Clemson players/drug test

I have heard that 38 of 40 positives for this substance this year were resolved in favor of the player.
It would be the fault of the lab. A “B” sample is nothing more than half of the original specimen provided. Only difference is the time that it is on the shelf. Every substance has a half-life. Thus, more time for it to deteriorate.
I thought the half life of this substance was due to metabolism, not the mere passage of time.
I thought the half life of this substance was due to metabolism, not the mere passage of time.
Biological half life, yes. But every substinsnce has a half life, regardless of whether it is in the body. Stands true outside the body as well. Curious to know when the test was taken.
Serious question... With all the shit that is pumped into animals that we eat anymore, could this be related at all? I know they give steroids to chickens and cows, but never looked into what kinds.