Daily schedule of Army and Navy football players


Pretty much a regular
It's always striking to see how an Army or Navy football player spends their day and how different it is from that of all other college students. When you factor in a curriculum that is far more difficult than almost any other college football player you realize how special these guys are.


0500-0615 Wake up-clean room, police barracks, shower, shave
6:50 Morning Formation
6:55-7:30 Breakfast
7:35-11:45 Class or study
12:05-12:40 Lunch
12:45-1:40 Commandant/Dean Time
1:50-3:50 Class or study
4:10-5:45 Football practice
6:30-7:15 Supper (optional except Thursday)
7:15-7:30 Cadet Duties
7:30-8:30 Study Conditions/Extracurricular activities
8:30-11:30 Study time
11:30 Taps
12:00 Lights Out


5:30 Arise for personal fitness workout
6:30 Reveille
6:30-7:00 Special instruction period for Plebes
7:00 Breakfast formation
7:15 Breakfast
7:55—11:45 Four class periods, 50 minutes each
12:00 Noon formation
12:15 Noon meal
12:50—1:20 Company training time
01:30—3:30 Fifth and sixth class periods
3:45—6:00 Football practice
06:30—7:15 Evening meal
08:00—11:00 Study period
Midnight Taps for all midshipmen
The students in the academy's are special kids. My two girls are officers in their high school navy rotc program and the diligence these kids put into making themselves better is to be commended. They leave the house at 6am and get home at 6-6:30 at night. When they compete at Nationals each year it totally restores my faith in todays youth. These kids are disciplined,respectful,hardworking and patriotic. And the academy's take it to another level. Thank you Tahoe for pointing this out.
Hats off to these kids, their level of discipline at an early age is just amazing and will serve them well in their future endeavors.
No time for foolishness. Disciplined & hard working. Takes special people. Thank you for posting this
One of our local Seahawks beat writers went to West Point....told a great story about how the train station was moved to the other side of the Hudson River so all the cadets could not easily jump on the train to New York to party......
God Bless America. Thank you to these amazingly hard-working people for what they do for our country.
That game today was everything college football should be. Just a fantastic game. Just when I am about to give up hope, you get a treat like that was and it reminds you not just of what the game was but what it can still be. Those kids fought hard on EVERY single down... the elements in play and we get to see it unlike the modern lightning strike delay we get sometimes ... running, blocking and tackling. No cheap shots but lots and lots of hard hitting. Kids rising to the occasion. Edge of your seat stuff.

Just loved that game.
That game today was everything college football should be. Just a fantastic game. Just when I am about to give up hope, you get a treat like that was and it reminds you not just of what the game was but what it can still be. Those kids fought hard on EVERY single down... the elements in play and we get to see it unlike the modern lightning strike delay we get sometimes ... running, blocking and tackling. No cheap shots but lots and lots of hard hitting. Kids rising to the occasion. Edge of your seat stuff.

Just loved that game.
Last game of the year, can’t hold anything back...