chopz33 week 1


Enjoying My Honeymoon
lets get this train rolling

STL -1

SD -6

DEN -3

PHI -3

SEA -6

DET +1.5

NYG / DAL over 44

looks pretty good. that giants/cowboys over under is my fav on your card.
i dont have the stats but i'd like to think that last year alot of the small favs hit and these looked pretty good to me after crunching the numbers
chops, love the eagles.....why no cowboys play??? im assuming u like them based off your avatar? I struggle to imagine Denver not covering as well.

i try to stay away from betting sides on Dallas games. biased i guess..i do play the totals on Dallas games though.. i like the Denver play but i"m a little concerned about their defense....they do have a very strong secondary esp at the corners but their DL is what concerns i'm hoping that Buffalo doesnt get a backdoor cover here