ClubDirtSports Offseason NFL Trivia


Pretty much a regular
i think this is an interesting and more importantly, gambling helpful, question so i'll post it here as well.

which three teams have the best home field advantage, which three teams have the worst home field advantage, as measured by home vs. away point differential/season in their current stadiums (remember, it's all about point differential)?

it's a per season average that goes back as long as each team has been in its current stadium
For worst home field advantages, I'll go with Jacksonville, Cleveland, and either St Louis or Miami.

For best home field advantages, I'll go with Green Bay, Baltimore, and either Denver or Pittsburgh. Although Seattle may be one of the 3.
good stuff from lareux. these are not easy and the title of the thread is a little misleading because the differential number is an average of all seasons going back to when the team started playing in its stadium. so, a team like GB, who's been in their stadium forever, is going to be in the middle of the group because their sample size is the biggest and is going to cover good teams, bad teams and everything in between. as expected SD, which has been at qualcomm forever, is right below GB in the middle.

and don't assume bad teams are on the bottom because if a team is fairly consistent, it might be at the bottom of the list but in a good way, meaning it's home field advantage may not be that great in comparison to its road numbers but it could be because their road numbers are pretty good too.

that being said, seattle is the best at point differential which makes sense. baltimore is number two. i guessed denver as well but they are in the middle. pittsburgh is 11th.

of your other guesses, cleveland was closest at 7th from the bottom. miami is 8th from the bottom.
Top 3

1. Seattle
2. Baltimore



3 and 27 are the hardest to guess, in my opinion. 28 shouldn't be too bad when you read post #5
Paul Brown Stadium is 5th from the bottom. :shake:

however, no more of the blanks have been filled.
there are obviously 32 teams but the teams with the newer stadiums like dallas are not on the list.
carolina is a good guess as they are 6th from the bottom. buffalo also good as they have been in that stadium a long time yet are at 10.