CFB Week 6


CTG Psychiatrist - Dr. Tim
Season Record
Sides 12-7-1, +4.32u
Totals 14-9, +5.67u
2H Totals 2-1, +0.95u
Total 28-17-1, +10.94u

Pending RWS Miss St. over 8.5 -102 1*
Future Week 10 Texas A&M +10 vs. Auburn 1*

304 Houston -17 1*
304 Houston 2H TT over 21 -125 1*
315 SF -13.5 1*
315/316 SF/UMass over 70 1*
332 NC State -3.5 1*
335 Missouri -1 1*
341/342 Ohio/Kent State over 69 -105 1*
ML Parlay 349/382 Notre Dame/Texas A&M +101 1*

387 Iowa -5 -115 1*
391/392 Aub/Miss St. under 45.5 1*

329/330 Indiana/OSU over 33.5 2H 1*
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Iowa reasoning if ya get a minute timh. Thx
Basically like the Hawkeye defense (6th in Def S&P) and don't see Minnesota as a threat offensively with just a mediocre offense and not one that can make explosive plays. Iowa I think can basically line up and beat them on both sides of the ball on the LOS, and Stanley has improved and gives them something in the passing game. I thought they played Wisc pretty tough in what was basically an even ydg. type game. I think this game fits what Iowa likes to do which is win in the trenches and don't turn it over. I had this one more in the 8-9 range and feel like coming off a bye they will be prepared and are healthy, and I liked laying less than a TD.
dr tim : I like those two picks against my local elevens.
GL with them, and good luck on the total.

I will be taking the points against Towson, a much improved team. Please feel free to comment if you know anything about them.
My territory is all about professional sports. Wasn’t that way always but . . . . . .
Never in doubt
Yeah right....what a shitfest of a game. Briles finally figured out he needed to run the ball. I didn't expect the freshman qb for Tulsa, he actually made some very nice plays. Hou secondary not good at all.
Tim is your Missouri play based on SC. QB Bentley (?) injury ? Has he been ruled ‘out’ ?
I was thinking home team there.
Tim is your Missouri play based on SC. QB Bentley (?) injury ? Has he been ruled ‘out’ ?
I was thinking home team there.
Yes Bentley downgraded to doubtful and Scarnecchia named starter. I think SC has the better D but with Bentley out I don't see how they can keep up with Mo. scoring.
Missouri running all over S.C. and they continue to try and pass the ball in these conditions. It’s ridiculous.
How in life does Indiana go for two there when a miss leaves you down 9. These fucking coaches are idiots.
Mizzou really got cheated out of shot to win w that stupid weather delay coming while they were on potential game winning drive! Wasn’t even raining yet, you telling me they couldn’t have hurried up and snuck those last few minutes in?? Guess I’m bias but still sucked!