Dante Stallworth hits pedestrian who dies.


Raider Nation for Life

MIAMI BEACH, Fla. -- Police in Miami Beach say Cleveland Browns wide receiver Donte Stallworth has hit and killed a pedestrian with his Bentley.
Police spokesman Juan Sanchez says Stallworth hit a man crossing the busy causeway that links downtown Miami with Miami Beach around 7 a.m. Saturday.
The man was pronounced dead at a trauma center. He was near a crosswalk but it's not clear if he was crossing legally.
Stallworth is cooperating and no charges have been filed. Officers drew his blood to test for drugs or alcohol, which is routine. Police say it's too early to tell if Stallworth was violating traffic laws.
The 28-year-old former New England Patriot signed a seven-year, $35 million contract with the Browns as a free agent before last season but hardly played because he was hurt.

Wow, I hope for his sake he wasn't under the influence of anything.
guaranteed way to ruin your weekend, vehicular homicide sucks. tough rap to beat unless this dead guy was crossing illegally.

if he was in the cross walk its almost impossible to beat.

bad situation.
He admitted to drinking 4 patrons and 2 margaritas but claimed to have stopped drinking at midnight...

At 4pm on Friday, his $4.75 million roster bonus became guaranteed...
Yeah, there are a lot of jokes to be made about his talent or whatever, but someone's dead and that's just not right.

It looks really bad for Donte. Early morning, booze. They say the guy's a mess about this, and rightfully so, but it looks really bad here.
I guess it'll be another year of poor production from this guy. The guy had one decent season and has been well compensated since. Whether he's nonproductive, injured, or locked up, I see nothing from him this year.
Obviously the fact that someone died here is more important than any of the rest of it.

However, if I were the Browns and this guy was going to jail you better believe I'd be on the phone to the league looking to get some cap relief. It's the Browns' contract, and they need to stay on the hook for the money they owe him, but if he were to be unable to play football for anyone because of something non-football related, I think they might have a case.

I don't remember if the NFL gave the Falcons some cap relief when Vick went to jail, but you better believe I'd be looking into it if I were the Browns.

Posted by Mike Florio on March 15, 2009, 8:43 p.m.
We realize that the newspaper business is struggling. But we didn’t realize that one of the plans for salvaging the industry involving reprising the 80s-era Faces of Death series.
The Miami Herald has posted at its web site video of the aftermath of Saturday’s collision involving Donte’ Stallworth’s Bentley and 59-year-old Mario Reyes.
The video — which appears with a disclaimer that the images are graphic — includes shots of emergency workers attempting to revive Mr. Reyes, who would later die.
The video also shows Stallworth, standing on the sidewalk as police shine a light into his eyes as part of a field sobriety test.
The video doesn’t really show much of anything worth much of anything. So why in the hell did they post it?
If this is how the old media plans to compete with the new media, the old media will be gone sooner than anyone ever realized.
And no one will really miss it.
The only new information of note in the latest article is that a witness claims that the incident occurred after Stallworth tried to beat a red light by going around a vehicle that already had stopped at the light. If that’s the case, Stallworth might be in big trouble even if his blood alcohol content was below the legal limit.
The only new information of note in the latest article is that a witness claims that the incident occurred after Stallworth tried to beat a red light by going around a vehicle that already had stopped at the light. If that’s the case, Stallworth might be in big trouble even if his blood alcohol content was below the legal limit.

If this is true three things are going to happen:

1. Stallworth is going to go to jail.

2. His NFL career will be over.

3. He is going to be haunted for the rest of his life.

Obviously I feel for the family and friends of the victim, but this situation is f**king horrible for everyone involved.
Yeah...Stallworths kind of a weird dude too

I remember some story about him having like this imaginary alien best friend or something

dude has a screw loose to begin with
dude has a screw loose to begin with

Exactly. There are emotional stable people in this league, but I don't think he's one. I don't think he's as bad as a T.O., but I'm pretty sure he's a pretty sensitive dude. When the Saints let him go I think he talked about feeling betrayed and hurt or whatever.

The first reports were that he was kind of a mess when he learned this guy died, and rightly so, but if he's a little off to begin with I'm not sure I see this turning out even anywhere close to good for this guy emotionally.
uh oh...

