Cincy Clock Mgt


Pretty much a regular
Bet Cincy PK toward end when they were up 2 so little pissed. But all they needed was 2 FD. On their last possession in the sequence of getting their first FD, they twice snapped the ball with over 10 seconds left on the time clock, both when GA wasn't taking a TO and the game clock was running. I was utterly shocked - cost them 15 seconds or so which GA used at end. Then on GA last drive, they rushed 3 and let GA march right down into FG range. Fickle's done great things at Cincy but that was some of worst end of game coaching I've seen.
Not to mention calling a pass play on that last 3rd down play before punt. GA out of timeouts at that point, you absolutely have to run the ball on that play to keep the clock running. Horrible loss for Cin, should have never happened. The ejection of 55 on targeting was huge too, as backup LT killed them with penalties and couldn't protect Ridder backside properly.
Not to mention calling a pass play on that last 3rd down play before punt. GA out of timeouts at that point, you absolutely have to run the ball on that play to keep the clock running. Horrible loss for Cin, should have never happened. The ejection of 55 on targeting was huge too, as backup LT killed them with penalties and couldn't protect Ridder backside properly.

this 3rd and 2 play was fucking ridiculous. i thought he was rolling out to run, not fling one up 30 yards downfield. absolutely moronic play call to pass there.
Not to mention calling a pass play on that last 3rd down play before punt. GA out of timeouts at that point, you absolutely have to run the ball on that play to keep the clock running. Horrible loss for Cin, should have never happened. The ejection of 55 on targeting was huge too, as backup LT killed them with penalties and couldn't protect Ridder backside properly.
funny thing is if he had thrown it earlier it was a easy TD or kneel down after catch - guy was beyond wide open. But any long pass has a large inherent risk. I think he might have had the option to run it and keep the clock going and that got him confused. But simply can't have an incomplete pass there for sure and Fickel has to know whether he can trust him - obviously they were not in that type of position during the season. That plus not running the play clock down to 1-2 seconds is about 50 seconds and definitely the difference in the game. That loss is 100% on the end game coaching.
funny thing is if he had thrown it earlier it was a easy TD or kneel down after catch - guy was beyond wide open. But any long pass has a large inherent risk. I think he might have had the option to run it and keep the clock going and that got him confused. But simply can't have an incomplete pass there for sure and Fickel has to know whether he can trust him - obviously they were not in that type of position during the season. That plus not running the play clock down to 1-2 seconds is about 50 seconds and definitely the difference in the game. That loss is 100% on the end game coaching.
and if the receiver comes back for the ball like he should have it's a PI. I like the call - they tried to win the game. Georgia didn't take long to get into field goal range and I still think would have even with less time- defenses don't stiffen until they get to the 40. Cincinnati outsmarted themselves on offense and got out of a rhythm by not running their normal plays that their offense is based on all season long. You gotta run some bread and butter.

Think about this Georgia didn't drive the length of the field once for a touchdown the 2nd half. I don't think they get that touchdown if cincy makes them drive it 70 yards or more. So the turnover was huge.
and if the receiver comes back for the ball like he should have it's a PI. I like the call - they tried to win the game. Georgia didn't take long to get into field goal range and I still think would have even with less time- defenses don't stiffen until they get to the 40. Cincinnati outsmarted themselves on offense and got out of a rhythm by not running their normal plays that their offense is based on all season long. You gotta run some bread and butter.

Think about this Georgia didn't drive the length of the field once for a touchdown the 2nd half. I don't think they get that touchdown if cincy makes them drive it 70 yards or more. So the turnover was huge.
Respectfully disagree, the time factor on that one play was 35 seconds. Running that time off was the most important thing to do, and not worth the risk of throwing. That would have left GA with 3 or 4 less plays than they ran to get in FG positon.
Not to mention calling a pass play on that last 3rd down play before punt. GA out of timeouts at that point, you absolutely have to run the ball on that play to keep the clock running. Horrible loss for Cin, should have never happened. The ejection of 55 on targeting was huge too, as backup LT killed them with penalties and couldn't protect Ridder backside properly.
A couple things: You are absolutely right about 55. That was a killer for Cincy. Also, not running the clock down to zero on every snap earlier in the drive killed them. If they run another 15-20 seconds off, which they easily could have done on those earlier plays, it would have been enough. Even without that, and throwing on 3rd down, it still took a 50+ yard FG to beat them.

As for throwing on 3rd and 2, I usually defend going for the win with a 1st down, and in their defense, they schemed that kid wide open and were obviously saving that play, but in this case, I would have run it because they were on the 40 yard line after getting a couple 1st downs. From there you'd be able to pin them back around the 15-20 yard line with a good probably would have been good enough with the extra 30 seconds you could have run off. If they were on their own 20, I would have thrown it because you lose on a FG an they only would need about 20 yards to get there. I'm killing them more for not running the clock down on the previous plays than for calling the pass.
The thing about the 3rd down throw, if it works it is legendary. Reminded me of the 1996 Texas Big Xll Title game when Texas sealed the game with a 4th down throw like that.
But on that play the Texas TE was only 10 yards downfield and didn't have anyone within 5 yards of him. It was easy, real easy, pitch and catch.

In the Cincy case Ridder should have simply eaten the ball, then 40 seconds go off the clock and they win the game.

Anyone see / read a Fickell interview post-game? Really curious what his comments were.

Was a pretty outstanding play by the DB to recognize and quickly get there.

I don't hate the call really. You come up with plays like that for moments like that. Ridder saw him open. I do agree though that snapping the ball on the earlier plays not milking the clock was just obvious bad coaching.
The thing about the 3rd down throw, if it works it is legendary. Reminded me of the 1996 Texas Big Xll Title game when Texas sealed the game with a 4th down throw like that.

That was 4th down, which makes a difference