Chris Bosh And The NBA And The Issue


In transit, arriving late.
Miami Heat big man Chris Bosh hasn’t played since the All-Star break, after areoccurrence of the blood clots that sidelined him last season. According to a number of reports, though the blood clots have dissipated, Bosh and the Heat are at an impasse about when he can return to the court, and the situation is threatening to turn ugly.
Last season, Bosh’s blood clots progressed from his calf to his lungs, an incredibly serious condition that could cause a pulmonary embolism, and his death. But Bosh downplayed his condition’s seriousness this time around in his only public statement on the matter (emphasis mine):
I know there have been many questions regarding my health and when I will play again. My situation this year has never been life threatening. I am feeling great and currently I do not have deep vein thrombosis.Together with the Miami Heat, I am working with doctors, exploring the best precautionary treatment options and taking every necessary step to make sure I am healthy for myself, my family and my team.
To rid himself of the clots, Bosh takes blood thinners, which complicates playing a physical sports like basketball because all it takes is an errant elbow to lead to a serious bleeding issue. On April 23, the Miami Herald reported that Bosh and the Heat were “not all been aligned in terms of the treatment of his condition.” According to the Herald, Bosh was seeking outside medical clearance to go off the blood thinners, or to go on a different type of medication to manage his condition. But even if a doctor approved one of these alternatives, the Heat were reportedly “making it known behind the scenes that” that they still wouldn’t let him play.

Three days later, after the Heat lost Game 5 of their first round playoff series to the Hornets, Bosh’s wife sent out this tweet:
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With the Heat advancing to the second round of the playoffs and at least another week or two of games, Dan Le Batard said on his radio show this morning that the player’s union was getting involved (transcript via theHerald):
“It’s a super unusual situation. I can’t think of a lot of instances where a sports organization is acting in what appears to be the best interest of the player over their own interests and against the will of the player. From the people I’m talking to, Chris Bosh wants back on the court and now, and the Heat on medical advice are saying absolutely not.... They badly want to get to an Eastern Conference Finals against LeBron and they are telling him, ‘No, you cannot work.’...
“The Miami Heat and Chris Bosh are at a crossroads. There is a conflict here that promises to get a little bit messier. Now I’m hearing the Bosh’s want so badly on the court that they’re trying to get the union involved. They found a doctor who might be willing to clear him.... For some reason, he thinks he’s good to go and I think it’s because he’s not showing the symptoms he showed the first time.”
This is indeed an unusual situation. If Bosh were to return, the Heat would probably be favored over the Raptors, and have a puncher’s chance to beat the (presumably) Cavaliers and advance to the NBA Finals. Usually teams have things like terrible concussion protocols and attempt to get players back onto the court as quickly as possible, long-term health consequences be damned. But here the roles seem to be reversed, with Bosh seeking a fringe medical opinion to play, and the Heat saying “nah.” Of course, the Heat are likely much more concerned with the legal and public relations ramifications of Bosh having a serious medical episode on the court than about his long-term health.
Whatever the resolution in his particular case, the league is trending in the direction of regular disagreements over medical issues. Teams are seeking ever more data and control over what players do with their bodies, and while it makes sense from a competitive perspective, it is also quite creepy and certain to lead to major disputes. It’s just one more issue for the player’s union to tackle during the next collective bargaining agreement negotiations.
Update (5:30 p.m.): The NBA declined to comment, but the player’s union gave this statement: “Our top priority is Chris’ health and well-being. We have spoken with Chris and his agent, and have reached out to the Miami Heat. We are hopeful that all parties involved can meet as soon as possible to resolve the situation.”
I guess it may get a little ugly in the off season, but since this article was written last week, the Heat have come out and said that Bosh will not play again this season.
So anyone been following this? I was listening to First Take( ya I was bored in the car )

SAS had a strong take on this. Not sure if he is just adding fuel, but it really is a strange situation. I have no doubt this happens with players.....Not sure if it ever has for a player of this caliber, in this point in the playoffs, for this kind of money and on and on

The players assc and him having a joint statement, crazy money

just an odd deal
I guess it may get a little ugly in the off season, but since this article was written last week, the Heat have come out and said that Bosh will not play again this season.

right, but have you seen the follow up?

