Deadspin article on Greg Hardy


Old Man Dan
Not only should this guy not be allowed to play football, he should be behind bars. He is a complete animal (a word we love to use here at CTG) and a sociopath and is a danger to society. What an absolute piece of shit.

Jolly Roger shows Martavis Bryan who's boss when he smokes a joint, but Greg Hardy gets the same amount of games and is back on the field. What a disgrace. Hopefully this article ups the outrage and they have to suspend him.
These photos going public are going to make it very difficult for Jeriah to sign his beloved defender
Not only should this guy not be allowed to play football, he should be behind bars. He is a complete animal (a word we love to use here at CTG) and a sociopath and is a danger to society. What an absolute piece of shit.

Jolly Roger shows Martavis Bryan who's boss when he smokes a joint, but Greg Hardy gets the same amount of games and is back on the field. What a disgrace. Hopefully this article ups the outrage and they have to suspend him.

Well I'm not sure how the NFL would be able to suspend him again for this. They already did that, it was appealed, and he's now eligible to play. If they tried to suspend him again for the same thing, there's little chance that suspension would be upheld.
Is it proven that he stopped his medication? If so he has an excuse.

When someone is bi-polar and off their meds they can become extremely violent and unpredictable.
Is it proven that he stopped his medication? If so he has an excuse.

When someone is bi-polar and off their meds they can become extremely violent and unpredictable.

bi-polar + off their meds + cocaine + alcohol + roid rage = that situation
^^^ Somewhat agree with this statement but when the majority of the NFL fanbase makes Brady out to be such an asshole & this piece of shit is unknown to the casual fan, something isn't right.
These photos going public are going to make it very difficult for Jeriah to sign his beloved defender

Not really. Jerry just needs to go to the Hillary supporter playbook and say there is nothing new in that report. Which in this case is true, since the NFL already had access to the photos when they set their punishment.