Dana White unloads on DeLaHoya


Pretty much a regular
Very good article on the feud between Dana White and Oscar De La Hoya.

Details their disagreements and also reveals for the first time--at least the first time I've seen it--the exact salaries the best MMA fighters have made over the years and it's a lot more than I thought most of these guys are making. Also reveals that Chuck Liddell has made a bundle from UFC every year since he retired. I guess that means the other UFC stars still make a good living after they retire

De la hoyas promotion cannot compete with Ufc

Ufc are worth billions and have billionaires backing them.

De la Hoya is millionaire and has millionaires backing his promotion
Very good article on the feud between Dana White and Oscar De La Hoya.

Details their disagreements and also reveals for the first time--at least the first time I've seen it--the exact salaries the best MMA fighters have made over the years and it's a lot more than I thought most of these guys are making. Also reveals that Chuck Liddell has made a bundle from UFC every year since he retired. I guess that means the other UFC stars still make a good living after they retire

Interesting article. I didn't know Liddell made that much over the years despite not fighting. I also didn't know he made that much in his final 3 fights, all losses.

I still think Dana can give a little more for the lower less know fighters. This is a multi billion dollar industry and the little guys gotta eat too. Kick down a little more for those guys cause a salary of $10k a fight is bullshit for sacrificing 3-4 months training, especially after taxes.

Dana was on First Take today and he had a lot to say regarding Oscar Dela Hoya and their feud. I'll try and get a video later and post it but it was entertaining, and you understand why Dana hates Oscar.
Dana is a douchebag in the Vince McMahon kind of way. He's built the product up as far as he could, now it's getting to that "create drama to stay relevant" stage which is dangerous. His love affair with Conor went so overboard that the bus attack that affected fighters careers was, for all intent, brushed under the rug. And the bullshit he spewed about Khabib not being able to fight in the US again after that fight, while clearly he was already plotting the next match is making this more entertainment than sport. Which sucks because there are great fights out there and have been great fights recently.

When the primary figurehead of the sport is a promotor, it's inevitably won't end well. Important to be involved, but the athletes need to be the stars...yet Dana is the star of the UFC. The act is old, his vendetta against Oscar is played out, and for UFC he's obviously done well for the brand but it's high time he turns it over to someone who less needs the spotlight. UFC fans will always be UFC fans, just like NASCAR, golf, etc...but when they get big so fast the latter two have seen how quickly viewership diminishes once the casual audience moves on. It's vital in any business to continue getting that fringe business and he's losing it by making it all about him.

Screw him, move on. Just like we know when a HOF'er should hang em up so they don't go out in disgrace, same deal here. He's done his part, now move on to someone who's more about promoting the product, fewer and more in demand events than getting his oversized head in front of a camera at every turn. Bell curves turn down very quickly and there's enough brains behind this sport to know that.

Oscar feud is pointless, petty, juvenile, not interesting.
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Yes it’s time for Dana to move on.

Have a commissioner and a separate promoter.

Also Ufc should actually create fights based on merit. Not based on pay per view buys.

Tony Ferguson deserves Khabib. Not mcgregor rematch.

Yeah agree kj. Ufc is in deep waters due to greed.

Their greed is so sickening. I for one believe the Ufc could either ascend to a big 4 level of sports like nfl Nva nhl mlb etc. Or it could be irrelevant and follow the route of the Usfl and cease to exist.

1- Ufc is going to lose credibility as a fight league that fits mixed martial artists vs each other.

Cormier vs Lesnar? Really? Brock is irrelevant. Old and drugged up to the nines. Are the fans really this stupid to want to watch brock?
Khabib vs Mayweather talk!!! Total nonsense.

Mcgregor possibility of rematch with Kgabib.
Because you know Connors grappling was no better than a preschoolers. He got completely dominated in the grappling wrestling game.

2- Lack of fighter safety.

Ortega fight being example. If not for the doctor stoppage his corner was going to throw him out there for round 5.
With this stupidity a fighter will get killed in the ring.

That will end the Ufc imo.

3- over saturation of product.

If you over sell your product ppl don’t take it seriously.
There is an Ufc event on seems every week.

This is countered by a deep roster of fighters. More athletes are getting into mma which increases its talent level. Etc.

But if they keep favouring fighters and denying the fans the right fights ppl will turn away.

