Daytona Part II


Pretty much a regular
Races won from starting pos 1: 7 [of 58 Daytona 500's]
Races won from starting pos 1: 26 [of 139 total points races]
Races won from starting pos 2: 19
Races won from starting pos 3: 11
Races won from starting pos 4: 12
Races won from starting pos 5: 6
Races won from starting pos 6: 7
Races won from starting pos 7: 7
Races won from starting pos 8: 7
Races won from starting pos 9: 12
Races won from starting pos 10: 1
Races won from starting pos 11: 3
Races won from starting pos 12: 4
Races won from starting pos 13: 4
Races won from starting pos 14: 1
Races won from starting pos 15: 6
Races won from starting pos 19: 4
Races won from starting pos 21: 1
Races won from starting pos 30: 1
Races won from starting pos 32: 2
Races won from starting pos 33: 1
Races won from starting pos 34: 1 [Daytona 500]
Races won from starting pos 38: 1 [July Race]
Races won from starting pos 39: 1 [Daytona 500]
Races won from starting pos 42: 1 [July Race]
Races won from the top 5: 74 of 139
Races won from the top 10: 108 of 139
Races won from the top 15: 126 of 139
X race
sadler 5 = 37.5
e jones 4 = 32
suarez 4 = 39
ty 4 = 48
gaughan 2 = 31

Parley 4 = 51.24
Poole over reed
TY over Byron
Gaughan over Mears
Tift over Custer
X race
sadler 5 = 37.5
e jones 4 = 32
suarez 4 = 39
ty 4 = 48
gaughan 2 = 31

Parley 4 = 51.24
Poole over reed
TY over Byron
Gaughan over Mears
Tift over Custer

-23 Saturday afternoon
Grand total -30.21 after MI monster race

Had a few plays Saturday night but didn't have a chance to post them. It was for the best has I lost a few bucks.