Chris Simon takes a baseball swing @ throat of Hellweg

I heard about it last night, but didn't see it until just now. STUPID!!!! And to think, I have his Jersey from when he was a Capital.
This is unacceptable....thank god im not a hockey commish, cause this goon would never play in the NHL again......The NHL allows fighting, imo, to avoid situations where people feel the need to take dirty shots at other players.....You wanna get after a clean check, give him a clean check, or simply throw down the gloves and duke it out....This crosses the line from hockey to criminal assault to me.
HIle, exactly. Same thing as all the stuff that went on in the McSorley / Bertuzzi etc.

Intent was there, knew what he was doing, so what you get hit into the board. Guy finished his check on you. Finish yours.

Worst part was the fans cheering and smasing the boards.

Thing is, people who arent fans will see this and think "here we go again", take fighting out, lalala... :down:
Should be suspended for the rest of the year at minimum and if the commish had any balls ban him from hockey for life. The guy has been in trouble 4 or 5 other times as it is but this one takes the cake. Leagues keep giving guys like this chances over and over again just like the other idiot pacman jones in the nfl how many times before enough is enough!
I think the suspension has to carry into at least 10 games of next season personally. Makes a point etc.

I do have to give the NHL credit that when it comes to this type of stuff they have been 'fairly' good for the most part. Few odd ones but with these serious incidents with intent to injure etc they hand out some tough ones

could really set out some distractions for the Isles though from here on out.
If they make the playoffs it has to include that. If they don't I'd say 25 games into next season. That basically makes him worthless to the team as anything but a body in training camp. It sort of suggests you should just cut him.

Which is really what you want, you want guys who do that out of the league.
No doubt Joe, his career all but ended after the lockout. But he still finds homes and still does the same thing.

I was actually quite surprised that there wasnt more of a melee after the stick work. Players polcing themselves etc
Agree, Santa, I'm sort of surprised they didn't try to f**king kill that guy with their bare hands.

Simon's only back in the league because Nolan was looking out for him. Great gesture that Simon seemed to be repaying right up until this incident.

Now, really, the team should make a statement by letting the guy go, just as the league should make a strong statement about how many games he's out for.

Because this is the ultimate transgression in hockey and there's no place for it in the sport. It would suck if this incident sent the guy back to the sauce, but the truth is, this should be the end of his career in the NHL.
Ragners arent really known for their tough in your face play. Now if Kasparitis was still there Simon would have gotten a slash to the back of the knee or something. lol

Selfish Santa says Im glad it wasnt a 3 pt game.

We'll see if Garth Snow has any balls to do that... I still giggle when I type Garth Snow as GM, lol.
Every time I think of Garth Snow as a GM I wonder if I've been slipped some sort of hallucinogen.

Then I think about the time where they caught a shot of the guy on the Pens bench, during a playoff game, chatting up this girl in the stands. There the Pens are trying to win an early round playoff game and there's Snowball trying to get laid.

Yeah, if Darius K. was still around, he might have gone all Jeff Gundy on Simon's ankle or something.

I also don't know who was on the ice for the Rangers, but somebody has to go after the guy at that point.

You just don't do that in hockey.
Its a start

3/9/2007 12:49:15 PM
New York Islanders forward Chris Simon has been suspended indefinitely without pay, pending a hearing, for slashing New York Rangers forward Ryan Hellweg in the face.
Hollweg was felled by Simon late in the third period Thursday night when the Simon angrily charged him and nailed him with a clothesline hit with his stick.
Simon was ejected, and Petr Prucha scored on the resulting long power play to lift the Rangers to a 2-1 win and a sweep of the home-and-home series between the local rivals.
"The best retaliation is to score on that power play," Hollweg said. "I couldn't feel any better than when that puck went in."
The hit was reminiscent of often-replayed clips of Marty McSorley's swinging stick shot to the head of Donald Brashear, and Todd Bertuzzi's blindside punch against Steve Moore. Those both drew lengthy suspensions, and Simon could conceivably be shelved for the Islanders' remaining 15 regular-season games.

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"I feel bad for taking a penalty that led to us losing the game," said Simon. "I've always been known as a team guy, and I feel real bad about letting the team down."
Simon was ejected after the slash and slapped with a match penalty for deliberate attempt to injure.
"I didn't really have time to react to it," Hollweg said. "It's scary to your health but in the back of my mind I couldn't believe he did it." *

Source TSN
Hollweg is lucky he can think at all, that stick was dangerously close to his throat.

I saw that they suspended him until they could figure out exactly how long to throw him out for, but I really don't know if you can undervalue how serious an act this was.
The only thing that worries me that I heard on various radio stations was the Hellweg should be back in the lineup for this Saturdays game.

Sometimes the penalty fits the time out of the lineup.

Totally dont agree with it, but it has been argued before especially with Bertuzzi ie let him sit as long as Moore sits etc
That's a good point. Though again, I think everybody realizes this is the league's opportunity to take a stand.

Oh, and for the record, of those five players on the ice for the Rangers at the time, the only one I've ever heard of or know is Rachunek. Who the hell are those guys?
Colin Campbell is pretty tough when it comes to shit like this....I really wouldnt be surprised to see Simon banned for 2007-2008 which I'm sure would end his career...
the Simon/Hellweg incident happened 3 years to the day (March 8th) of the Bertuzzi/Moore incident


I just saw that on this station we have Headline Sports, really weird.