Ferguson khabib

Stipe miocic deserves a rematch ASAP!! Not Connor.
Miocic has most title defenses ever.
By the way Stipe has the most title defenses in heavy weight which is harder to do.

Stipe Miocic is not appreciated by the Ufc despite being clearly the best fighter easily in the history of the Ufc.

Stipe Laps Jon Jones all day long. He laps Holloway gsp as well.

Jon Jones is a complete fraud. I don’t even think he’s an average mma fighter and I will explain.

Jones entire fighting style and game plan relies on him having a 7+ inches reach advantage over all his opponents. Vs Cormier he had a 13.5 inch reach advantage.

So jones fights and bases his style on his tremendous reach advantage.

Jones does not fight guys his own size with similar reach. He just doesent know how to fight that way.
Vs Gustafson the reach edge was limited and Jones lost that fight.

Holloway is the same thing. Put Holloway against a fighter with same reach advantage and he won’t know how to fight.

Miocic on other hand beat all these heavy weights with similar reaches.

Give me a 7-9 inch reach advantage and train me and I’ll kick everyone’s ass also from the outside.

It’s all about reach.

Put jones vs someone his own size he is no more than a 50-50 fighter. 20 wins 20 losses
I ran into Gsp at Tim Horton’s in Montreal before his fight with john finch.

The guy was massive. I couldn’t believe he cuts to 170.

He was easily 200 lbs. thick and built like a pro nfl safety. Thick everywhere.

It was this incredible size and strength that allowed Gsp to khabib all his opponents. Just grab then tackle and get the decision win

If Gsp fought a guy with his similar strength size like a Kevin lee he would lose. But Kevin lee wasn’t Around back then and Gsp fought guys who side wise reach and stevgth wise were deficient.

Fights have to be fair fights. Reach height etc.
Worst part is boxing legitimately gave them the blueprint on this to figure out where they failed and while many will say corruption, ultimately it came down to promotion. But upon further review, did boxing really fail or just realize that most of the sports world is willing to gather around a couple time a year on a Saturday night for the event. It's where boxing fits in the sports landscape...couple, three times a year max and ridiculous paydays for the few which is very smart.

People (tons of women) who think mma or boxing are too violent to remotely watch will still get together for a colossal event, like women who hate football but won't miss that SuperBowl party. MMA/UFC need to create that...the great cards bleed together way too easily with the others because of over saturation.

I mean, my mother who is almost 70 is going to watch the Bones fight w/me on 12/29 because it's interesting. She hates MMA but loves JBJ, gotta market appropriately.
The best fighters in the Ufc are the ones who can win the title but win the title by beating opponents who are similar in height reach weight etc.

Not the fighters who need a 15 inch reach advantage and 3 inch height advantage to win.

Explain to me friends?? What’s so difficult about beating a smaller man with shorter arms and legs?

Alabama doesent crown itself champions after beating Troy in college football.

Same idea.

# no reach edge # fair fights # Jon Jones fighting a grade 7 kid. # Cormier dropping to 155 lol
# Grade 12 kid beats grade 9 kid !
If fighters want to set them themselves up financially for life they have to train to be a better fighter but also train in the art of dropping weight while still remaining strong enough to fight.

If a middling or decent fighter is smart he would adopt the Holloway approach.

Holloway walks at 185lbs. He competes at 145.
He could compete at 170 155 easily. Even Dana is telling him he’s too big.

If I’m Michael bisping I’m unretiring eating veggies and dropping to 155.

He could cut a quick 40 lbs and go to work as a light heavyweight champion.

Khabib should drop to 145 or 135 to further increase his record to 88-0.

Khabib is easily a 170 pound fighter.

The weight differences mask the lack of technical ability by these Ufc fighters. Most aren’t experts at a single discipline and receive a crash course on wrestling boxing Jui Jitsu theee days.

I know a guy who recently made Ufc heavyweight roster. Great wrestler but not really a martial artists doesent know Jui Jitsu or any solid boxing.

The skill level is hidden by matching fighter up with mismatched heights-reaches which makes Holloway look like Mayweather.
There is a fine line between making a match that UFC fan thinks is warranted and one that Joe Public wants to see. Bridging that gap is necessary, rarely do they both completely intersect. Of course it could have in boxing but they waited 5+ years too many for Pac-May...as with anything entertainment, there has to be an "it" factor that transcends just being good at the sport itself. To remain relevant it has to be interesting moreso to Joe Public than the fan of the sport.

