Steelers aren‘t missing Bell with Conner in there
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IF a player has NFl aspirations he SHOULD NOT PLAY in a bowl game-- ITS A NO WIN SITUATION-

Some players take out insurance policies but the best move is to wake up and understand some cold hard truths which players clearly understand-

1- Make the $$ decision that is best for the player and his family- Loser fans and others opinion do not matter--

2- The university operates as a business- Uses the players bodies and health for profit-- Pays only the coach millions a year while players consent to life long CTE-
So the player should treat his career and skills the same way--

3- I respect NICK BOSA, why play for Ohio state? Who cares about Ohio state? They are a money hungry organization- Couldnt tell the difference between right and wrong-

4- The right thing to do is take care of yourself and your future-- THE WRONG thing to do in baby boomer fashion is to start thinking about ideals and the fairy tale story of I'm an alumni of the school, all this pride bs and family bs-- All illusion-- Players are there to make the school money-- end of story---
When Terrel Prior tried to make a few dollars selling memorabilia he was punished lol while the NCAA makes millions selling their jerseys-

I hope this is a movement where all NFL bound players start skipping bowl games!
The only negative is the teams may suck in bowl games, so its much harder to cap the game--

Players only played before in bowl games because they were brainwashed by culture into things like tradition, family, alumni, teammates etc-- ALL NONSENSE--

Now recenlty this new younger millenial generation WHO IS AWAKE, and not brainwashed like the baby boomers understand a lot more about the way the POWER and CONTROL structure work--
These players are awake and arent idiots-- THey realize they are being used for profit-- This is why they are skipping the bowl games-- It makes perfect sense--

Why risk injury for a university that would throw you to the wolves if you werent making the uiniversity any money? Does the university assist former star players who are broke later in life?

So not playing is not only the smartest financial decision, its the moral decision as well-- Its called moral courage--

Before players were manipulated and brainwashed into playing believing they were morally doing the right thing by playing-- Thats how brainwashing 101 works folks
Agree with your philosophy Sammy, but I would add one important factor--almost every bowl is a fraud. They may have started out with pure ideas, but almost every one of them is a slime pit now.

There may be one or two that don't fit that description, but even the big ones are rackets. Look up Iowa's trip to the Orange Bowl. The bowl requires that competing teams bring their bands and that the bands perform, but the public is unaware the band members have to buy tickets. The bowls are world class money grubbers and will vacuum every cent out of the pockets of students and fans if they can find a way to do it.

Look up the bloated salaries of the people who run the Sugar Bowl and how much money they have in the bank.

Most bowls would go out of business immediately if they did not require the competing teams to buy thousands of tickets. As a result most teams lose money going to bowls. And that includes even the biggest bowls. Then add in the number of suits from the athletic department and faculty members who free load, all expenses paid, and you see there is a dark side to the bowl business.

Players are smart to ignore bowl trips and protect themselves. If a player is on one of the four teams in the playoffs I can see why they want to play, but for all other bowls it makes no sense if a kid has a future in the NFL.

There is a funny side to the trend though. I have no doubt that by next year we will start to see guys who have zero future opting out, the same way we see basketball players who have zero chance of ever playing pro basketball declare for the draft every spring. It allows them to pretend they have talent and it gets their name in the paper.
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Agree with your philosophy Sammy, but I would add one important factor--almost every bowl is a fraud. They may have started out with pure ideas, but almost every one of them is a slime pit now.

There may be one or two that don't fit that description, but even the big ones are rackets. Look up Iowa's trip to the Orange Bowl. The bowl requires that competing teams bring their bands and that the bands perform, but the public is unaware the band members have to buy tickets. The bowls are world class money grubbers and will vacuum every cent out of the pockets of students and fans if they can find a way to do it.

Look up the boated salaries of the people who run the Sugar Bowl and how much money they have in the bank.

Most bowls would go out of business immediately if they did not require the competing teams to buy thousands of tickets. As a result most teams lose money going to bowls. And that includes even the biggest bowls. Then add in the number of suits from the athletic department and faculty members who free load, all expenses paid, and you see there is a dark side to the bowl business.

Players are smart to ignore bowl trips and protect themselves. If a player is on one of the four teams in the playoffs I can see why they want to play, but for all other bowls it makes no sense if a kid has a future in the NFL.

There is a funny side to the trend though. I have no doubt that by next year we will start to see guys who have zero future opting out, the same way we see basketball players who have zero chance of ever playing pro basketball declare for the draft every spring. It allows them to pretend they have talent and it gets their name in the paper.

Brilliant post--

Skipping bowls is awesome to do- The BS media and baby boomer lovers are the ones who questioned the move from the start? Trying to use ideals to paint the player as ANTI SCHOOL or selling out his team mates etc--

The students who travel and pay absurd prices to go to bowl games are SHEEP-- Brainwashed Sheep--

They are brainwashed into thinking they are a part of the school etc,, I have pride in my school, i support my school-- Guess what sheep? THe school doesent give a shit about you? They only want your money and thats it. They wont even protect you if you are the victim of harassment and abuse!

The main motivator in all instititions is MONEY- The sheep are easily brainwashed because they are willing to believe in anything.
It's hard to get access to records from the bowls, but I believe every team that plays in the early games loses money by accepting the bid. The cost of the tickets they are forced to buy always exceeds the amount they get from the bowls and the expenses the teams incur.

And even teams in the big bowls fail to break even in many years.

Yahoo sports has done extensive reporting on the bowl financing and Dan Wetzel, the top college football reporter wrote a book about the bowl scam I believe. If you search the net you can find a lot of solid reporting dealing with the issue. If I have time later I think I saved a couple of articles and if I can find them I'll post them.
Love the value I'll get on Memphis team total even more now. Still bet they get 50+
LSU NT Ed Alexander declares and isn’t playing. Between injuries, declarations, and targeting suspensions, the LSU defense is in really bad shape going into this one.