CTG presents our first annual US Open Pool!

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Staff member
CappingTheGame Proudly Presents its 1st Annual United States Open Pool

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Show Your Golf Capping Skills and Challenge for the 2nd Major of the Season!

Congrats to "Renew Orleans" who captured CTG's Masters Pool

The format goes this way:

1. Pick FIVE golfers to start the week.

2. After the conclusion of the second round, just like the tournament, their will be a cut. You must have four Golfers qualify for weekend play or you will be cut as well from the contest. In the event that all five of your golfers make it to the weekend we will take your four lowest scores AFTER the second round is concluded and they will represent you over the weekend. Therefore rank them from 1st to 5th as far as strength goes.

3. The goal is to be the lowest under par, just like in a regular tournament. Your four golfers scores will be combined for your final score. For example, you pick Singh, Fuyrk, Couples and Sergio. Their scores are as follows: -1, +2, E and -8. Your final score would be -7.

4. In case of a tie, you will choose what you believe will be the winning score in relation to par before the tournament starts.

5. All picks will be made in this thread and in this format



Please copy and paste this format in your reply.

Rules and regulations:

1. Only one entry permitted per contestent. Any aliases are prohibited and the failure to comply may lead to banishment from cappingthegame.com
2. All entries must be submitted by 6:00 am Thursday, June 14th.
3. No editing picks after 6:00 am June 14th. It will be permitted up until that point.

I have provided a link for users to find the complete US Open Field with tee times for the first two days.



1st Place: $50
2nd Place: CTG Shirt

Alright CTG members, make those picks and become the challenge for the 2nd "major" winner of the season at CappingTheGame!
1. Tiger Woods +6
2. Jim Furyk +6
3. Justin Rose +11
5. Fred Funk +17

Tiebreaker: +2

Final Score - +40
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1. Tiger Woods +6
3. Jim Furyk +6
4. David Toms +9
5. John Rollins +19

Tiebreaker: -2

Total Score = +40
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1. Tiger Woods +6
2. Jim Furyk +6
3. Geoff Ogilvy +19
5. Rory Sabbatini +21

Tiebreaker: +2

Total Score - +52
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1. Tiger Woods +6
2. Rory Sabatini +21
4.Jose Maria Olazabal +20
5. Vijay Singh +14


Total Score - +61
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1. Jim Furyk +6
2. Tiger Woods +6
4. Jose Maria Olazabal +20
5. Jerry Kelly +10

Tiebreaker. +3

Total Score +42
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1. Tiger Woods +6
3. Vijay Singh +14
4. Jim Furyk +6
5. Ernie Els +21

Tiebreaker: +5

Total Score - +47
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1. tiger woods +6
2. vijay singh +14
3. stuart appleby +16
5. justin rose +11

Tiebreaker: -6

Total Score +47
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1. Z Johnson +20
2. Tiger +6
4. A. Baddely +12
5. Vijay +14

Tiebreaker: -3

Total Score +52
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1. Tiger Woods +6
2. Vijay Singh +14
3. Geoff Ogilvy +19
4. Ernie Els +21

Tiebreaker: +4

Total Score +50
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1.Tiger Woods +6
2. Erine Els +21
3.Vijay Singh +14
5.Jim Furyk +6

Tiebreaker: +4

Total Score +47
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1.Tiger Woods +6
2. Erine Els +21
3. Zach Johnson +20
4. Steve Stricker +12


Total Score + 59
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1. Tiger Woods +6
3. Zach Johnson +20
4. Jim Furyk +6
5. Vijay Singh +14

Tiebreaker: -3

Total Score +46
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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">1. Tiger Woods +6
2. Charles Howell +21
3. J.J. Henry +16
4. Jim Furyk +6

Tiebreaker: +2

Total Score +49
</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">

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1. Furyk +6
3. Zach Johnson +20
4. Tiger +6
5. Els +21

Tiebreaker +5

Total Score +53
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1. Tiger Woods +6
2. Jim Furyk +6
3. Michael Cambell +24
5. Chris DiMarco +20

Tiebreaker: -6

Total Score +56
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1. Tiger Woods +6
3. Vijay Singh +14
4. Zach Johnson +20
5. Charles Howell 3 +21

tiebreaker -2

Total Score +61
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1. Woods +6
2. Furyk +6
4. Kelly +10
5. T. Clark +13

Tiebreaker: +3

Total Score +35
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1. Tiger Woods +6
2. Jim Furyk +6
3. Zach Johnson +21
4. Steve Stricker +12

Tiebreaker: -1

Total Score - +45
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1.j.furyk +6
3.t.woods +6
4.v.singh +14
5.z.johnson +21

Tiebreaker: -2

Total Score +47
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1. Tiger Woods +6
3. Vijay Singh +14
4. Jim Furyk +6
5. Geoff Ogilvy +19

Tiebreaker +2

Total Score - +45
Last edited by a moderator:
1. Tiger Woods +6
2. Jim Furyk +6
3. Vijay Singh +14
5. Zach Johnson +21

Tiebreaker: +2

Total Score +47
Last edited by a moderator:
1. Tiger Woods +6
3. Jim Furyk +6
4. Ernie Els +21
5. Vijay Singh +14

Tiebreaker: -3

Total Score +47
Last edited by a moderator:
1. Tiger Woods +6
3. Vijay Singh +14
4. Jerry Kelly +10
5. Steve Stricker +12

tiebreaker +5

Total Score +42
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