CTG/DSE March Madness Seed Contest Rules


CTG Administrator
Staff member
We are going to try a different type of contest this year to spark up some more interest and hopefully make things exciting for our community and potential new members as well!

This will be a "Seed Contest"

*Pick 8 teams to use throughout the 2019 NCAA Tournament.
*Each win in the tournament will be multiplied by that teams seed number to determine points.
*Each entry will be also pick 3 of THOSE 8 teams to be worth double points.
*The member with the most points at the end will be the winner.
*Tiebreaker will be determined by the person closest to the final score(total points) of the 2019 NCAA Championship game.

Example entry: (using hypothetical numbers for seeds)

*Duke -1
*Michigan State -2
*Louisville -7
Tennessee - 2
Syracuse 8
Ohio State 11
Wofford 14
Auburn 6

Championship Game 147 total points

* denotes double points

Duke wins 5 games = 10 points
Michigan State wins 1 game = 2 points
Louisville wins 2 games = 28 points
Tennessee wins 3 games = 6 points
Syracuse wins 1 game = 8 points
Ohio State wins 0 games = 0 points
Wofford wins 1 game =14 points
Auburn wins 2 games = 12 points

70 Total Points

This is very simple, yet involves some fun strategy.

It is easy to do and we'll handle the scoring for you!


*Absolutely no aliases
*Must sign up to DailySportsEdge Newsletter even if you have before to be granted access to private forum
*Must have entry submitted by 12:00 pm eastern, Thursday March 21st

Last, but not least.. Play-in games DO NOT count.

Prize: 300.00 cash via Paypal
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