Chris Kluwe

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
Hopefully he gets the mental help he needs...

Vikings suspended special teams coach Mike Priefer three games for making at least one homophobic slur during the 2012 football season.

The homophobic slur Priefer first denied, then later admitted, was roughly "nuke the gays." It was made known by ex-punter and same-sex-marriage advocate Chris Kluwe, who was cut after that season and has not since resurfaced in the NFL. Kluwe is now suing the Vikings for essentially blackballing him. Vikings K Blair Walsh has told investigators Kluwe "loves the attention" and wanted to be "in the spotlight," allegations that align with Kluwe's Friday night decision to rant and rave on his Twitter page. During the same 2012 season, Kluwe is known to have on "multiple" occasions walked around with a hole in his shorts in front of teammates and coaches, "claiming to be a Sandusky victim."
Supposedly Kluwe's lawsuit got thrown out b/c witnesses said he walked around the clubhouse in shorts with a hole in the ass claiming to be a victim of Sandusky....

Also......Vikings K Blair Walsh told investigators Kluwe “loves the attention,” “was focused on everything but football,” wanted to be in spotlight.

The ST coach probably is an asshole, but I agree Kluwe shouldn't get shit for being cut.
Kluwe is clamoring for something bigger, hopefully no tv network gives him that chance and he just goes away
there are a lot of bad people in football, but what goes on in a clubhouse should not be brought to the public eye.

i am generally pretty liberal and don't like to hear Yag slurs being used, but in an nfl locker room with the testosterone fueled animal mindsets that have been enstilled in these guys...frankly its not my business.

im not going to get mad at this vikings coach for making these comments unless i find out he said them to Yag people...remember its only recently, like my generation, that words like f*990t and queer and stuff became a big deal to use in that way
It really cheapens what he is fighting for, when you read all this stuff about him loving the attention. Makes you really wonder what his true intentions really are.
It really cheapens what he is fighting for, when you read all this stuff about him loving the attention. Makes you really wonder what his true intentions really are.

hes been this way for awhile before this incident with this coach every came about....and hes pretty smart bc he always fights for the PC side of issues so the general public says "this nfl player is a good guy!!" and take his side.

i do think he has those true values, but i also think that he knows that his window of tiem to be a punter in the nfl is (was) small and has gone out of his way to draw attention to himself for his own reasons.

listen, if every coach who used Yag slurs was suspended, the nfl would be looking for replacement coaches for every team for the first three weeks. If every player in football who made sandusky jokes was criticized, you'd be talking about half the league. hell i still make those jokes to my friends.

people need to mind their own business about things that don't impact them. like i said, if this guy called Michael Sam a f****t, thats a whole different story, but if he was just using htose words in practice, im not saying its right, but im not an nfl player on the vikings so its none of my damn business
hes been this way for awhile before this incident with this coach every came about....and hes pretty smart bc he always fights for the PC side of issues so the general public says "this nfl player is a good guy!!" and take his side.

i do think he has those true values, but i also think that he knows that his window of tiem to be a punter in the nfl is (was) small and has gone out of his way to draw attention to himself for his own reasons.

listen, if every coach who used Yag slurs was suspended, the nfl would be looking for replacement coaches for every team for the first three weeks. If every player in football who made sandusky jokes was criticized, you'd be talking about half the league. hell i still make those jokes to my friends.

people need to mind their own business about things that don't impact them. like i said, if this guy called Michael Sam a f****t, thats a whole different story, but if he was just using htose words in practice, im not saying its right, but im not an nfl player on the vikings so its none of my damn business

understand your point to an extent, but if coaches are saying it to a locker room of guys you don't know who is and is not Yag. it's not right to use those words in any context IMO.
"Kluwe also made fun of the Vikings’ then Head Strength and Conditioning Coach Tom Kanavy, an alumnus ofand former coach atPenn State University, concerning the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State situation,” the summary says. "In his interview, Kanavy explained thatKluwe cut the seat out of his pants and then put them on to imitate a victim of the Penn State child-abuse scandal. According to Kanavy,Kluwe said that he was a ‘Penn State victim’ and to ‘stay away’ from him while his buttocks were exposed."
Kluwe told investigators: "It didn’t stick in my mind, but, you know, I—it is definitely—if people said they saw it, then yeah, I probably did it."

and then when it comes out he starts threatening vikings players in his twitter

Chris Kluwe @ChrisWarcraft · 18h

Oooh, shall we talk about the time two very well known Vikings players were caught in a compromising situation with an underage girl?

