Cav's... King James is over rated. Tonight he controls the outcome


Pretty much a regular
As anyone here would know, I have little to do with the NBA. I dont even watch many games. I lost interest when MJ retired. The game has gone "ghetto" as far as im concerned. Too many "attitudes and criminals" on and off the court.

In Cleveland, I am tired of King James being compared to MJ. This kid is no where near as good as MJ in MJ's worst season. Sure the kid can score points and he has helped win some games, but he's no Michael Jordan as far as I'm concerned.

He doesn't win games in the last crucial moments. That is a skill that Jordan had that cant be ignored. Will James ever be that good? I dont think so.

People around the NBA offices are always trying to promote him as MJ the second - but truly, the kid isnt close to MJ.

Im not down on LeBron at all, just pointing that as good as he is - is ALL that he is.

As he was interviewd after that loss in D-town as to why he only scored 10 points, he was correct in saying that its not about him, its about winning the game. When he was asked why he passed off the final shot to another team mate, it was to give them the chance for a 3 pointer to win it.

Jordan, (from that spot on the court where James was) would have taken the shot to TIE the game, and have the chance to win it in ovetime. If James was as good as Jordan, he would be a good 3pt shooter under pressure. He's not.

So - that brings me to the game tonight. Cav's Plus 5.5.

A better game plan, the fact that James probably won't be held to 10 points, and the fact that Cleveland could have a better fg percentage, could pull this one out, or at least cover the number.

MY first play and probably my last on NBA.

Cav's W 550/500
Another game they should have won SU...The cover was all that TRULY mattered here.

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As anyone here would know, I have little to do with the NBA. I dont even watch many games. I lost interest when MJ retired. The game has gone "ghetto" as far as im concerned. Too many "attitudes and criminals" on and off the court.

In Cleveland, I am tired of King James being compared to MJ. This kid is no where near as good as MJ in MJ's worst season. Sure the kid can score points and he has helped win some games, but he's no Michael Jordan as far as I'm concerned.

He doesn't win games in the last crucial moments. That is a skill that Jordan had that cant be ignored. Will James ever be that good? I dont think so.

People around the NBA offices are always trying to promote him as MJ the second - but truly, the kid isnt close to MJ.

Im not down on LeBron at all, just pointing that as good as he is - is ALL that he is.

As he was interviewd after that loss in D-town as to why he only scored 10 points, he was correct in saying that its not about him, its about winning the game. When he was asked why he passed off the final shot to another team mate, it was to give them the chance for a 3 pointer to win it.

Jordan, (from that spot on the court where James was) would have taken the shot to TIE the game, and have the chance to win it in ovetime. If James was as good as Jordan, he would be a good 3pt shooter under pressure. He's not.

So - that brings me to the game tonight. Cav's Plus 5.5.

A better game plan, the fact that James probably won't be held to 10 points, and the fact that Cleveland could have a better fg percentage, could pull this one out, or at least cover the number.

MY first play and probably my last on NBA.

Cav's 550/500


I agree with a lot, He isnt no MJ now or might never be...But for you to say he isnt as good as Jordan in his worst season is just stupid IMO...James numbers have to be better then Jordans in their first 4 seasons and I dont think Jordan turned a 17 win franchise into a playoff contender in his first 4 years.Will he be the next Jordan? probably not, but I dont want him to...I want him to be the first Lebron James.
You're right about him not being Jordan, but he's young and will get better. However, that's not the reason the comparison is made.

The comparison is made for the sake of money. You say you tuned out the NBA because of the characters in the game, while I tuned it out because the NBA was putting the emphasis on creating those characters and putting the game a distant second or third on the priority list.

It's about money for them, and to Stern the Jordan era represents their greatest triumph. Even though the basketball got worse, the profits and ratings were their biggest ever, so whatever they can do to pretend there's a second coming of someone like that, any time they can promote that in the hopes that they can relive or revive that interest or feeling in the NBA, they're going to try because it means money in their pockets.
comparing mike in his prime to the lebron of now is not close i agree. dunno if any player could be mike this early in his career tho.

gl tonight.
Jordan was a selfish showman who in his 3rd season averaged 37.1. He wouldn't use his teammates and often verbally berated them.

James is more like a Magic than Jordan with an excellent all-around game.
these so called teammates you speak of ... who were they?

what do you mean?

The other 11 Bulls that were on the roster.

Jordan was one of the biggest asshole athletes to ever play. That says a lot because there have been many. Now, thats what gave him the inner desire to win so badly.

When Jordan came into the league that Bulls team had a shitload of talent. The problem was they were all tootin caine all the time and other extracurricular activities. That was a bad crowd to start ones career out with. As that group was quickly split up the Bulls got younger. This is when Jordan took to being the ultimate jerk teammate. There was NO PG that could play with Jordan. From Sam Vincent to Steve Colter to even John Paxson. He hated BJ as well. Paxson was the one he could finally live with because he played off the ball. Pippen, Grant, Perdue, Sellers all were sorely intimdated by Jordan and would defer to "The General". There was a reason they all were called the Jordanaires. It was Mikes show and basially when he couldn;t get a shot off they had better make a play or he would lash out.

This is/was Jordan's demeanor. No player has had that since and we may never see it again. Thats why from Penny Hardaway, Grant Hill, Carter, Kobe, Harold Miner and every other "2nd coming" no one has/will come close.

James will turn more into a Oscar Robertson/Magic type player. He is very lax at times, as evident by the 22 foot fallaways. That being said he is 22 and has had every accolade reaped upon him. Yough spotlight for this kid. Give him some time. He'll grow into it.
he demanded excellence. i would too if i was the best player in teh world and had to play with inferior players as teammates. i would make them play up to my level and to run with me too. if not then go play for some other team.
No doubt a player has to have tht certain demeanor. Jordon softened slightly when you prolly watched them seeing as you weren't even born back in his most spectacular days. If Jackson had never coached there I think theres a good chance NBA history is rewritten(although he may have won a few seeing as the 90's bulls played in such a watered down league). He was the one that after 2 years fibnally got Jordan to trust and use his teammates. