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Check out my DAD BOD
Simply Amazing

Nothing I wanted more than to see KG get his, and he did it.

I'm not gonna lie a tear came down my eye. So fucking happy right now for him its unreal.
Call me crazy, but I expect KG to have a huge game tonight. Bostons arena is going to be insanely loud. KG is going to be giving headbutts, double fist pumps, and chest thumps to everyone.

To much Talk about KG shitting the bed in game 5, and him not showing up for big games.

KG silences the critics, and Pierce takes home the MVP tonight.


Love it 26 -14 in a game 6.

Fuck all the media that said KG was soft. Dude got his mutherfucking ring now.

Like he said, he is certified.
KG epitmizes loyalty, class, and love for a game. He plays it the right way. He makes everyone around him better. He never makes the papers for stupid shit, and all he did in Minny was try to win. We couldnt surround him with enough stars, but Boston did.

Out of anyone in the league that had never won a title, no doubt KG deserves more than anyone else.
congrats KG - well deserved - he showed class and a lot of heart -
(reminds me of the HEART that this guy had) the best CELTIC ever -

santa - wtf are they doing in that picture???? :36_11_6:

congrats Boston fans!!!! :tiphat:
For any of you Bill Simmons fans check out his new article on game 6.

IMHO it is one of his best.
^^^ hey, good lookin


lets holla at some minny escorts with this celts money sonnnnnnn

u opened my eyes the other day i will say, from helmuts description i thought all minny/sconny chics were heffers
:smiley_acbe:yip yip simply amazing .. :cheers: parade tomarrow 11:30:tiphat:
Well Helmut can cap better games than I, but I think I can teach him a thing or two about the ladies.

I bang the receptionist, he makes fun of her.....thats my best analogy.
funny thing I took the Celtics at hte beggining of the playoffs t win it all and got worse odds than if I bet it at the beggining of the finals

unbeliavable series for the Celtic backers:cheers:
By far the best NBA finals celebration I have ever seen, I don't think many can argue with that

All but one ESPN expert picked LA, mostly everyone on this board picked LA, coward(s) on this site said they would never post again if Celtics won...

"This is the first 6 game sweep ever in the NBA Finals"- Bob Ryan

Although Patriots and Red Sox are tied for my two top favorites teams (Celts closely behind), the championship is just as, if not more, gratifying

By far the best NBA finals celebration I have ever seen, I don't think many can argue with that

All but one ESPN expert picked LA, mostly everyone on this board picked LA, coward(s) on this site said they would never post again if Celtics won...

"This is the first 6 game sweep ever in the NBA Finals"- Bob Ryan

Although Patriots and Red Sox are tied for my two top favorites teams (Celts closely behind), the championship is just as, if not more, gratifying


Yes Cowards said that and the Coward is not posting any picks anymore after the loss? Did you forget when the series ended? It ended yesterday?

Because of guys like you I will not post here as I am a man of my word. As I said I will not post any picks for anything for the upcoming football, CFL, NFL, or any other sports. Learn how to get some class Kramer, you obviously are lacking quite a bit in that area. My friends here will know where I am posting and where to find me at another site.

It is also people like you that exemplify the Bostonian arrogance and utter lack of class. It is for this reason that everyone hates Boston teams, including the New York Fans, they have that pompous WE are better than everyone attitude-
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Marlo, Tru, Inspekdah, Kramer, Ret, Slug, Cap#2, Myself all had C's winning. Congrats to us and anyone else i missed.

Kramer - I'm suprised your last post lasted up as long as it did, I can only presume any mod who saw it wasn't doing their job in deleting it. You have a right to hold whatever opinion you want of anyone, but that right doesn't extend to using this board to relate it if it's of an extremely disparaging nature.

If Sammy wants to ignore his pre-finals (posted) intention of ceasing to post if the Celtics won, that's as much his right as it is your right to hold whatever level of opinion of him (in private) that you want.
The people who run this site don't hold anyone verbatim to such statements simply because gambling is a pasttime built upon inevitable losses, which means mistakes made, that are later regretted. Greencastle made a similar statement about a handle name change if Romania (in his derisive opinion of that team, exceedingly unlikely) got any points in the Euro 2008 - they did, yet his handle remains unchanged.
If Sammy made a mistake, let he who hasn't made one cast the first stone is my philosophy. As a mod, I say to anyone mistake-free in their gambling life that they have a free pass to have at Sammy with immunity. For those not mistake-free, there won't be any more warnings following any Sammy (or any other poster) bashing. This isn't blankets, we don't keep people/handles around for the sake of extra clicks on the site.
Guys, everyone relax. The series is over, we all saw what happend...let's leave it at that. This is simply a BeanTown congrats thread...

So let's keep it that way.

Well said above, BC.

Kramer - I'm suprised your last post lasted up as long as it did, I can only presume any mod who saw it wasn't doing their job in deleting it. You have a right to hold whatever opinion you want of anyone, but that right doesn't extend to using this board to relate it if it's of an extremely disparaging nature.

If Sammy wants to ignore his pre-finals (posted) intention of ceasing to post if the Celtics won, that's as much his right as it is your right to hold whatever level of opinion of him (in private) that you want.
The people who run this site don't hold anyone verbatim to such statements simply because gambling is a pasttime built upon inevitable losses, which means mistakes made, that are later regretted. Greencastle made a similar statement about a handle name change if Romania (in his derisive opinion of that team, exceedingly unlikely) got any points in the Euro 2008 - they did, yet his handle remains unchanged.
If Sammy made a mistake, let he who hasn't made one cast the first stone is my philosophy. As a mod, I say to anyone mistake-free in their gambling life that they have a free pass to have at Sammy with immunity. For those not mistake-free, there won't be any more warnings following any Sammy (or any other poster) bashing. This isn't blankets, we don't keep people/handles around for the sake of extra clicks on the site.

People on this board shouldnt be making such claims then. So that shit dont happen.

Just stick to the picks without reasoning. Thats what i like to see.:D
People on this board shouldnt be making such claims then. So that shit dont happen.

Just stick to the picks without reasoning. Thats what i like to see.:D

Saying things like Sammy did are just saying he is confident in his pick, im sure youve said some stupid shit in your life that youve wanted to take back, just like I have, just like anyone has.
I didnt say what he said was stupid so i dont know why you brought that up. I said claiming such and such like that begs for responses like Kramer's.

Like i said we need to stick with just picks with no reasoning. That's what i like to see at capping the game. Why discuss things with reasoning and bring up discussion?
brewer - even if what Sammy posted was stupid (and it's pretty obvious many feel from their pov it was), because he didn't feel it was (therefore was his genuine opinion) and it wasn't a negative post directed at any poster here personally (it was negative thoughts directed towards a particular team's chances), why should that invite personally derisive comments towards him from others just because he ended up being wrong? Do you know how many people are wrong here everyday? - every time there's a loser posted. Should that mean they all subsequently beg for derisive comments to be directed towards themselves?

As an aside, I can't believe you believe this...

Why discuss things with reasoning and bring up discussion?

....what kind of MB are you left with if there are only picks posted? You'd simply have the situation of so many people having & posting one side, and so many having the other side. That to me is the epitome of meaninglessness.
Learning why someone has the bet they've placed is what allows anyone to consider something they may not have previously even thought of (as an angle), meaning even if one is not a tailer of others plays there can be value in learning why they're playing what they're playing.
If one doesn't tail others plays simply because of their name, what point does viewing their picks have? Just as I don't tail anyone simply on the basis of their pure picks, I dont get put off a play because anyone I have regards for has taken the opposite side - a board of all picks and nothing else would be a wasteland for myself and I'm sure a majority of others here.
The point MB's need mods is because what makes any MB go round is opinions, and naturally differing opinions can lead to things getting heated. In this instance I feel a few people have identified themselves too closely with the team they love and have obviously taken certain opinions posted about that team too closely to heart. Someone posted an opinion that ended up being wrong, that person acknowledged they were wrong even before matters had been finalised on the court, & it's way past time for any adult to have gotten over it.
Guys, everyone relax. The series is over, we all saw what happend...let's leave it at that. This is simply a BeanTown congrats thread...

So let's keep it that way.

Well said above, BC.


Amen... Congrats all Celtics fan, we deserved this one

Betcrimes, i seen the mod forum and how you all made fun of certain NFL capper left and right with his thread titles. So again if saying what Sammy did doesnt beg for Kramar-type respones im wrong. But i dont think i am on that.

I was being sarcastic about people just posting picks with no reasoning. I would like to see more picks posted with reasoning that would invite discussion. Isnt that what capping the game is about? Discussing? More discussion going on in GD over politics than any sports subforum i see on this site. I get :( seeing that.
brewer - the mod forum is as good as off site. Anyone is free to express any negative opinion they want off site. They're not when it comes to the open forums.

As far as discussion goes, I don't see things as much desert like as you seem to. Still, this is the down season for a lot of people, and this place hums along when football comes round. Just the nature of the beast.
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