Chris Kluwe @ChrisWarcraft · 18h

Bet you didn't hear about that one in the news. We can do this all day, Vikings. Special teams hears *everything*.

I can tell ya some Lions players back in the late-nineties in 'compromising' situations with girls at my it happens...Mark Sanchez/Matty Leinert yo.
and then when it comes out he starts threatening vikings players in his twitter

Chris Kluwe @ChrisWarcraft · 18h

Oooh, shall we talk about the time two very well known Vikings players were caught in a compromising situation with an underage girl?

Chris Kluwe @ChrisWarcraft · 18h

Bet you didn't hear about that one in the news. We can do this all day, Vikings. Special teams hears *everything*.

so Kluwe whines and complains about the ST coach throwing around Yag slurs yet he has the balls (literally, not figuratively) to make jokes about Penn St. victims? Nobody should be using Yag slurs around the locker room at all, but if that was going on at least the Yag players (or other players) that are/were offended can defend themselves. As for Kluwe making fun of the PSU situation, those victims cannot speak for themselves and he crossed a line that is much worse. Then, to top it off, for him to use the excuse that "everyone was doing it" is really him talking out of both sides of his mouth. He KNOWS it's wrong yet he still choses to do it. Much worse IMO.

This fucking loser is a hypocrite and just looking for attention. Then he's taking inside locker room info and making it public? that pretty much gets him blackballed from anything NFL related for life. He says he doesn't care and I'm sure that's the case. He cares about 1 person - himself. fucking egomaniac... he's a punter ffs.
so Kluwe whines and complains about the ST coach throwing around Yag slurs yet he has the balls (literally, not figuratively) to make jokes about Penn St. victims? Nobody should be using Yag slurs around the locker room at all, but if that was going on at least the Yag players (or other players) that are/were offended can defend themselves. As for Kluwe making fun of the PSU situation, those victims cannot speak for themselves and he crossed a line that is much worse. Then, to top it off, for him to use the excuse that "everyone was doing it" is really him talking out of both sides of his mouth. He KNOWS it's wrong yet he still choses to do it. Much worse IMO.

This fucking loser is a hypocrite and just looking for attention. Then he's taking inside locker room info and making it public? that pretty much gets him blackballed from anything NFL related for life. He says he doesn't care and I'm sure that's the case. He cares about 1 person - himself. fucking egomaniac... he's a punter ffs.

One thing though...what Kluwe was doing with the Penn St situation was clearly a joke, albeit in bad taste. There is a HUGE difference between someone joking about a situation and being a flat out homophobe (or bigot, or whatever). Kluwe isn't a comedian, but comedians talk about sensitive topics all the time and most people realize they are joking about it (this actually can lead to discussions about those topics, as well). The ST coach seems like he is pretty much just a homophobe, which there is just no place for that.

I'm not defending Kluwe, nor am I excusing what he did about the PSU situation, but you pretty much have to admit that there is a big difference between joking (bad taste or not), and actually believing, and exemplifying racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc, views that you may have.
Who needs the mental help? are you talking about the special teams coach or Kluwe.

The coach's comments are not good, but the rampage Kluwe went on on Twitter is borderline insane. Couple that with the joke about the molested children, and Blair Walsh's comments regarding Kluwe's desire for the spotlight. All suggest that he needs some psychological counseling. I hope he gets well.
kluwe is nuts. he's about to be on the dp show. i'm sure it'll be entertaining.

i will say as a billion dollar company, you can't have people in power saying shit like priefer did. what happens when an in the closet Yag player comes out and sues his team for employing a coach who created a "hostile work environment"? you gotta like that shit down in 2014
lebatardo but him on the spot pretty good yesterday asking him what his endgame was and what he wanted out of this, and Kluwe really had nothing to say...stuttered about he wanted a longer suspension for the's clear he wants attention and not much else.
Pretty much the same thing happened on dp. He was asked why is he bringing old teammate stuff up, didn't really have an answer that wasn't whining about something. Came off as pretty self-serving.