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Agree 100%

So the NFL, LA, and we all survived for decades without a team in LA, now we're going to have 2 or 3? Going to be tough to not associate the Chargers with San Diego and Ron Burgundy.
I think the only people who thought the USFL was a good idea were me and Donald Trump. In my defense, I was like 13.
Herschel Walker with the NJ Generals

<center> Walker did not sign a standard player contract. Rather, he agreed to a three-year personal-services contract with Duncan. The contract was valued at $4.2 million—more than double the USFL's salary cap of $1.8 million

Good money back then
I think the only people who thought the USFL was a good idea were me and Donald Trump. In my defense, I was like 13.
If memory serves correctly, Trump was one of the biggest proponents of trying to go head to head with the NFL by moving the schedule from spring to fall.

Just keep that in mind when he decides to take on China and Russia...
If memory serves correctly, Trump was one of the biggest proponents of trying to go head to head with the NFL by moving the schedule from spring to fall.

Just keep that in mind when he decides to take on China and Russia...

Because he never shuts the fuck up, we all know he thought the USFL was viable. And we all laughed when he won a dollar.
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Now not only do the Raiders have 3 super bowl wins to Charger's 0, The Raiders also have more Super Bowl rings in the Chargers home city.

The domination continues.
20% of the LA crowd they will draw week 1 will be going because they think they have another soccer franchise.
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