Cry me a river John Henry


One of trus baby mommas
Surprised this was not posted yet:

Henry: Salary cap would garner support

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<CITE class=source>Associated Press
<!-- end mod-article-title --><!-- begin story body -->FORT MYERS, Fla. -- Boston Red Sox owner John Henry is renewing his call for a baseball salary cap.
Henry said Wednesday he thinks all owners would support an "enlightened" salary cap to improve competitive balance and that players might agree. He did not give details.
Henry's call came Wednesday at spring training after the New York Yankees signed three free agents for a total of $423.5 million during the offseason. The Red Sox gave out much shorter and cheaper deals.
Exactly five years earlier, Henry called for a salary cap when the Yankees obtained Alex Rodriguez in a trade with Texas after the Red Sox failed to complete a trade for him.
At that time, he advocated a cap to deal with a team that he said has far more resources than any other team.
It is pissing and moaning no doubt but at some point it would do baseball good instead of small markets competing for one year then essentially serving as big-league farm clubs to a select 4-6 teams.
The vote would end up 29-1, with the players association supporting as well.


Bro, there is NO WAY many of the so-called small market clubs who are making a profit would want a salary cap...cause (just like the NFL) the players association would only approve one if there was a SALARY FLOOR and those cheap MFing owners who live off of The Yankees largesse couldn't stomach that.

Nice thought though and if actually approved I'd have ZERO ISSUES.....................:shake:
the MLBPA would never agree to a salary cap. it took the 94 labor stoppage plus the threat of another in the late 90s to even get the union to agree to a luxury tax.

it's hard to take the suggestion seriously when it's coming from the team with the second highest payroll.
There is nothing more hypocritical than when the Red Sox, a team that spent 50 million to negotiate with a player, complain about what the Yankees spend. It's why I hate them. That and all the douchebag college students who reside outside of New England who cheer for them because it enhances their self esteem.
There is nothing more hypocritical than when the Red Sox, a team that spent 50 million to negotiate with a player, complain about what the Yankees spend. It's why I hate them. That and all the douchebag college students who reside outside of New England who cheer for them because it enhances their self esteem.

haha...i go to college in ohio and it amazes me how many Boston celtics/red sox/patriots fans have come out of the air in the past 3 years since i've been here and they know absolutely nothing about any of the teams. obviously, band wagon fans and i agree that its really annoying and makes it easy to dislike them.
There is nothing more hypocritical than when the Red Sox, a team that spent 50 million to negotiate with a player, complain about what the Yankees spend. It's why I hate them. That and all the douchebag college students who reside outside of New England who cheer for them because it enhances their self esteem.

i dont know whats hypcritical about this. he's been calling for a salary cap for awhile, but they turn it to make like hes bitching about losing out on texiera. when it wasnt even about tex at all, but im sure could include it now.

i dont know how many times this has to be said, but you are acting like the sox signed dice-k for a 6 yr. 100 million dollar contract. they bid 50 million to negotiate. they then signed him for a 50 million contract. you know how much they made off dice-k in just the few years so far? dont know the amount but im sure they're making money over what they bid. they knew the consequences of what the bid would provide. it was a great business decision by boston, the other teams just dropped the ball.

another thing. just because yanks/sox is the rivalry and all, doesnt mean they are alike. yah, boston is a big market club. but its not like its nyy/boston then everyone else. i think the mets and tigers had larger payrolls last year. it is and always will be small market teams, big market teams and the mother fucking yankees.
i dont know whats hypcritical about this. he's been calling for a salary cap for awhile, but they turn it to make like hes bitching about losing out on texiera. when it wasnt even about tex at all, but im sure could include it now.

i dont know how many times this has to be said, but you are acting like the sox signed dice-k for a 6 yr. 100 million dollar contract. they bid 50 million to negotiate. they then signed him for a 50 million contract. you know how much they made off dice-k in just the few years so far? dont know the amount but im sure they're making money over what they bid. they knew the consequences of what the bid would provide. it was a great business decision by boston, the other teams just dropped the ball.

