Cleveland Brown fans...

Capt. Slap

1st year apprentice of Sammy
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They just got the future QB of the NFL!
um not really.............i think he will be average at best. I mean we are talking about a QB that will be seeing CB's week in and week out that are 4.4 type speed against corners that he saw week in and week out that were 4.75's. It will be an adjustment.

I love the joe thomas pick, i absolutley love it.
gotti's on crack.

I'm having my cake and eating it too. Best OT in the draft, best QB in the draft, top two players on my "Browns board" and two greatest needs on the team to boot. Home run first round.
First order of business. Axe Frye, he's a fucking hillbilly anyway.
I mean we are talking about a QB that will be seeing CB's week in and week out that are 4.4 type speed against corners that he saw week in and week out that were 4.75's. It will be an adjustment.

In the history of the NFL draft, which quarterback does this not describe?

No idea whatsoever why Quinn slid past Miami, but Brownies got a steal at #22, don't disparage the Domer.
frankiegotti, I'm not an a NFL scout or GM (I assume you're not), but I'm pretty fired up and fueled up about this first round. Debate if you will.

What's your problem with Quinn?

I see absolutely, positively, no negatives at #22, and I pretty much watched every game of the guy's career, start to finish.

They gave up next year's first rounder to get him, he was projected top 5 THIS YEAR, and if they're drafting that high again next year, the whole organization should quit. It was a great move for a dire need.
I am a Bears Fan first but I am happy for the homers...

For the first time in a long time the Browns addressed their OL first and then were lucky enough to move up...

They got 2 of the "Big 5"
Yessir, long tme? Decades!

This high in the draft, 30 years.

Bellichek's first pick ever was a center. So was Paul Prown's. Getting the best QB in the draft was gravy.
Cameron took a well deserved beating in the press conference trying to stress the "return abilities" of the #9 overall selection. Terrible pick!
Braylon Edwards is garbage, other than no hands, no speed, no character.

If Savage could have traded him, he would have. Still might.

One of the bigger cancers in the league in my opinion.
Bentley may be done forever, Cap, definitely a no-go next season.
tip..... First Quinn will be average at best. like i said before. He will get run out of the league fast if there is not a veteran behind him to help him along b/c as you probally know the NFL is quite a adjustment.

I would of rather gave frye another year in a great offensive line and said "here you go your officially on the clock you have one year to prove yourself". Last year wasn't a fair assesment because he was running for his life most of the time.

Also Braylon Edwards is not trash. Wide recievers need coached like any other position. That was the problem from day 1 with that. Robiskie, if that is how his name is spelled. Robiskie tried to be braylon's friend and pad him on the ass instead of putting his foot in braylons ass when he didn't catch the ball. I know catching the ball is somewhat routine but much of it is also motivation.

Mark my words if Brady Quinn does not get a veteran in there to help him along he will fail and get run out of cleveland in two years. Also, with quinn being drafted at 22nd who knows how hard he is going to be to sign. I mean look at leinart last year, he thought he was a top 3 pick and he wanted to be paid like it. I fear the same thing with quinn.

I am a harcore browns fan at heart, i hope for the best, but like i said at least two times before get a veteran to ride pine. Is Vinny Testeverde still in the league? JK LOL.
If the Browns suck again ( very possible), then they just gave up a top 5 pick ( maybe even #1) and everything else for the 23d pick in the draft.

Sure, it's cool they got brady, but what the value they sent over was really for top 5 talent and not 23... they overpaid in my book.

They better have had a good draft, because they had 2 first rounders.
I still don't like the pick at #22 or even if it were 31 or whatever. Here's the problem. They will be bad next year, imo. That means the pick they gave up for next year's draft has the value of a top 5 pick (which I would trade for a late 1 and late 2 if I could, ideally). In addition to that, they still took the 2nd QB overall. Meaning? They are gonna have to pay him wayyyy more than your avg #22 pick... Way more. So, not only did they lose their pick next year, but this year they'll have all kinds of money locked up in a position that they may not've had to address at all.

A likely scenario is that they gave up 50-100% more money by drafting Quinn(a QB) this year, rather than another position of need which they could get away with paying much less, as well as 2 potential starters for the '08 season. Seems like a bad deal to me. Then again, if this guy takes them to the promised land this is all rendered moot.
I'm a Cowboy fan and thank the Browns for giving us a chance at Darren Mcfadden.

The Browns made good but it won't pay dividends next year. They have a tough schedule having to play the AFC East. They will end up giving the Boys a top 10 pick especially with that defense.
Dys and CG have it, the Browns, I think, had a great draft--however, they have now put themselves in a position where they better not suck next year.

They don't have to make the playoffs, they don't have to even be pushing for a wildcard, what they need to avoid, at all costs, is being one of the worst five teams in the league.

The thing is, this draft looks good today--and it may look even better in five years if Brady pans out. However, if the Browns go 4-12 next year and would-be drafting fourth overall, this trade in the short term will be a kick in the nuts.

That said, when you get a guy at #22 who really shouldn't have dropped past 10, you did a good job. More than that, if you take Quinn out of this draft, I still think the Browns did a good job so I look at Quinn as gravy. That is, unless they're awful next year, then that high pick will look costly, and if Quinn never pans out, it will likely define Savage's career in Cleveland.

One thing I will say about the Brady Q., however, is that he loves the Browns, he wants to be a Brown and he wants to lead this team. Good or bad, I love his attitude on that, and that's the one thing I've never waivered on with him.

Now we just need to see if he can play the position.
At least they had the balls to move up and it might benefit them in 2 or 3 years and for many years after that.

I think he is a good qb and it is like you said, he wants to be there.
Brady Quinn IS our 2008 first round pick. Plus, he's going to have one year in the NFL (whether it's just learning the system and holding a clipboard or getting some significant snaps), one more year's experience than whoever that first-round pick would be next year. Yes, that's obvious, but it needs to be considered.

If Quinn is projected to fill a bigger need with bigger impact than whatever their spot would warrant next year, that's how you judge the trade.

Overall, I think this is a case where both teams benefit from the trade.
Good move Clevend got 2 great picks whom are both happy to be there. Signing Quinn will help immediatly in ticket sales and they get him for #22 money. Its a no brainer for Cleve from a finicial standpoint and also works well for Dallas. Even if Cleve flops next year I think it is still a good move it gets everyone talking about cleve, Miami dropped the ball though
Chancedog... believe it or not, the Browns don't need help selling tickets. This is a football city, and there's a theory that our unconditional love for the team has hurt them, as the owner doesn't need to focus on building a winner, since us lemmings file through the turnstile whether the team goes 3-13 or 7-9.

I was downtown yesterday at an indoor/outdoor market. The Indians had won 7 of their last 8 and are in first place, the Cavs are in the playoffs... but about 90% of people wearing sports-team attire were wearing Browns gear... and it's only draft day!
yep, i'm happy about the draft.

i choose to be an optimist. i have watched the Browns since 1965 and i've had so much fun doing it. they were, are and will be my team.

go Browns!
I'm with you, Ro, and I'm very happy about this draft, too, as it seems that the Browns top three picks could very well all be starters by mid-season at the latest.

However, if the Browns are awful next year, record-wise, even if they're building toward something (as we all hope), they're not going to get the benefit of being bad with a number one draft pick. If they're bad their first pick will be somewhere in the low 30s and that's tough to swallow if you go 3-13 even if you can see hope on the horizon.

I like the draft, I just hope the Browns aren't in that position because then the complainers will come out and the Browns will have only themselves to blame.

Funny thing, I was away from TVs all weekend so I only got news in little bits and pieces. I knew about Joe Thomas, but then when I found out they somehow got Brady Quinn, my thought was that they had to trade Braylon Edwards to do it. Part of me would have felt better had they did that rather than give up that number one next year.

Which isn't to say that I want to give up on Braylon, just that I want guys in Cleveland who 'want' to be in Cleveland. And I'm not sure if Braylon fits that. I hope he does, and really, I hope Brady Quinn comes in and takes over this team, leads them.

Because that's what they need as much as anything.