Coaches Hotseat


What schools do you think are going to have openings at the end of the year? Lloyd Carr saved his ass last week for sure. My top picks.

1. Miami

2. NCST, Amato is gone

3. UNC if they continue to play like crap but Bunting does have a solid recruiting class coming in which is probably saving his ass.

4. A&M embarrasing to almost lose to Army. If they lose to Baylor again and say Okie St., etc with Butch Davis out there Fran is history.
chuck is going to have a horrible season. I think he's gone. send us coker!

a winning season would be a nice step for ncsu...
these four for sure...

Hal Mumme isn't worth a crap...

Al Groh needs to go as well...

Ted Roof...

Walt Harris is highly overrated...

Mike Riley is a dipshit...

so is Bill Doba...

Ron Zook is complete dog poo...

the Croom hiring needs to be re-visited...

and whoever the Utah St. coach is, he sucks too...

not sure all of these people are being considered for being fired, but they should be...
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Nutt is on the hot seat imo as well especially if they dont make a bowl
Walt Harris of Stanford.....WTF is going on over there especially the rush defense...they have gotten pissed on the last 3 weeks.
abcs, I agree about Nutt. Only thing in his corner are the Springdale recruits he brought in (Mustain, Williams, Alexander, etc)
Guys Miami has the players and the talent to win the championship every year the thing is, that Coker is not a master motvater like some of these other coaches. If anyone is going to be the head coach it sgoing to to be one of two people. 1) The D cord. cant think of his name off the top of my head or 2) Jimmy "Fucking" Johnson. Dont be surprised if he comes back!!!

Talking about unconfirmmed reports here is one for you that is going to flip all your wigs.


Cower`s wife and kid are already living in a huge MANSION in Raleigh and he wants to spend more time with his family everyone knows that. He is waiting to see if they can repeat and if they dont he is out and headed to RALEIGHWOOD. Why do you think he is putting off the contract talk till after the season???
Raleigh is a booming business town and is growing by the second. They won the Championship in Hockey last year dont think for one second that the Raleigh Rednecks dont have money because NC STATE and UNC want to win now. I was told that it was going to be NC STATE but UNC paid out for Roy Williams and was in the finals of the baseball world series and they want to be good @ football too. So you guys want to go NAtional Post that story Im here for the ride!!


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This is a cool thread...

Totally agree on NC St and Miami coaches being gone; not sure on Bunting and Fran just yet.

Here on the west coast...Doba at Wassou is the closest to the hot seat; 4th year on the job, and the most recent 2 were sub-500. Going rate in the Palousee is a Rose Bowl run every 3 yrs; with 'SC now on the scene, a run at 2nd would be nice, but it ain't happening. Ever since Price left, their staple 3 WR set has gotten weaker and weaker.

Next up will be Walt Harris...WTF IS going on...I agree. They have lost both of their starting WR to injury, cannot run or stop the run...basically...they are unbettable.
From EDSBS.com


Chuck Amato. Dan Hawkins. Larry Coker. Coaches whose teams stumble out of the gate face a steep challenge in keeping the lines of communication open, their team’s attitude positive, and making sure they don’t run to the media, stage player rebellions, and make unsubstantiated claims of sexual abuse on local sports talk shows.

With that, we surveyed a selection of communicators and leaders to ask what they would tell troubled head men in times of crisis.

Pat Dye, former Auburn head coach.

“Tell ‘em they’ll be tough times, but that it’ll make them–and you as a coach–better. You’ll find out who your real friends are at times like that. You’ll also find courage. Determination. A bottle of Johnny Walker in your desk. Pills. Yourself, waking up covered in blood in feathers somewhere south of Opelika. All of those things, actually.”

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

“I find that communication becomes key, even if you may feel like you’re all alone. You must remain steadfast, but show the people around you that that steely determination does not come without a caring heart that senses and appreciates all of their concerns. Also, blame the evil, greedy claws of the greedy, fanged Johnny for all that goes wrong. They love that.”

John Mackovic, former head coach at Texas and Arizona.

“These guys seem fine to me. What those players need is some discipline. Yes, discipline.”

Morbo, Anchor of Alien Invasion Tonight

“Lull them into a false sense of security, telling them that all is well. Distract them with your puny futile hitting games while we hover above, ready to pounce on your Mouse scat of a planet. Kittens give me gas. Thank you.”

Ty Willingham, current head coach at Washington.

“I am hitting my tee shots further, and straighter than ever, which is making my second shots a LOT easier! In fact, I’ve even learned how to put a nice draw on the ball - something I could NEVER do before, at least not on purpose. Can you see why I am so excited about this???”

Cesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer.

“Remember to remind them that you are the alpha. Do not speak directly to them when they display bad behaviors. When they are at practice, remind them that it is their privilege to be at practice with you, not for you to be at practice with them. Reward with praise, and punish not with violence, but with dominance and a firm two finger slap behind the neck.”

Jackie Sherrill, television analyst and former coach

“Hell, start throwing cash around and cut the balls off a large animal. That scares the living shit out of people. Ain’t nobody gettin’ a ride off old Jack without gettin’ a little grass, cash, or ass. That’s how you get recruits to come to Starkville, son.”

[NAME REDACTED], current coach of the Illinois Fighting Illini.

“Headbutt vending machines. It sends an exciting statement to your team that you’re not going to take their lack of focus, and that you are excited and willing to take this out on a Fanta, Nehi, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, or even a Cheerwine-sponsored vending machine twice your size. Mind the older models, though, especially the glass-fronted ones. Then tell them you see improvement, and that you’re getting better and better, even if you’re not. Did you know I can barefoot waterski? Did ya?”

Jean-Bedel Bokassa, former dictator of the Central African Republic.

“Stress can cloud your thinking. Some simple techniques can help you regain your poise and composure as a leader. Taking a quiet moment to appreciate the gleam of sunlight off your 724 carat diamond ring, for example, sharpens the mind like nothing else. Or drinking a refreshing cup of tea from a dissident’s finely polished skull, while enjoying his liver spread across melba toast. Or sitting on broad veranda for an instant, appreciating the undulations of the Ubangi river as your henchmen drop prisoners into it from a helicopter several hundred feet above you. My personal “safe place” is when I’m in in first class with my pants around my ankles, passed out with a bottle of Dom Perignon in hand after sodomizing a stewardess in front of a horrified cabin of my frightened underlings. All these things for the troubled coach I recommend.”