Championship Week What Are We Learning

The Mountain West should be embarrassed. Boise lost 5 games, fired their coach mid-season, and still won the league.

Kirby may have 2 nattys, but it's still a coaching mismatch when he faces Saban.
He won't win it, but Saban should be coach of the year this year. Best coaching job he's done since that 2008 team IMO
I agree. Nick's best job and he seems to know that.

Although Jim going 12-0 and eating popcorn for 6 is damn good ;).
I expected to have to play our best game of the season to beat UGA. We did not, and were still the better team. I don't know how much of it was UGA maybe propped up a bit, or if they just hadn't played a team with equal talent in 2 years and they didn't adjust quick enough. That's the benefit of playing tough games early in the season. You find out where you are and what you need to work on. UGA will be much better because of this loss is my guess, and if they take their bowl game halfway serious, they will be getting my money bet on them