Clemson vs BC - Red Bandana Night


Well-Known Member
Long time lurker, first time poster. Unbelievable cappers here and I appreciate everyone's insight.

The BC Clemson game tonight is Red Bandana Night for BC. Pretty incredible story in honor of a BC grad who saved a bunch of people in the World Trade Center and people only described the guy as "someone wearing a red bandana."

Anyway, this is the 3rd red bandana game - first time they beat USC at home, second time they played Florida State real close, 7-0 in the 4th and ending up losing 14-0.

Not saying this means they will cover the 17, but if it's useful for anyone for an emotional edge, thought I'd share.

Emotions are huge in college football...
These are just kids we are talking about.

Thanks for the info:shake2:
and Clemson not in the greatest spot... on the road, shorter than normal week and off huge win vs Lville
Sorry fellas. Thought BC would keep it closer. Goes to show you - grade A athletes can just take over a game regardless of the situation.