CollegeFootBall Wk Six


Sniffing out wins
CollegeFootBall Wk Six wk1 +43.96
wk2 +19.04
wk3 +4.64
wk4 +1.38
wk5 +81.69
YTD 149.60 U

Played as many as I could get on the open. Hard to catch some before they moved. Bought many to key #s which I know many would not think of paying this kind of vig. Writeup will include my #s. A couple of Big plays, and a few medium but mostly small. I found very few dogs to play and had to play way to many road favorites but my #s say these are winners. The plays are in, may add to some and may have to buy a couple back depending on injuries and such and will have many parlays with many pts bought to come


Texas* -7 -160 vs Iowa State x1 L
Texas* -6 -132 vs Iowa State x3 L
Western Kentucky* -3 -150 vs UL Monroe x1 W
UCLA* -3 -130 vs Utah x2 W
Utah State* -6 -110 vs BYU x2 L
Utah State* -5 -110 vs BYU x2 L
Michigan State* +3 -140 vs Iowa x1 W
Louisville* -28 -160 vs Temple x1 L
Toledo* -17 -170 vs Western Michigan x2 W
Buffalo* -10 -170 vs Eastern Michigan x2 W
Alabama* -54 -160 vs Georgia State x1 L
Army* +14 -120 vs Boston College x1 L
Maryland* +17½ -110 vs Florida State x1 L
Clemson* -13 -120 vs Syracuse x4 W
North Carolina State* -9 -120 vs Wake Forest x1 L
Nebraska* -9 -130 vs Illinois x2 W
Marshall* -9 -180 vs Texas San Antonio x2 W
Oregon* -37 -120 vs Colorado x4 W
Georgia* -9 -140 vs Tennessee U x10 L
Florida* -9 -130 vs Arkansas x1 W
LSU* -9 -120 vs Mississippi State x10 W
Tulsa* -1 -140 vs Rice x1 L
Oklahoma* -9 -140 vs TCU x5 L
Oklahoma State* -14 -130 vs Kansas State x1 L
Central Florida* -9 -140 vs Memphis x1 L
Rutgers* -3 -160 vs SMU x2 P
New Mexico* -7 -140 vs New Mexico State x1 W
Northern Illinois* -9 -120 vs Kent State x1 W
Mississippi* -3 -110 vs Auburn x2 W
Baylor* -27 -110 vs West Virginia x4 W
UTEP* -1 -120 vs Louisiana Tech x2 L
Penn State* -2½ -140 vs Indiana x2 L
Ohio State* -6 -110 vs Northwestern x5 W

Thurs Nite totals
Texas/Iowa State* Under 58 -140 x2 L
Western Kentucky/UL Monroe* Under 49 -115 x1 W
UCLA/Utah* Under 62 -117 x1

Texas* -3 -140 vs Iowa State for 1st Half x2 W
Western Kentucky* -4 -120 vs UL Monroe for 1st Half x1 P
UCLA* -3 -110 vs Utah for 1st Half x2 W

Texas* -½ -120 vs Iowa State for 1st Quarter x1 W
Texas* -3 -110 vs Iowa State for 2nd Quarter x1 W
Texas* -½ -130 vs Iowa State for 3rd Quarter x2 L

Western Kentucky* -½ -125 vs UL Monroe for 1st Quarter x1 W
Western Kentucky* -3 -110 vs UL Monroe for 2nd Quarter x1 W
Western Kentucky* -½ -115 vs UL Monroe for 3rd Quarter x1 W

UCLA* -½ -110 vs Utah for 1st Quarter xhalf L
UCLA* -½ -120 vs Utah for 2nd Quarter x half W
UCLA* -½ -110 vs Utah for 3rd Quarter x half W

Live In-Play Football 9303 Texas/Iowa State* Under 58½ -110 x1 L
Live In-Play Football 9303 Texas/Iowa State* Under 55 -110 x half L
Live In-Play Football 9303 Texas* -10½ -110 vs Iowa State x half L
Live In-Play Football 9303 Texas* -6½ -110 vs Iowa State X1 L
Texas* -1½ -110 vs Iowa State for 2nd Half x1 L
Texas* -1 -115 vs Iowa State for 2nd Half x2 L

Thur nite parlays

  1. 10/3/2013 8:30 PM College Football 305 Western Kentucky* -3 -180 vs UL Monroe
  2. 10/3/2013 10:00 PM College Football 307 UCLA* -3 -140 vs Utah

Risking 100 To Win 167 W

  1. 10/3/2013 7:30 PM College Football 303 Texas* -300 vs Iowa State
  2. 10/3/2013 8:30 PM College Football 305 Western Kentucky* -230 vs UL Monroe
  3. 10/3/2013 10:00 PM College Football 307 UCLA* -185 vs Utah

Risking 100 To Win 195 W

  1. 10/3/2013 8:30 PM College Football 305 Western Kentucky* -230 vs UL Monroe
  2. 10/3/2013 10:00 PM College Football 307 UCLA* -185 vs Utah

Risking 100 To Win 121 W

parlay 100/121 L
Texas* -6 -140/Under63 -350

Thurs results 16-12-1 +2.72

Utah State* -3 -130 vs BYU for 1st Half x 1 L
Utah State* -½ -110 vs BYU for 1st Quarter x1 L
Utah State* -½ -125 vs BYU for 2nd Quarter x1 L
Utah State* -½ -105 vs BYU for 3rd Quarter x1 L

Nevada* +3½ -110 vs San Diego State for 1st Half x1 W
Nevada* +½ -105 vs San Diego State for 1st Quarter x1 L
Nevada* +½ +110 vs San Diego State for 2nd Quarter x1 L
Nevada* +½ -110 vs San Diego State for 3rd Quarte x1 L

  1. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 310 Utah State* -255 vs BYU
  2. 10/4/2013 9:00 PM College Football 311 Nevada* +7½ -190 vs San Diego State

Risking 100 To Win 112 L

  1. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 310 Utah State* -6 -125 vs BYU
  2. 10/4/2013 9:00 PM College Football 311 Nevada* +4½ -110 vs San Diego State

Risking 100 To Win 244 L

  1. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 310 Utah State* -235 vs BYU
  2. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 309 BYU/Utah State* Under 63 -250

Risking 100 To Win 99.6 L

  1. 10/4/2013 9:00 PM College Football 311 Nevada* +10½ -210 vs San Diego State
  2. 10/4/2013 9:00 PM College Football 311 Nevada/San Diego State* Over 51 -300

Risking 100 To Win 96.8 W

  1. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 310 Utah State* -235 vs BYU
  2. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 309 BYU/Utah State* Under 67 -550
  3. 10/4/2013 9:00 PM College Football 311 Nevada* +14½ -370 vs San Diego State
  4. 10/4/2013 9:00 PM College Football 311 Nevada/San Diego State* Over 49 -450

Risking 100 To Win 162 L

  1. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 310 Utah State* -190 vs BYU for 1st Half
  2. 10/4/2013 9:00 PM College Football 311 Nevada* +165 vs San Diego State for 1st Half
Risking 50 To Win 152 L

36-47-2 -6.17

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gotta thank you for opening my eyes a bit and providing some confidence along with it.

So indirectly, you get some credit for old bull cashing on the likes of Miami, Alabama, and Illinois. In my younger days I would never lay points like that. I see Maryland might attract me next week-end , but don't think there would be any great hurry to get it down. Had a great day yesterday , by the way.
gotta thank you for opening my eyes a bit and providing some confidence along with it.

So indirectly, you get some credit for old bull cashing on the likes of Miami, Alabama, and Illinois. In my younger days I would never lay points like that. I see Maryland might attract me next week-end , but don't think there would be any great hurry to get it down. Had a great day yesterday , by the way.

Thanks for sharing that with the ole hound. I wish I could educate some of the younger players.
Congrats on a great wk MrBull...lets do it again in wk six GL
I got down on a rare early one this week, Blood. I'll save the rest for Friday as usual.

I got down the instant Baylor opened at -21 and they made it -21x on the spot. It jumped to 24 in about two minutes.

Had a good week 5, but I'm wary. I know I can't go on at this pace forever. Unless they keep posting lines like that Arizona State line and suckers keep betting them down like they did that one.

5-1 week 5
21-6 season
9-0 on multi unit bets
Tahoe, Glad u had another big wk Very good price on Baylor. It now 28 and holding GL on Wk 6

P2W Thanks U and as always, BOL to U
Thur nite parlays

  1. 10/3/2013 7:30 PM College Football 303 Texas* -300 vs Iowa State
  2. 10/3/2013 8:30 PM College Football 305 Western Kentucky* -230 vs UL Monroe
  3. 10/3/2013 10:00 PM College Football 307 UCLA* -185 vs Utah
Risking 100 To Win 195

  1. 10/3/2013 8:30 PM College Football 305 Western Kentucky* -230 vs UL Monroe
  2. 10/3/2013 10:00 PM College Football 307 UCLA* -185 vs Utah
Risking 100 To Win 121

  1. 10/3/2013 8:30 PM College Football 305 Western Kentucky* -3 -180 vs UL Monroe
  2. 10/3/2013 10:00 PM College Football 307 UCLA* -3 -140 vs Utah
Risking 100 To Win 167

  1. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 310 Utah State* -255 vs BYU
  2. 10/4/2013 9:00 PM College Football 311 Nevada* +7½ -190 vs San Diego State
Risking 100 To Win 112

  1. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 310 Utah State* -6 -125 vs BYU
  2. 10/4/2013 9:00 PM College Football 311 Nevada* +4½ -110 vs San Diego State
Risking 100 To Win 244
Killed it Blood! I can't stomach another Okie State game and Memphis has burned me twice. But, I hope you're on the right side.
Thanks guys
The parlay came home in wk 5 for a very nice wk.

daveniner, i understand ur frustration on those two. Although the line hasnt moved @ all from 14, I have to believe that Gundy will take his frustrations out on a K St team that only gained 115 yrs against Tex.The Memphis game is something else. SoFla has the better team by 14 or so but if they are not fully focused after the emotional lost last wk, Memphis could slip in the back door

GL guys
added Thurs Nite totals
Texas/Iowa State* Under 58 -140 x1
Western Kentucky/UL Monroe* Under 49 -115 x1
UCLA/Utah* Under 62 -117 x1
Glad to see you on Bama. It will be impossible for them not to cover. This aint Colorado State with conflicting issues. This is an interior line that would lose to Tucker or North Gwinnett High School. Gl This week.
texas total seems high though i dont know crap about clones this year

bol to you, great job!

Detroit,Thanks buddy GLTU
Texas is off a bye after a most impressive game of the season (win over KSt), while Iowa St is also off their most impressive game with their win at Tulsa last Thursday. UT is pretty banged up as QB Ash is still out but I expect them to ride RB Gray who had 141yds vs KSt again while the D continues to improve. Hard to grade positions for Tex because of the way they have played but I give Tex the advantage in Every position. Longhorns held KSt to only 3.0 yards per carry in the. Iowa State’s rushing numbers are as ordinary as Kansas State’s.Iowa State QB Richardson is throwing the ball well I think Tex D will get to him making for a disastrous nite for him as he already has an ankle problem.

I just added 3 more to Texas* -6 -132 vs Iowa State to make this a 4 U play.
Texas/Iowa State* Under 58 -190 another U for a total of two

parlay 100/121
Texas* -6 -140/Under63 -350
eggman, Thanks U to buddy

HuntDawg...LOL maybe so :)

Johnnyonthespot...I alway hate to lay this many pts with any team,let alone Bama who are no know for covering large spreads...but Bama has got to work on some offense shcemes and poor GeoSt happens to be the game where the work must be done. And ur are correct, Saban has no coaching ties with Georgia State like he did with Colorado St, and Tide has only Kentucky on deck.It will be ugly even with the 3rd and 4th strings players in

Thanks for all of the responses
adding halfs and qrts

Texas* -3 -140 vs Iowa State for 1st Half x2

Western Kentucky* -4 -120 vs UL Monroe for 1st Half x1

UCLA* -3 -110 vs Utah for 1st Half x2
Texas* -½ -120 vs Iowa State for 1st Quarter x1
Texas* -3 -110 vs Iowa State for 2nd Quarter x1
Texas* -½ -130 vs Iowa State for 3rd Quarter x1
UCLA* -½ -110 vs Utah for 1st Quarter xhalf
UCLA* -½ -120 vs Utah for 2nd Quarter x half
UCLA* -½ -110 vs Utah for 3rd Quarter x half

the reason for only half U play is because I want to see how the Bruins O is going to make out with Utahs stop unit.Bruins have been mauling their three opponents by an average score of 53-18 There will be plenty of time in-games to add more as I dont see them mauling this utah team like they have the other ones.
Western Kentucky* -½ -125 vs UL Monroe for 1st Quarter x1
Western Kentucky* -3 -110 vs UL Monroe for 2nd Quarter x1
Western Kentucky* -½ -115 vs UL Monroe for 3rd Quarter x1

Remember ULM just 10.5 ppg vs. FBS foes TY and now their sr QB Browning was lost for the season with a torn quad, and little-used jr backup Brown tossed 2 picks in relief vs. Tulane.
Like the 3 plays on thursday and GL on all the others.
On Texas 2nd half also and bailed out of w. Kentucky at half. A little pissed at the play calling to end the half after being up 14-0 to start the game.
  1. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 310 Utah State* -255 vs BYU
  2. 10/4/2013 9:00 PM College Football 311 Nevada* +7½ -190 vs San Diego State

Risking 100 To Win

I would be especially happy to see you win this one.
big slate of sides which I have copied onto my week 6 sheet worksheet.
there are several where we have the same side and I'll give you a report on how many I lose, if any, and you win.
GL super week 5 for u.
half and qrts

Utah State* -3 -130 vs BYU for 1st Half x 1
Utah State* -½ -110 vs BYU for 1st Quarter x1
Utah State* -½ -125 vs BYU for 2nd Quarter x1
Utah State* -½ -105 vs BYU for 3rd Quarter x1

Nevada* +3½ -110 vs San Diego State for 1st Half x1
Nevada* +½ -105 vs San Diego State for 1st Quarter x1
Nevada* +½ +110 vs San Diego State for 2nd Quarter x1
Nevada* +½ -110 vs San Diego State for 3rd Quarte x1
  1. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 310 Utah State* -235 vs BYU
  2. 10/4/2013 8:00 PM College Football 309 BYU/Utah State* Under 63 -250
Risking 100 To Win 99.6