Daily Cardinals Write-up


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
Aim to do a write-up for every Cards game. I admit to being a very biased fan, but I follow this team closely.

Carlos Martinez had a break-out season for St. Louis last year, going 16-9 with a 3.04 ERA and I like him to build off of that. Cardinals' backers have two concerns: 1) the fact that they played much worse at home than on the road and 2) that Martinez' ERA against the Cubs last year was over 4. Before last season, the Cards were one of the best home teams. They have a great chance to restart being one against the Cubs, who they nearly split the series with last year (9-10) and now have one of their best players in Fowler in their lineup, so that they finally have a reliable leadoff hitter, with a .359 obp. And Fowler certainly knows his former pitcher Lester well. Lester's catcher Dave Ross retired and I expect therefore some discomfort and drop in Lester's performance overall. Another variable is that then upstart rookie Diaz only saw two AB's against Lester due to injury and that Piscotty is one to start a season strong rather than hit well later on, because he was hitting well above .300 during the beginning of the season last year, before he faded. Piscotty only saw Lester in April and May in the midst of a tremendous slump. Same with Martinez, who went 4-0 last April with a 1.93 ERA. One of those wins was indeed against the Cubs, in which he pitched 7 and allowed one run. In sum, some concerns for the Cardinals seem illogical, such as to assume that they will struggle again at home. The Cards are known for their strong fan base and I can only feel it expectant for them to return to being a strong home team. Others, such as surrounding Piscotty and Martinez, are mitigated by their strength in the beginning of the season. I think Piscotty in his maturation develops consistency and starts off strong. I think Martinez brings his April form. I think the bats will be there for the Cards, with Fowler, and we see the best of the Cards at home against a team that may feel awkward in their first game as defending champions. The value lies with the Cardinals to win.
Need to account for the stupid decisions that Matheny makes (leaving Carlos in too long, bringing Oh in too early) on a regular basis. Guess I shoulda mentioned bullpen too. Imo it's harder to do much of a write-up the first 40 games
Need to account for the stupid decisions that Matheny makes (leaving Carlos in too long, bringing Oh in too early) on a regular basis. Guess I shoulda mentioned bullpen too. Imo it's harder to do much of a write-up the first 40 games
Carpenter error was crucial because it not only cost Martinez the win, extended the pitch count for Oh and ultimately the big fly that tied the game. All is well that ends well ... thanks for the write-up.
Carpenter error was crucial because it not only cost Martinez the win, extended the pitch count for Oh and ultimately the big fly that tied the game. All is well that ends well ... thanks for the write-up.

True, the next batter after the Carpenter error was a strikeout, that could, shoulda, been the game then. Man, next to all the men LOB I can't believe that win was this hard lol

I also don't get why the fans cheered so loudly for Martinez when the bases were loaded i feel like they psyched him out. NFL and NBA have a "quiet! Offense at work" message on the jumbotron for good reason imo

Next write-up will be for next Cards game
win or lose, you have been a great asset to this forum in such a short amount of time!

well done on the Cards and looking forward to the season!

GL :cheers3: