college football lines are up for select few at pinny...

I am tempted to take LSU at PK..will they be a dog at gametime?

Do you take Oklahoma now at 8?
Wow!! I was thinking I wouldn't lay any money on the Tex/Ok game, but I had to lay a UNIT on Oklahoma +8!! Geeez!!

I layed 2 UNITS on Hawaii -6.5 against Nevada.

Thanks for the heads up, Hunt!
damn these are some tough games next week
I like lsu and tenn to win su
no problem denny!!

+8 looks nice..I am debating whether to wait or not...also Oregon getting 7.5 looks nice too.
no problem denny!!

+8 looks nice..I am debating whether to wait or not...also Oregon getting 7.5 looks nice too.

That Oklahoma line will not stay there. If you want it at that line, you better take it now.
I agree is tough..I also like tenny and lsu too...I am just wondering where these lines are going on the dogs.
I'm really surprised they have these lines up already. RJ and Troystacks are sleeping on the job!! LOL
abcs--thelegend said:
Am i the only one who thinks OU has a chance to win this su?

I'm looking for a really close game this year, abcs . . . .
LOL denny..Pinny is getting scandalous, they are starting to release stuff late in the week..I noticed the Ml's last week came out at like 3 in the morning and first halfs came out late too.
well I am glad I got my MSU +17.5 locked in and Oklahoma +7.5..I expect both to drop.
I put two more UNITS on Texas Tech +1.5 . . . . this is crazy that Tech is a home dog at home . . . .
Why is GAWJA favored? Does the long name QB return for this game?
Oh well I hit Tenny up pretty good

Mad about LSU open at PK? WTF
LSU should be -3, I dont care if they are in the swamp, because as long as Florida doesnt really release alligators on the field along with a ft. of water, LSU will win this game, Tenn. will will SU as well IMO
what do you think the line will do for that LSU game purple? btw, tenny is favored, not -1.5 now.
I think that Mizzou QB is legit, but I have not seen them play that to you guys that have that game.
SoonerBS said:
I'm really surprised they have these lines up already. RJ and Troystacks are sleeping on the job!! LOL

Hey, hey, hey...

Sorry I expected them out tomorrow.

Looking at the opening lines. All the tough games, it looks like.

BTW, Sooner, I think Texas wins by a TD+.