Charles Barkely...


Pretty much a regular
"we goin give 2 blackjack hands to charity..."





I mean you can argue back and forth about any side of a bet, but think about it.......

It's in Vegas, public peeps are laying 3-400 points of chalk in a damn one on one race between an old man and a fat man.

I wish 5 Dimes had posted a line, cause this just smelled like a rat the second I heard about it.

Then, it was no surprise that it was fixed for Vegas to tear up the public, who got suckered in to laying 400 chalk.

God I hope no one risked more than like single digit dollars on that crap.
Well, Clay, the truth is I don't know a book where you could really lay a lot on it. Someone over at Covers called Olympic and they let him lay $480 on Bavetta which was over their $100 limit. But I highly doubt anybody was dropping thousands on this.

I imagine all the action were side bets between NBA players and the like.

I got lucky and won on the dog, but really only took him because I could get +240.
anyone see afterwards players were exchaning money after this was over...
Also saw shaq sticking something in his jacket ( i think from caron) after wade beat kobe
