Chicago Bears QB Situation


CTG's ambassador of sexy
OK, I heard some of this talk on ESPN radio today, and I thought I could get some opinions from CTG........Apparently Jeff Garcia hascome out and said that he would like to be the STARTING QB of the Chicago Bears (Breaks my heart to hear being an eagles fan).....

I guess my question is this? TheChicago bears have had 28 different starting QB's since 1990. Do they finally stick with one kid and help him work out these drouhgts of bad play, or do they attack the FA market? Or, since they were in the SUper Bowl and have no real glaring weaknesses besides QB, do they draft a high QB and prep that QB to takeover once Grossman's poor play takes himself out of the starting job?
Here is my take on the whole situation.

Jeff Garcia has proved to many that he can successfully run the eagles offense efficiently. I think the eagles front office will see this as well and cut donovan mcnabb because he costs them way more than what garcia would cost them. They could save some of that salary cap money and get a high priced free agent corner. This year would be a good year to get a CB free agent Nate Clements or Chris Gamble.

I don't think that chicago could afford jeff garcia because of all the defensive talent they have to resign. If they resign Briggs there is probally no way they can get Garcia because the amount of money Briggs in going to command. I think they just use plugg QB's, and just tell whoever it is next season that they don't have to win games but they can't lose them. Jeff Garcia has proved that he can only run a west coast offense, (his failures in detroit and cleveland).
A couple of things here. First, this story is spinning out of control. Garcia didn't say he wanted to be the starter in Chicago. Someone asked him about Chicago and he said it was obviously intriguing because they were a SB team. But that was it. Garcia's not stupid, he's playing his cards very, very close to his vest.

The Eagles will likely let him go simply because they're not going to pay someone three or four million dollars to be a backup. It's already been reported that the Vikings may offer Garcia $4 mil, so it's not like that's out of the realm of possibility.

I sort of doubt that he ends up in Chicago. They'd have to pay him a lot of money and they're already likely going to have to buck up for Briggs and Lovie. Now, Smith doesn't count against their cap, but they are a notoriously cheap franchise so after they spend in-house they might have trouble continuing it out of house.

As for Donovan, the Eagles will NOT cut him. There is a greater chance of the Eagles moving to Los Angeles before the start of next season than there is of Donovan getting cut. Donovan is 30, Garcia is 36. Everything Garcia did this year, Donovan can do, only he has a bigger arm.

What people will forget, but what Garcia likely knows, is that the reasons Garcia succeeded this year were, in order, Marty M. calling the plays and knowing Garcia from their years together in SF. A very healthy, very good offensive line, and Brian Westbrook. The only one of those he could possibly get leaving Philly would be a good, healthy line, but outside of Chicago, he probably won't even get that.

Garcia is in a weird place. He can cash in and ride off into the sunset with one, maybe two, more years as a starter somewhere on a 7-9 team. Or he can take less money to return to Philly hoping that Donovan's not ready to start the season or just to be Donovan's backup should something happen. The latter gives him a much better chance of playoff success, not simply because the Eagles should improve next year, but because the situation for him is perfect and he won't get that anywhere else.
Oh, and also, even if Donovan weren't younger and more talented, cutting him would incur a huge, huge cap hit. So, no chance on that.
Garcia is a joke, but so is Rex....I think too much focus is on QB in play smash mouth football, run the ball up the opponents ass and take the QB factor out of the mix....

But then again...the QB has to be able to handle the
I agree with austin.

Garcia can only thrive under certain coaches and certain systems.
garcia is horrid....that is ONLY situation he could thrive in..I hope Bears get dumb and sign him
OK, then if he can only thrive in Philly, why don't the Eagles consider Re-signing Garcia (The Eagles are always under the cap)......Draft a future QB in the first round....And trade McNabb for the little bit of defemsive help they need???
The Eagles won't trade Donovan because of, one, the cap hit, two, there's no possible way they get comparable value for him coming off this injury, and three, because he's in the prime of his career.

I'm not quite sure what people don't understand about Jeff Garcia being nearly seven years older than Donovan. It's not debatable, it's a fact. Barring major injury, Garcia will be out of the league for years while Donovan is still a starting NFL QB.

I think the Eagles would be glad to re-sign Garcia, but no team is dumb enough to pay someone $4 million to be a backup, you need the money for other players. So if someone is going to get sucked into doing what Cleveland did a few years ago, the Eagles are going to let Garcia go and stick with Feeley as the backup.
I know Joe Pub is an eagles. So am I. Garcia won't be back, especially taking into account how tight Eagles management is w/ money.

Fuck, we won't even re-sign Stallworth because he's going to ask for too much. How the hell are we going to sign Garcia? NO CHANCE!

Also, Chicago stuck w/ Grossman all season despite so much shit. They could have at least TRIED to use Greise. But they didn't. They have this confidence in Rex for some reason. I dunno why. But they made it to the Superbowl. And only 2 teams can admit to that this year.
I agree, Believe, and I think it should be said that it's basically impossible to hold anything Garcia does in this situation against him. He was put in the perfect situation to succeed, did so, and now he can reap the rewards from that. He will never get this chance again. I'd love to see him back with the Birds as a backup, but if he gets a big contract, I say good for him. He's earned it.

The NFL is not about guaranteed money so if he gets it while the getting is good, more power to him. I feel for whoever picks him up, though, because the chances of him having the same success anywhere else are extremely slim.
I wouldnt be surpised to see him take a pay-cut. Eagles will contend AGAIN next year. He was treated like a GOD here. Hes engaged and Im sure he wants to settle down somewhere. Pay-cut is the only way he'll be back though.
If Garcia really wanted to stay, what he could do is find a way to get a multi-year deal and get a good signing bonus or get a bunch of it guaranteed.

The fact is, he could very well be a really solid backup for a few years whereas he might only make it as a starter for one or two. It does come back to him, what he wants, because he could cash the big ticket up front right now, or potentially get a longer term payout over the course of a few years.