Congrats to Mogo, 2015 CTG Baseball Contest CHAMPION


CTG Partner
Staff member
1st: mogo
2nd: DaBestBody4Life
3rd: DudleysDad

Thanks to everyone for playing. Mogo stuck with a system and it worked very well all the way to a championship. The third place match came right down to the end. A valiant effort from CollegeKingRex.

Thanks to all that played. It was a lot of fun doing this in my opinion and would like to keep this as the format. Feel free to suggest ideas and changes that may help.

I will be contacting our rep at 5dimes in the next day or two to allocate prizes. Please be patient and confirm when received.

When Alex is back from vacation I am sure he will add some thoughts.
Great job Mogo, and cheers to CTG Alex and BAR in particular for all their efforts. Match play format was pretty cool.
Congrats MOGO and all the runner ups. Thanx Mods for doing this. I really like the format as you do get some time off depending on how you do as it is not every single day of the season. :cheers3:
thank you all. it got really close there, and my 2 outside the system picks resulted in a 0-2, but luck was just on my side... think this win trumps my Pick Club IV crown to get a title update?

Alex, great job as always with the contest. BAR, nice work stepping in the past few weeks.... respect bros :shake:
Good contest.
I was hot for a few weeks , got lucky a few times but the semifinals I went on tilt lol after starting 0-5 and it cost me. Got lucky for 3rd, Rex had two teams up in the 7th inning(needed only one win) and both games went against him. Shit luck there.
Oh yeah and I manhandled gwarner27 in an early rd match up lol.....
I have sent in the 1st thru 3rd place information and I will post again once they have funded the accounts.