A South Florida TV station reports that Donte' Stallworth was "slightly" over the legal alcohol limit when his vehicle collided with pedestrian Mario Reyes last weekend, killing Reyes.

Stallworth's attorney and Miami police will not confirm the report. If the report proves accurate, police could charge Stallworth with DUI manslaughter, a felony calling for up to 15 years in prison. Mar. 19 - 1:04 pm et
Source: CBS 4 Miami

Posted by Mike Florio on March 19, 2009, 12:51 p.m.
A television station in Miami reportedly is reporting that Brown receiver Donte’ Stallworth was “slightly” over the legal limit of 0.08 percent blood-alcohol concentration when his vehicle collided with Mario Reyes, a pedestrian who died as a result of the Saturday morning collision.
CBS4 in Miami reports that the report, which was made at noon by a local television station that CBS4 didn’t identify, could not be confirmed by Miami Beach police or by Stallworth’s lawyer.
If the report is accurate, Stallworth is in serious legal jeopardy. In Florida, DUI manslaughter carries a maximum sentence of 15 years.
In contrast, Leonard Little served only 90 days a decade ago after killing Susan Gutweiler while Little drove drunk.
Regardless of the manner in which the potential criminal proceedings unfold, Stallworth also faces enormous civil liability. The fact that he earned a $4.875 million roster bonus the day before the incident could make $4.875 million the bottom-line demand for the eventual settlement discussions.
Then again, Stallworth might never get that $4.875 million from the Browns, depending on the language of his contract and the manner in which it would be interpreted by an arbitrator.
UPDATE: The report that Stallworth was over the limit comes from WVSN in Miami. The online version does not include the word “slightly.”
.08 is right at that limit, so who knows how impaired he was, but he's going to be completely f**ked.

Sad story.
This is another lesson not to drive drunk. I always used to drink and drive because I always felt o.k. to physically drive. But it's not about that. For example, in this case, the pedestrian might have been at fault (maybe crossing on red, I dunno), but if the driver comes back over the limit, he's automatically in trouble.

The reason not to drink and drive isn't because you might be so drunk that could kill someone. The reason is that, even if other drivers/pedestrians mess up, you're STILL responsible and automatically at fault.
Whoa, I read it wrong. I thought he was at .08, but apparently he was at .12.

Donte, free advice, do not spare an expense on your lawyer unless you like taking it in the *ss.
He`s screwd ..If i had his money i would go on the lamb ..I always wanted to be a hunted outlaw but you need resources and he has them..I`d leave a million for the family
<hr style="color: rgb(209, 209, 225); background-color: rgb(209, 209, 225);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Browns do have some options if Stallworth is unable to play

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Tony Grossi
Plain Dealer Reporter

Dana Point, Calif. - The Browns protected themselves with specific language in receiver Donté Stallworth's contract that allows them to recover the roster bonus he earned one day before his car struck and killed a pedestrian on March 14.
But sources at the NFL owners meetings said the team likely will have to wage a legal fight to recoup the money if Stallworth is unable to perform for the Browns in 2009.
A copy of the contract obtained by The Plain Dealer shows that Stallworth earned a $4.5 million bonus by being on the team's 80-player roster on the 15th day of the 2009 league year, which was March 13.

The bonus is payable in installments of $2.25 million on May 15, 2009, and $2.25 million on Jan. 15, 2010.
Contract language states that if Stallworth fails to play because of, among other things, a league or team suspension, "he shall forfeit and immediately return" the bonus previously paid.
The contract states Stallworth would be liable to repay the full $4.5 million if he breaches the contract on or before Feb. 1, 2010.
The 2009 roster bonus was guaranteed whether or not the Browns released Stallworth. He also has a $1 million roster bonus for 2010.
Stallworth has not been charged in the Miami Beach, Fla., accident, pending further investigation by authorities.
The contract language does not automatically guarantee repayment. The last league collective bargaining agreement extension in 2006 greatly limited teams' abilities to recoup bonus money from players.
"We lost all that stuff [in the extension]," a league source said <!-- / message --> <!-- sig --> __________________
Every player needs to have something if their contracts to say they don't get paid if they go out and do something stupid like this.
Both he and the Browns are so f**ked in 2009 it makes you want to cry, unless you're a Steelers/Ravens/Bengals fan.
what i dont get is why hes driving along and sees this guy and instead of hitting the brakes...or even honking the horn...he keeps going and flashes his lights?!?!

