Checks in Vegas Sportsbook


Hey guys, I am new to sports betting and am looking to fly to and from Vegas a few times this football season. My only concern is carrying my bankrool in cash with me ($25,000). I was wondering if you guys knew of any sportsbooks in Vegas that took checks or paid out in checks? I don't want to be stopped going through airpost security explaining why I have that much cash on me. Thoughts please! Thanks!
new to sports betting and have a bankroll of $25K...per trip.

Why not find a local that takes that kind of action?

And you can just wire your money into Vegas and they can wire it back to you account. You just need to call a casino/sportsbook host or manager and get them to send you the forms.
Thanks for the quick response. Yea I'm a retired (soon to be) physician. Do you have any suggestions on which sportsbook to use? Also how does this work? Is it like depositing into an online sportsbook? For instance, I wire them $25,000 and they make an account for me and whenever I make a trip, I have whatever money is left in that account to wager with? Sorry if the questions seem redundent.
I have looked for locals but I haven't had any success. I live in New York City.

maybe you should try using GPS. my grandma uses it when she gets confused and it has always worked when she needed to get to the grocery store or the yarn barn
Most people don't know, but this is actually how Billy Walters got his career started. I would not lie to you.
Not sure why you guys have to be so rude about it...bookies aren't going around marketing themselves with television commericals and fucking signs. I have been using off-shore books because I have heard of them. How do you guys suggest finding a bookie? Post an ad on craigslist?
Ask around. Ask your lawyer. If you're a doctor you must have a lawyer, right? With that kind of money you are going to be able to form a very good relationship with someone. Ask some of your professional friends. And don't just find anyone. Get you a dude with a good reputation. What are you, a podiatrist or something?