The theory is that insurance is covering his salary and they don't want him to play so they can make a bid for a big player.......that is one opinion I heard
It's strange for the fact that the side who doesn't want him to play( the team) should be the ones who want him to play given his Max deal.. The Heat and the NBA do not want someone dying on the court , and I actually think they generally care about Bosh and his safety.

Maybe I'm being dramatic , but from what I've read blood clots are serious stuff ..
right, but have you seen the follow up?

The theory is that insurance is covering his salary and they don't want him to play so they can make a bid for a big player.......that is one opinion I heard

That would be so wrong if that was the reason..

It's strange for the fact that the side who doesn't want him to play( the team) should be the ones who want him to play given his Max deal.. The Heat and the NBA do not want someone dying on the court , and I actually think they generally care about Bosh and his safety.

Maybe I'm being dramatic , but from what I've read blood clots are serious stuff ..

Right. If you notice, in Bosh's wording up in the article, he said the clots weren't life threatening "this year," because I'm pretty sure they were the last time he had this issue. Why wouldn't the Heat want him on the court, it obviously makes their team better.

It seems the Heat are coming from a place of trying to protect the player as well as their asset/future. With all of the BS we hear about teams doing to players and treating them poorly, we have a team that seems to be doing the right thing, and they're still getting grief about it.
That would be so wrong if that was the reason..


They wouldn't be freeing up any cap space though would they? His salary would still count against the cap, and if insurance is only covering it for this season while he's not being allowed to play, that would seem pretty petty on the Heat's part...what are we talking about them not having to pay him this season, a few million dollars tops?

Not only would it be wrong, it doesn't really seem to make sense to begin with...I'm not sure how they'd be making out by having insurance cover his salary while he's not playing.
They wouldn't be freeing up any cap space though would they? His salary would still count against the cap, and if insurance is only covering it for this season while he's not being allowed to play, that would seem pretty petty on the Heat's part...what are we talking about them not having to pay him this season, a few million dollars tops?

that's a good question , I remember the Lakers and Nash and something about if he played more than 10 games it counted against the cap and they couldn't collect on insurance ( I think he played like 12 that season lol)
I've looked it up in the past but just lost it, any idea what the terms are this year without going crazy?
that's a good question , I remember the Lakers and Nash and something about if he played more than 10 games it counted against the cap and they couldn't collect on insurance ( I think he played like 12 that season lol)

Bosh would have to count against the cap this season you'd imagine, he played a big chunk of it. Unless the Heat are going to try to void the contract or something like that, it doesn't seem likely they'd be holding him out to have his salary covered by insurance. Even if insurance were to cover his salary in future years while he was being shelved by the Heat, you'd have to imagine it would still count against the cap, nullifying any monetary advantage the Heat would be trying to gain.
Right. If you notice, in Bosh's wording up in the article, he said the clots weren't life threatening "this year," because I'm pretty sure they were the last time he had this issue. Why wouldn't the Heat want him on the court, it obviously makes their team better.

It seems the Heat are coming from a place of trying to protect the player as well as their asset/future. With all of the BS we hear about teams doing to players and treating them poorly, we have a team that seems to be doing the right thing, and they're still getting grief about it.

Yep , I agree.. Heat really seem to be doing the right thing here.
Yep , I agree.. Heat really seem to be doing the right thing here.

And I can certainly understand Bosh wanting to get back in there and help his team try to win a title...but could you imagine the backlash/hate/lawsuits the Heat would face if Bosh was cleared to play and then died on the court or something crazy like that? We would never hear the end of it, they'd be digging into emails trying to find a smoking gun stating they knew the risks but cleared him anyway. They are in a no win situation, which is pretty sad.
And I can certainly understand Bosh wanting to get back in there and help his team try to win a title...but could you imagine the backlash/hate/lawsuits the Heat would face if Bosh was cleared to play and then died on the court or something crazy like that? We would never hear the end of it, they'd be digging into emails trying to find a smoking gun stating they knew the risks but cleared him anyway. They are in a no win situation, which is pretty sad.

Yep, the thing is I do think the NBA and the Heat are winning the PR battle here. there is just no way the NBA/ Heat is going let this guy play unless they have some assurances from the best doctors around that it is not life threatening. My guess is they don't have that..