CTG $100

I was talking to a couple buddies before MNF and the top three picks in most leagues, LT, Jackson and LJ havent done a thing even if you combine their stats.

You are right there is nothing worth even a roster spot on the RB FA's.
yea, but their time is coming. LT didnt have a 100 yard game last year for the first few, then reeled off a ton in a row. Same with S Jax.
-You draft a team of x amount of players. The starting roster consists of something like PG, SG, G/F, SF, PF, C, Flex, Flex, Flex. 4 or 5 bench players, too.

-You play head to head. The starting roster is adjusted on a day-to-day basis based on who is playing and who is off. So, it's important to have a balanced team since bench players WILL play. And it's important to AT LEAST adjust your rosters on a weekly basis, if not daily (b/c of injury).

-The head to head match lasts 1 full week (Monday-Sunday). And you compete in the following categories (to name a few): total points, assists, rebounds, steals, blocks, FG %, FT %, Turnovers. Each player's stats are adding up at the end of the night and ultimately the final tally comes at the end of the week. The team who wins each respective category in the head-to-head match up receives 1 point. So, if I am playing BAR. And I have more total points than BAR, I get 1 point. If BAR has more total steals than my team, he gets 1 point. Final scores looks something 5-4, or 6-3, or 9-0...pending on how many categories the league has.
Full season standings are created based on final scores. So, if in week 1 my team wins 5-4. And in week two my team loses 6-3. My record after 2 weeks is 8-10.
Because injuries are common in NBA...More common than NFL...What we did was use a protection system. You are able to "protect" one player due to injury. So, if I have Kobe on my team, and Kobe gets hurt, I can release him to the waiver wire and pick up someone else. Even though Kobe is a Free Agent, he is deemed protected and no one else can pick him up.
Because injuries are common in NBA...More common than NFL...What we did was use a protection system. You are able to "protect" one player due to injury. So, if I have Kobe on my team, and Kobe gets hurt, I can release him to the waiver wire and pick up someone else. Even though Kobe is a Free Agent, he is deemed protected and no one else can pick him up.

thats the best way to do it ever since the IL was taken away.

Agreed that H2H is the best way to go. Basketball requires more dedication than football because rosters have to be changed daily. The biggest drawback with Fantasy hoops are the deadbeat managers.
Its been a few years but I played a head to head league where you started your lineup once a week and it was far more interesting.
You had point values for the statistics with points being points and rebounds (2), blocks (3), assists (2) steals (3) turnovers (-1) with 10 bonus points for a double double and 20 more for a triple double.

It was the best league I have ever played in and havent found one like it since.

The strategy of starting Kevin Garnett with 2 games for the week versus Artest with 4 games etc made it very fun to play.

Anyway, sorry for the ramble but if anyone knows of head to head league that can be setup like this please let me know.
The 9 to 11 category thing gets old about 3-4 weeks in.