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Pretty much a regular
I did a 13pt teaser today. Steelers -1, Hawks-1, Rams +2.5, KC -1/2 and left 1 open. I want to use my 13pt gift in the Natty which I'll be attending. Bama +7 or Clemson +19?
Both seem pretty good to me. I would decide which side I like at 6 or whatever and bet accordingly. What happens on a push? Go down to a 4 teamer?
If you like Clemson and it goes from 19 to 18.5 or even 18, that's not that big of a deal.
Yea figured you could get a good price based on the location of the game. Have a good time man.
Thx. Clemson vs Bama at Levi Stadium isn't exactly the best location for either team unless, you want to visit Santa Cruz where I live. Then you'll have a taste of the Pacific Ocean