Coaching Carousel Thread Time...


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Obviously we have Fatricia gone and suddenly the Lions are having fun ;)

Greeg Williams just got the ax has DC in New York.

I am sure this will really start getting going the next few weeks.
I can’t imagine how any team doing crappy can look at how things rapidly changing in Miami and nyg and not fire their coach! Chargers have more talent than both but are terrible, Lynn has never been able to win close games. Don’t see any chance he gets fired in season tho, hell knowing the chargers it prob only 50-50 he gets fired after the season. You know chargers won’t invest the money to bring in a good coach, cheap fuxks.

I don’t think Bungals have the right guy. They have the qb but the coach sucks imo. He probably get a pass cause burrow got hurt even tho that primarily his fault!! Cincy another team w a cheap crappy owner tho.

It comical Greg Williams the scapegoat in NY, chances are they don’t wanna fire Gase cause they prefer to go 0-16 and he gives them the best chance for that!! Most unbelievable thing is Gase will prob get another coordinator job, he must have bunch of dirt on lot of GMs or owners!

obviously falcons and Texans on the clock. Such a shame houston let that moron obrien do so much long term damage before firing him!! He gutted their draft picks and traded away a top 5 wr before getting the boot! lol.

I defended Nagy for far to long thinking it was the qb situation that was handcuffing him. Think that was just blinding me to fact he not a very good coach, it redic how little they commit to having a rushing attack, that seems like the most obvious thing in history when you have that defense and couple garbage QBs! I think he smart but the problem is he thinks he smart which leads to him being way to cute with his play calling. I can’t overstate how Asinine it is bears have never attempted to establish a solid consistent run game in all his time!! maybe he needs to be a coordinator for a few more years so he has a coach who can instruct him on such things!!

If I’m Dallas I would fire McCarthy but they should have known what they were getting when they hired him. I would have fired him the day after he joked in his presser about essentially scamming Jerry into hiring him!! Lol. Assuming his buddy Nolan be the sacrificial lamb there and he def deserves it.

think that about it, am I missing something?
Is pederson on the hot seat in Philly? Seems kinda strange but kinda sounding like he might be.
Shit I think he was last year. Seems to be an owner vs coach thing but I’m sure the Philly guys know

i think the gm gotta take some responsibility here. Lot of bad contracts on that team, lot of guys who can’t stay healthy, and drafting Reagor ahead of Jefferson was awful! Wtf reagor ever do at tcu? I thought at time that was one those terrible picks they made at the combine off measurable instead of whether he was a freaking football player!
Harbaugh to chargers I'm hearing has legs

hmm. I’d be shocked, I just can’t imagine chargers back up the money truck, hasn’t been their style. I also heard someone in the know say a month ago he thought when harbaugh was done at Michigan he would be more likely to take a RV around the country than coach again. Lol.

I think it would be a great move for chargers, they need to bring in a big time coach imo, you would think they gotta be most attractive opening in the league with Hebert and all their talent! Urban Meyer would be my choice!! I dunno how you say no to thst job? Other than being in a very tough division they are set up for instant and long term success!

Eyes on Urban?!
I saw that yesterday

you think?
Pretend to not be a Michigan fan for a second...what‘s your honest opinion of Urb in the NFL?
Absolutely bomb out to be honest. I guess it would be about who he surrounds himself with.

There is a reason guys like Saban, Kiffin, Butch Davis.... Spurrier etc flamed in the league.

I know Hunt thinks otherwise, but that's his favorite all time coach.
But Cavs...

Anything can happen. He's a great offensive mind. But, so was Steve Spurrier.

Again, the support staff would be huge. Obviously, having Trev as QB1 right away is very enticing.

I think it would be fascinating.

I doubt it happens though, everything I've read is he is in such poor health that coaching is practically impossible.
Absolutely bomb out to be honest. I guess it would be about who he surrounds himself with.

There is a reason guys like Saban, Kiffin, Butch Davis.... Spurrier etc flamed in the league.

I know Hunt thinks otherwise, but that's his favorite all time coach.
Also a reason why Saban is so good at bama is because he keeps getting what are essentially over qualified coordinators who need to be rehabbed

So ya, if C.U.M can get an elite OC and DC, then ya, he could be great, hes a great motivational guy, he gets his players to buy in
Who do you want BAR?

Seems both GM and HC some solid candidates for once, multiple. Will really have to F this up.

I lean Brady, Saleh. Lions too conservative to make move on Brady. Fave has to be Saleh.
It’ll probably be Lynn lol
Who do you want BAR?

Seems both GM and HC some solid candidates for once, multiple. Will really have to F this up.

I lean Brady, Saleh. Lions too conservative to make move on Brady. Fave has to be Saleh.
It’ll probably be Lynn lol
As the NFL turns offensive... I'll go with Brady.

Saleh is fine too.

I think they'll get a coach well before GM . That's always interesting.

As far as what we'll actually do. Prolly rehire Caldwell.
Bieniemy is the number 1 coordinator available no? That's not a Rooney rule interview

Tough thing with him is KC going so far like last year

Most teams prolly hire guys in next few weeks
Bieniemy is the number 1 coordinator available no? That's not a Rooney rule interview

Tough thing with him is KC going so far like last year

Most teams prolly hire guys in next few weeks
For sure, just a quip on the silly rule. He deserves every interview, even if he does ultimately flop because it’s AR’s show and he won’t get PH or TK or TH.

Lynn, Morris and Marv Lewis always around for token interviews to satisfy rule if no interest in EB.