Colin Kapernick and The Hat?

I still don't get it. As a pro athlete u can't go out wit another team in ur sport on. It's not as bad but still like papi comin out in a Yankees hat.
I still don't get it. As a pro athlete u can't go out wit another team in ur sport on. It's not as bad but still like papi comin out in a Yankees hat.
new generation. If I own the team I am real pissed....otherwise, ehh
Face of tha organization, if he's got a Miami U hat, no issue. But he can't as a pro go out wit a dolphins hat on
Not pissed as a Niners fan, but agree with Tru. I'm more upset at his poor judgment than I am about a hat. If he wasn't able to see that it would upset some people (particularly ownership and fan base) what else won't he be able to see.....again not a major deal, but slightly concerning he doesn't see why this is a problem. Pretty sure Jed York won't be rocking a Patriots hat from the owners box week 1.
Doesn't make any sense. There just isn't any way he didn't realize that you can't do shit like that. He had to have known he was going to piss someone off if he wears a Dolphins hat. He can't be that dumb can he?


Happy now?
Hell yeah it's a big deal. He's the face of the franchise. It'd be like Jordan walking around in a pair of Reeboks while drinking a Powerade. Can not happen, should not happen
As a crotchety old school fuck, I'm surprisingly ambivalent about this. It's 2013, it's offseason. This is a 1 on the 10 scale of bad form compared to LeDouche in the Yanks lid at the Indians playoff game against the Yanks. Sitting in comped seats.
He may have even figured no one would recognize a Dolphins logo.
As a crotchety old school fuck, I'm surprisingly ambivalent about this. It's 2013, it's offseason. This is a 1 on the 10 scale of bad form compared to LeDouche in the Yanks lid at the Indians playoff game against the Yanks. Sitting in comped seats.

I didn't think LeDouche wearing a Yanks' hat was that big of a deal. It was a completely different sport, Kapernick was wearing another NFL teams' hat which is worse in most people's eyes. I guess if you're from Cleveland or Ohio though, it was probably a bigger deal huh?
From a distance lebron was much worse, wearing opponent gear at a home game. I bet niners fans couldn't name three current players on the fins roster.

Not comparable.
From a distance lebron was much worse, wearing opponent gear at a home game. I bet niners fans couldn't name three current players on the fins roster.

Not comparable.

Fair enough. Lebron didn't play for the Indians, which is why I didn't think it was a big deal. I can see how some people thought it was though. Like were fans going to like him less and not cheer for him and the Cavs because he is a Yankees fan?

I didn't think they were comparable either.
Lebron defined cleveland sports and wore the opponent's attire at a playoff game.

Kap wore a fins hat in the offseason, and he is hardly the face of frisco, especially while they are current world series champs. Just apples v oranges. Buster Posey has more clout, as does bruce bochy in SF. Probly a long list more than Kap.
Lebron defined cleveland sports and wore the opponent's attire at a playoff game.

Kap wore a fins hat in the offseason, and he is hardly the face of frisco, especially while they are current world series champs. Just apples v oranges. Buster Posey has more clout, as does bruce bochy in SF. Probly a long list more than Kap.

I thought the fans should have just booed him at the game, and cheered in his face when the Indians scored...but in a joking manner, just riding him like you would a buddy who is rooting for the other team. I didn't understand why people actually got really upset about it though, like it had anything to do with LeDouche and the Cavs.

They should have had some fun with it I guess is my point, as opposed to really taking it to heart. More important things to worry about than which baseball team someone, who plays on your basketball team, roots for. When the Indians scored (wait, did the Indians score?), they could have shown LeDouche on the jumbotron, and everyone could have booed him or just cheered crazily because the Indians scored. When the game was over, the 'outrage' over him wearing a Yanks' hat should have also been over.

Completely understand your point about LeBron vs Kapernick and their 'status' in their respective cities. I just don't think either 'hat thing' is that big of deal though. I stopped caring that much about any team when I was like a teenager. It's not life or death for me if 'my team' wins, and to many people it seems like it is sometimes.

wanna bet he thinks he is underpaid?

He should have thought of that before he signed his contract, like an upgrade if he started x amount of games in a season or wins x number of playoff games.

If he doesn't like it he can go do something else for a living. They always need people to dig ditches
Maybe he thought it wasn't a big deal because the Dolphins are terrible? Lol.

But in all honesty, I agree with Tru, any other sport isn't a big deal, he's not 7 years old and can claim the "I like the logo" defense my nephew gives me when rocking other teams gear....
He should have thought of that before he signed his contract, like an upgrade if he started x amount of games in a season or wins x number of playoff games.

If he doesn't like it he can go do something else for a living. They always need people to dig ditches

He had no choice, he's still on his rookie contract.
Whatever it is you guys do for work, would you ever wear a hat or a tee-shirt of one of your competitors? Pretty sure I'd get a serious talking to from my boss if I was wearing a shirt from another land surveying firm.
^ Just tell your boss it's no big deal as long as you show up mon-fri you'll wear whatever you want. See how that goes :D