Hit the brakes, moron
Stallworth to be charged in man's death

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<cite class="source"> ESPN.com news services
<!-- end mod-article-title --> <!-- begin story body --> <!-- template inline -->MIAMI -- Cleveland Browns wide receiver Donte Stallworth will be charged Wednesday with killing a pedestrian last month while driving drunk in Miami, people familiar with the case told The Associated Press.
ESPN's Michael Smith confirmed the story.
Two people told the AP that an arrest warrant charging the 28-year-old Stallworth with DUI manslaughter will be filed Wednesday in the March 14 accident that killed 59-year-old Mario Reyes. The people requested anonymity because the charges haven't been announced.

The charge carries a possible 15-year prison sentence. Stallworth's blood-alcohol level after the crash was .12, well above Florida's legal limit of .08, according to results of a blood test. Stallworth will also be charged with DUI, according to the people informed about the case.
Stallworth, who is expected to surrender in court Thursday, released a statement after the incident saying, "My family and I are grief-stricken over the tragic accident which occurred Saturday on Miami Beach where Mario Reyes sadly lost his life."
He returned to Cleveland and has been working out with the team, which Miami Beach police were aware of, according to Stallworth's attorney, Chris Lyons.
A Miami Beach police report said that Reyes was not in a crosswalk on busy MacArthur Causeway when he was struck by the Bentley luxury car driven by Stallworth. The construction crane operator was trying to catch a bus home after finishing his shift about 7:15 a.m.
The report also quoted Stallworth as saying he flashed his lights at Reyes in an attempted warning and that Stallworth was driving about 50 mph in a 40-mph zone.
Stallworth signed a seven-year, $35 million contract with the Browns before last season but was injured much of the year. He previously played for New England, Philadelphia and New Orleans.
.12 at 7am is pretty bad. When I got caught for underage drinking, I had .12 around 6am. I starting drinking around 7:30pm and stopped drinking around 1:00am. I had about 10-12 light beers. I have to assume he was partying all night, so he definitely drank a lot and was drunk when he hit the guy.
Interesting, Reyes was crossing illegally and Stallworth was speeding.
I would think the DUI would supercede the illegal cross because had he been sober, he probably could've stopped or avoided him. Either way, the guy is dead.
My mistake, his life has officially started to end today.

This story's just sad all around.

CLEVELAND -- Browns receiver Donte Stallworth has been charged with one count of DUI manslaughter, a second-degree felony, according to Ed Griffith, a spokesperson in the Miami-Dade County state attorney's office.

The charges stem from an accident in which Stallworth's car ran into and killed 59-year-old Mario Reyes. If convicted, Stallworth could be sentenced to a prison term of four to 15 years.

Stallworth's bond will be set at $200,000 and will allow him to live in both Florida and Ohio.

Stallworth, 28, will surrender Thursday in Miami Beach and will be appear in the court of Judge Dennis Murphy.

Stallworth's blood alchohol level was .126, which is above the legal limit in Flordia of .08, the spokesperson said.
I would think the DUI would supercede the illegal cross because had he been sober, he probably could've stopped or avoided him. Either way, the guy is dead.

DUI supercedes everything, you're right. I was thinking...What if Stallworth wasn't drunk? Does the pedestrian always have the righter way?
DUI supercedes everything, you're right. I was thinking...What if Stallworth wasn't drunk? Does the pedestrian always have the righter way?

Depends on the state. CA, yes. Most other states, outside of a crosswalk, I don't think so.

I believe Leonard Little got 90 days in jail for a DUI manslaughter in Florida. Stallworth has the cash to get out of this.

Perhaps. Though it feels somewhat like a different time now. But if you were Stallworth, there is only one thing to do right now and that is spend every single possible dollar necessary to make this thing go away.

Play it right and, you're right, you're Leonard Little, with money and a career ahead of you. Play it wrong and you're Rae Carruth or Charles Rogers.
never understood how these multi-millionares can't think to hire a driver..? Seems like a pretty simple solution to me.. but what the fuck do I know...