Biz - I wouldnt be surprised to see this end his career if the penalty goes to next season. Who wants an again goon who will be a body in training camp and useless for 10-20 games
New York Islanders forward Chris Simon has been suspended for the remainder of the 2006-07 regular season and the entirety of the Stanley Cup playoffs.
Simon is suspended a minimum of 25 games, including Saturday night's game against Washington plus the 14 that remain in the 2006-07 regular season. If the Islanders do not qualify for the 2007 playoffs, or play fewer than 10 playoff games in the 2007 playoffs, Simon would serve additional games at the start of the 2007-08 regular season to satisfy the minimum term of the suspension.
Simon was suspended indefinitely after he hit New York Rangers' Ryan Hollweg with a stick swing to the face on Thursday night. The Ranger forward needed stitches but was not seriously hurt.
Colin Campbell met with Simon early Saturday to discuss the incident.
Related Info

  • Longest suspensions in NHL history<LI class=video>Simon Suspended <LI class=video>Colin Campbell Comments <LI class=video>NHL Insiders <LI class=video>Highlights: NYR 2, NYI 1
  • Lack Of Respect?
''The National Hockey League will not accept the use of a stick in the manner and fashion in which Mr. Simon used his Thursday night,'' said Colin Campbell, NHL Senior Executive Vice President and Director of Hockey Operations. ''As a consequence of his actions, Mr. Simon has forfeited the privilege of playing in an NHL game again this season, regardless of how many games the Islanders ultimately play.''

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</NOSCRIPT><!--- End Ad ---></TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></P>The Islander forward expressed remorse for his actions in a statement on Saturday, "after watching the tape the morning after Thursday's game, I was disgusted. There is absolutely no place in hockey for what I did."
"I want to apologize to my team and Islanders fans everywhere. My actions Thursday night played a major part in our team losing a crucial game. I also want to apologize to the National Hockey League for the damage I have caused this great game of ours."
The 35-year-old Simon has 10 goals with 17 assist and 75 minutes in penalties over his 67 games this season.
Simon has spent 14 seasons in the NHL and has complied 1765 penalty minutes over that span. He has been suspended five times for various infractions over his career.
"Chris Simon has played a major role in our success this season and we will miss his presence in our lineup," said Islanders general manager Garth Snow. "His regret is clearly evident in the statement he released last night. Our entire organization supports Chris every step of the way."
Based on his $1-million contract, which expires at the conclusion of the 2006-07 season, Simon forfeits a minimum of $80,213.90. The money goes to the Players' Emergency Assistance Fund.
didnt get a chance topost this before. But at least its a 'guaranteed' minimum of 25 games. Decent amount of time IMO. Would have liked to see longer, but it is satisfactory for me.

I think Snows comments about Simons statement are BS. Give me a speech to say and rehearse and I can sound remorseful even if I didnt do anything wrong. Bertuzzi sounded remorseful, they all did,... Suck it up and release him.
<SMALL>UNIONDALE, NEW YORK (TICKER) </SMALL>-- Even Chris Simon was horrified by his senseless attack on New York Rangers center Ryan Hollweg.
After watching a replay of his vicious act against the Rangers two days ago, Simon on Saturday issued an apology in a statement released by the Islanders.
"I was disgusted," the rugged left wing said. "There is absolutely no place in hockey for what I did.
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</NOSCRIPT></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>"I want to apologize to Ryan Hollweg. I was grateful to learn that Ryan is OK and that he returned to the game. My hope is to reach out to him in the near future."
In the third period of Thursday's home game against the rival Rangers, the 6-3, 232-pound Simon was checked hard into the boards by the 5-11, 210-pound Hollweg. He retaliated by chopping Hollweg in the face with his stick.
Hollweg crumpled to the ice and remained there for a brief period as his teammates confronted Simon, with minor scuffles breaking out. Simon received a match penalty for a deliberate attempt to injure, and the Rangers scored the eventual winning goal on the ensuing power play.
"I want to apologize to my team and Islanders fans everywhere," Simon said. "My actions Thursday night played a major part in our team losing a crucial game. I also want to apologize to the National Hockey League for the damage I have caused this great game of ours.
"What you saw Thursday is not the person, player and competitor I am. I know my teammates and opponents over my 14 years in the NHL understand that."
Simon offered an excuse for his actions, claiming he was knocked for a loop on the check by Hollweg.
"I saw the look on my face after being hit into the boards," Simon said. "I was completely out of it. When I met with the media about 30 minutes later, I still was not feeling well.
"I met with our medical staff briefly Thursday night and underwent a series of tests on Friday afternoon. They have told me that I suffered a concussion when I hit the boards."
On Friday, Simon was suspended indefinitely by the NHL, and attended a disciplinary hearing with league senior executive vice president Colin Campbell on Saturday morning. A decision on the length of the suspension has yet to be made, contrary to a report of 15 regular-season games and seven playoff contests that surfaced earlier in the day.
The suspension will not be the first for Simon, who has been banned five other times in his career for a total of 10 games, including a three-game suspension for racial remarks. But the enforcer insists his apology is not an attempt to minimize the penalty he will be receiving.
"I need to make clear that this is not justification for the danger I put Ryan Hollweg in and the damage I have caused the game," Simon said. "I understand disciplinary action will be taken. Since Ryan is thankfully OK, what hurts the most is knowing my actions will result in me losing the privilege of being in the Islanders lineup."
A checking forward, Simon has 10 goals, 17 assists and 75 penalty minutes, which ranks third on the Islanders behind Brendan Witt (115) and Sean Hill (88).
In 744 games over 14 seasons with Quebec-Colorado, Washington, Chicago, the Rangers, Calgary and the Islanders, Simon has 143 goals, 159 assists and 1,765 penalty minutes. Simon had 250 penalty minutes with Colorado in 1995-96 and with New York and Calgary in 2003-04. Last season, he had 94, avoiding triple digits for the first time since the 1998-99 campaign
I'll be more OK with this penalty if they don't make the playoffs.

But, really, I want them to make the playoffs because I like Ted Nolan.

So, maybe one and done in the plalyoffs. That might do it for me.