another thing. just because yanks/sox is the rivalry and all, doesnt mean they are alike. yah, boston is a big market club. but its not like its nyy/boston then everyone else. i think the mets and tigers had larger payrolls last year. it is and always will be small market teams, big market teams and the mother fucking yankees.

in my opinion, the difference between the bostons and the new yorks and the rest of the league is that they can afford to take chances on a $50m posting fee, plus a $50m contract for a player yet to prove himself in the major leagues. it's not about whether or not it was a good business decision in hindsight. if the move didn't work out, it's not something that would have crippled the sox ability to compete. they would have just chalked that one up as a loss and moved on. other teams cannot say the same thing.

whether or not a salary cap is needed, the sox owners should not be the ones crying about it.
i dont know whats hypcritical about this. he's been calling for a salary cap for awhile, but they turn it to make like hes bitching about losing out on texiera. when it wasnt even about tex at all, but im sure could include it now.

i dont know how many times this has to be said, but you are acting like the sox signed dice-k for a 6 yr. 100 million dollar contract. they bid 50 million to negotiate. they then signed him for a 50 million contract. you know how much they made off dice-k in just the few years so far? dont know the amount but im sure they're making money over what they bid. they knew the consequences of what the bid would provide. it was a great business decision by boston, the other teams just dropped the ball.

another thing. just because yanks/sox is the rivalry and all, doesnt mean they are alike. yah, boston is a big market club. but its not like its nyy/boston then everyone else. i think the mets and tigers had larger payrolls last year. it is and always will be small market teams, big market teams and the mother fucking yankees.


To think the Sox spent $50mil to just talk to Dice-K is so narrow minded. They spent that money because they were getting a helluva pitcher back PLUS they knew that Dice-K is a cultural icon.Therefore it will attract future Asian talent who will come to play on the same team as him at LESS of a cost.
i dont know whats hypcritical about this. he's been calling for a salary cap for awhile, but they turn it to make like hes bitching about losing out on texiera. when it wasnt even about tex at all, but im sure could include it now.

i dont know how many times this has to be said, but you are acting like the sox signed dice-k for a 6 yr. 100 million dollar contract. they bid 50 million to negotiate. they then signed him for a 50 million contract. you know how much they made off dice-k in just the few years so far? dont know the amount but im sure they're making money over what they bid. they knew the consequences of what the bid would provide. it was a great business decision by boston, the other teams just dropped the ball.

another thing. just because yanks/sox is the rivalry and all, doesnt mean they are alike. yah, boston is a big market club. but its not like its nyy/boston then everyone else. i think the mets and tigers had larger payrolls last year. it is and always will be small market teams, big market teams and the mother fucking yankees.

Your bolded portion is exactly why Mr. Henry's take is ridiculous. Why can't any team make decisions with their best interests in mind?Henry made a costly decision on Dice K that he deemed good for his team. He outbid the other teams and lived with the risk and reward. He sure is silent when these players end up in Boston. When Mr. Henry gets one upped by the Yankees, he complains. It's that simple.

The Yankees are doing nothing against the rules. I'm interested in the possibility of a salary cap. However the behavior of the Red Sox is akin to someone winning powerball for 25 million and bitching about the person who wins $40 million at the next drawing. Their opinion on this topic couldn't be more self-serving or meaningless.
Your bolded portion is exactly why Mr. Henry's take is ridiculous. Why can't any team make decisions with their best interests in mind?Henry made a costly decision on Dice K that he deemed good for his team. He outbid the other teams and lived with the risk and reward. He sure is silent when these players end up in Boston. When Mr. Henry gets one upped by the Yankees, he complains. It's that simple.

The Yankees are doing nothing against the rules. I'm interested in the possibility of a salary cap. However the behavior of the Red Sox is akin to someone winning powerball for 25 million and bitching about the person who wins $40 million at the next drawing. Their opinion on this topic couldn't be more self-serving or meaningless.