For instance, most people who don't know MMA would have no clue who Tony Ferguson is. Period. Marketing is 90% of the business like it or not. Maybe he needs to do something crazy like eat a live chicken or something, I don't know. But be marketable first, be a great fighter second. Otherwise it's just a club, not sports/entertainment.
Agree with your thoughts, Sammy, but yes, fans are stupid enough to think Brock is a legit MMA heavyweight fighter and will pay for it.

It annoys me, but I understand why UFC will bring him back as long as fans will pay for it.

A lot of smaller fish, including De Lay Hoya, are nibbling around the edges of UFC by making fights with washed up fighters that true UFC fans know are washed up, but the public will pay for. Look at all the washed up guys who are making money for Bellator. Those guys might win a street fight, but they can't last a round with current UFC fighters.

I have always thought the biggest threat to UFC is for a McMahon or some other promoter to create a pro wrestling version of UFC and use these old washed up fighters and steroid frauds like Brock in scripted, show business fights like pro wrestling. I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.

I recall when Bruce Baumgartner, two golds and a silver at super heavyweight in the Olympics, said, "I can tear both arms off Hulk Hogan and stuff them down his throat, but I can't make a cent and he's a rich man." Not a single pro wrestling fan even knew who Bruce was. Or cared.

White is in a tough spot. UFC does a far better job than Boxing of telling fighters when it's time to move on, but if fans are willing to pay hundreds of millions to watch something as fake as pro wrestling, then the UFC has to walk a fine line when their choice is to make millions, or let some guy like McMahon make the millions, with guys like Brock who who shouldn't even be fighting in real MMA fights.
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Ha! That would like like that DeNiro/Stallone movie where two old geezers get in the ring.

White looks like a very tough guy who was probably a wrestler and we know De La Hoya is tough. Depends on whether it is boxing rules or MMA rules. I'd watch it, but I wouldn't pay to watch it.

Don't know how many on here recall, but there was a short-lived series where celebrities who had a feud would put on gloves and get in the ring and have a three round fight. The only one I recall is Geraldo Rivera got pissed off at something Frank Stallone (Sly's brother) said and challenged him to a fight.

Rivera was giving away about 25 pounds and the only thing I remember is they really got after each other. I can't recall who won, but I remember being impressed at how tough Geraldo was.
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Dana himself was a boxer.

He was decent obviously not on the level of de la dola .

Dana would never fight. If Dana is smart he should avoid speaking about de la dopa. He’s irrelevant. Dana is giving him free media when he talks about him.

Dana you are loaded successfull. Don’t stoop down to de la doulas level
I remember Manute Bol stepping over the top rope in celebrity boxing, can't remember who he fought

Kj you may be a genius.

Manute bol is retired and free.

I think he could weigh in at 155 or 170.

He should train Ufc. He could shed weight and no fighter could overcome his reach??

A friend just reminded me the Geraldo Rivera/Frank Stallone fight was on a TV show that Howard Stern had for a while.

I think Micky Rourke was far and away the best celebrity fighter. He fought real fighters, not other celebrities.
The Ufc should give out pensions to fighters.

The pensions compensation would be as follows

5 fights with Ufc. $500 month for life

10 fights with Ufc. $1000 month for life

20 fights with Ufc $2000 month for life

Give pensions based on amount of fights.

This way any fighter who bashed his brains in for 10 fights at least gets $1000 month to live off.

Fighter who fought 20 times gets $2000 month

Looks like the best way to provide pensions
Man a night out on the town with Oscar could only turn into an orgy or jail

I don't see much in between
I still recall those pictures of Oscar wearing women's underthings. He claimed they were photo-shopped, but some singer--the one who posted the pictures--claimed she talked Oscar into putting them on while they were having a wild night. Everyone believed her.
Very good article on the feud between Dana White and Oscar De La Hoya.

