Chicago White Sox Trade for...Orlando Cabrera!


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White Sox traded Jon Garland to Angels for Orlando Cabrera...huge move here!

Sad to see Garland go, he was one of my favorite players in Chicago but this is probably one of the best moves Ken Williams has made in the past 2 years in my opinion. Orlando Cabrera is a solid defensive player and is a HUGE upgrade over Juan Uribe on offense. Cabrera has some power but his greatest asset is his ability to get on base. Great pickup here and COULD possibly lead to Scott Posednik's days being over also.

Now...let's dump the Count...and hmm, maybe take a 1yr shot on Bartolo Colon?
cabrera is so dope. he had a hell of a first half last year and if he can do that throughout the entire year that would be huge.
This trade was a head scratcher for me...

yep. if it's a stand-alone move, it's completely assinine...from the halos perspective.
and it's a steal for the white sox.

you take your proven SS...the catalyst for your lineup, as he's almost always the one setting the table for Vlad...a gold glove winner, no less...and trade him for what will be (at best) your #5 starter?

escobar, lackey, lil weaver, and saunders...i'd take any of them 7 days a week, and twice on sunday, before i took Garland. in fact...might be able to make an argument he's the 6th best SP the halos have.

makes no sense...partly because Wood isn't ready, and they freely admit that.
so why not let OC play out the final year of his deal...not piss off all the Halo fans...and let Wood mature and get himself ready?

the only thing that makes sense to me is that this move is a predecessor of something else...namely Tejada.
Mr. Moreno wanted him last year...but they couldn't get the deal together. I think he gets him this year. And Garland today will be to fill a hole in the starting a result of getting Tejada, imho.
Tells me either Saunders or Santana, along w/ some young position talent, will be going Baltimore's way in the near future.

all the big FA bats are gone, or going elsewhere. The dodgers are very close to a trade w/ the Fish for Cabrera. The Halos are desperate for the big bat compliment to Vlady. They have a wealth of young talent, a wealth of pitching...and this is the only logical explanation i can come up with, in regards to today's cws/laa trade.
I like the trade from a Sox point of view as Garland was a little overrated and the Sox needed a Short stop. I was going to be mad if Uribe and Pods were starting again next year. Needless to say, I was mad when they resigned him. Kenny hopes to trade Juan Uribe and his 4.5 million contract, but I can't see him being able to do so.

Cabrera gets the Sox a little more speed on the bases (needed on a team with Crede, Konerko, Thome and AJ). It's an offensive upgrade from the "swing as hard as you can all the time" Uribe and gives the Sox a better option in the two hole vacated by Iguchi.

I just hope this isn't the last move by Kenny.