Cub wind during construction of Wrigley...


CTG Regular
Hi, Chicago peeps.

Was wondering about the Wrigley Field construction progress and how it will affect the wind. I am particularly curious about April winds blowing in with the bleachers missing in spots.

Anyone who has anything to offer, I would be interested in hearing. I'm sure we'll learn more tomorrow night.

The wind is supposed to blow OUT on Sunday from 10-13 with temps falling from low 50s to 40s during the game.

Thanks in advance, and let's all have a good year!

1st game, those 2 pitchers, 7 total would seem about right...I would lean over if wind is going to be blowing out tonight, never know which Lester we will see..
not real worried about tonight per se, was more interested in the next coupleof months while they finish putting the park together, if anyone had any clue on what the wind would do.

It's a small sample size etc, but you can cash good in these spots if you hit 'em hard and outwork the linesmakers.
You gotta give the Chicago folks some cushion, holiday weekend and they seem like pretty familial people
Interesting thought but how would the bleachers being gone effect the wind blowing out? Wind will be coming in from behind home plate. Stadium is set up that way.
Sorry, out from behind home plate. The park is situated where centerfield is northeast from home plate which is the direction the wind almost always comes from. So blowing out to the outfield from home plate so any holes in the outfield shouldnt effect balls. But I am not a scientist, just a general observation.
But, tot totally contradict myself, the wind is blowing tonight west/southwest at 10mph so it is actually blowing in. So now a hole in the bleachers could have much more impact.

Basically the wind is coming in from the outfield which is extremely rare. Blowing directly towards 3rd base and home plate.

60 degrees currently but will drop when sun goes down.

Lends itself to an under play with these pitchers.
sometimes that shit doesn't matter.

Read the link I sent above; the Red Sox had guys bitching and moaning after putting in glass behind home plate, saying it affected the ball flight.

Texas's stadium has a wind tunnel. When the wind blows in from right, balls shoot OUT to left.

I'm looking for any patterns in that shit going ahead. I have a sweat tonight but have basically been shitfaced the last 24 hours not counting the 8 i passed out earlier; i might not watch much of the game tonight so anyone who has observations is MORE THAN WELCOME toshare them here. Otherwise, I have a buddy back home going and he will let me know and I'lluseitgoing forward... but anything that the forum has to share, please do. I try my best to help although in baseball i bet much more than in other sports, so I'll never post until my plays are in so as not to ruin my price. These lines should move my way a lot; this is the one sport i would bet if given an option to only bet 1.
Texas's stadium has a wind tunnel. When the wind blows in from right, balls shoot OUT to left.

This quote is from June 14, 2013:
I talked with a friend of mine who has worked in the Rangers orginization for decades. I asked him about the wind tunnel effect and he said those days are gone. Many of us have been attributing the run of unders in Arlington to solid pitching and shitty hitting this year. He told me they replaced the glass windows that used to be behind homeplate that would horseshoe that wind from right field into a jet stream blowing out to left center. I myself am going to start taking a hard look at any under where I can catch the total @9.5 or higher.

Since the 2013 season started, the Rangers have the lowest home O/U percentage in baseball at 61-94-8 (.394).
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It's hard to say until they play what effect the new board will have on games. It probably will cut the wind when it blows in from left field (the north), but the wind frequently changes at Wrigley. Anthony Rizzo has hopes it's going to help power hitters, of course.

"Pitchers aren't going to like it, but it will be interesting to see," first baseman Anthony Rizzo said. "It's something I've thought of. Especially with the new bleachers and the way they'll be elevated. It will be interesting to see how it plays out.''
"It could conceivably have an effect," Alan M. Nathan, a professor emeritus at the University of Illinois and a researcher of baseball physics, said of Wrigley's new jumbo-sized video board. "Whether or not that effect will carry in a positive or negative direction remains to be seen."
I had a similar thought Rex, and I hoped Baseball Prospectus or Fangraphs would do the work for me. Nothing came up so I will just put a line through all Cubs totals, as per usual
austin, i remember that about the Rangers and that info kept me off many losing OVER bets the last year and a half.

good stuff, teeed