
The Magsnificent One
Have my eye on a few, missed some numbers that I initially wanted so I locked a few in and have a decently long list of games that I'm watching the movement on. Locked in:

Texas State -2.5 55/50
1H U23.5 VT/Pitt 60/50
U44 VT/Pitt 55/50

Boise ST TT U40 58/50
Temple +9.5 55/50
Iowa +5.5 55/50
2H U 21 Tulane/Central Florida 60/50
Ohio State -21 110/100
UCLA -6.5 110/100
Texas A&M TT U24.5 115/100
2H U24 NC State/Ville 60/50
2H UCLA -3 60/50
2H UAB PK 65/50
Nebraska -7 53/50

More to come :popcorn:
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Taking a flyer on Boise TT here, they've only surpassed that # once this year, we'll see I guess :prayer
why iowa mags?
Clown - great to hear from ya! The way I see it, Iowa will be the best defense that MD has faced to this point AND Iowa can score. MD hasn't beaten anyone that's good although they did play WVU very tough. May play a little ML as well.
Thanks Casual and Alex, very surprised at Iowa's inability to move the ball consistency here.
Alex, you going to the Texans game Monday night?