Details their disagreements and also reveals for the first time--at least the first time I've seen it--the exact salaries the best MMA fighters have made over the years and it's a lot more than I thought most of these guys are making. Also reveals that Chuck Liddell has made a bundle from UFC every year since he retired. I guess that means the other UFC stars still make a good living after they retire


UFC fighters make a ton more than what is reported. I figured that out when Kosheck was on an MTV cribs type show well before he had established himself and had a huge crib
Dana is a douchebag in the Vince McMahon kind of way. He's built the product up as far as he could, now it's getting to that "create drama to stay relevant" stage which is dangerous. His love affair with Conor went so overboard that the bus attack that affected fighters careers was, for all intent, brushed under the rug. And the bullshit he spewed about Khabib not being able to fight in the US again after that fight, while clearly he was already plotting the next match is making this more entertainment than sport. Which sucks because there are great fights out there and have been great fights recently.

When the primary figurehead of the sport is a promotor, it's inevitably won't end well. Important to be involved, but the athletes need to be the stars...yet Dana is the star of the UFC. The act is old, his vendetta against Oscar is played out, and for UFC he's obviously done well for the brand but it's high time he turns it over to someone who less needs the spotlight. UFC fans will always be UFC fans, just like NASCAR, golf, etc...but when they get big so fast the latter two have seen how quickly viewership diminishes once the casual audience moves on. It's vital in any business to continue getting that fringe business and he's losing it by making it all about him.

Screw him, move on. Just like we know when a HOF'er should hang em up so they don't go out in disgrace, same deal here. He's done his part, now move on to someone who's more about promoting the product, fewer and more in demand events than getting his oversized head in front of a camera at every turn. Bell curves turn down very quickly and there's enough brains behind this sport to know that.

Oscar feud is pointless, petty, juvenile, not interesting.

Dana is a douchebag but hes done a good job building the UFC from nothing
By the way Stipe has the most title defenses in heavy weight which is harder to do.

Stipe Miocic is not appreciated by the Ufc despite being clearly the best fighter easily in the history of the Ufc.

Stipe Laps Jon Jones all day long. He laps Holloway gsp as well.

Jon Jones is a complete fraud. I don’t even think he’s an average mma fighter and I will explain.

Jones entire fighting style and game plan relies on him having a 7+ inches reach advantage over all his opponents. Vs Cormier he had a 13.5 inch reach advantage.

So jones fights and bases his style on his tremendous reach advantage.

Jones does not fight guys his own size with similar reach. He just doesent know how to fight that way.
Vs Gustafson the reach edge was limited and Jones lost that fight.

Holloway is the same thing. Put Holloway against a fighter with same reach advantage and he won’t know how to fight.

Miocic on other hand beat all these heavy weights with similar reaches.

Give me a 7-9 inch reach advantage and train me and I’ll kick everyone’s ass also from the outside.

It’s all about reach.

Put jones vs someone his own size he is no more than a 50-50 fighter. 20 wins 20 losses

This is nonsense, LOL. There have been very few legitimate heavyweights due to the lack of talent in the division. What is best win; washed up Overeem or washed up JDS? He got wrecked by Cormier and lost to Struve and JDS. Cain would likely wreck him.

What would Patrick Mahomes be without a god given rocket arm?
Agree with your thoughts, Sammy, but yes, fans are stupid enough to think Brock is a legit MMA heavyweight fighter and will pay for it.

It annoys me, but I understand why UFC will bring him back as long as fans will pay for it.

A lot of smaller fish, including De Lay Hoya, are nibbling around the edges of UFC by making fights with washed up fighters that true UFC fans know are washed up, but the public will pay for. Look at all the washed up guys who are making money for Bellator. Those guys might win a street fight, but they can't last a round with current UFC fighters.

I have always thought the biggest threat to UFC is for a McMahon or some other promoter to create a pro wrestling version of UFC and use these old washed up fighters and steroid frauds like Brock in scripted, show business fights like pro wrestling. I'm surprised it hasn't happened already.

I recall when Bruce Baumgartner, two golds and a silver at super heavyweight in the Olympics, said, "I can tear both arms off Hulk Hogan and stuff them down his throat, but I can't make a cent and he's a rich man." Not a single pro wrestling fan even knew who Bruce was. Or cared.

White is in a tough spot. UFC does a far better job than Boxing of telling fighters when it's time to move on, but if fans are willing to pay hundreds of millions to watch something as fake as pro wrestling, then the UFC has to walk a fine line when their choice is to make millions, or let some guy like McMahon make the millions, with guys like Brock who who shouldn't even be fighting in real MMA fights.

Brock can wrestle against a crappy level of talent at HW. He cant matchup with the guys that can wrestle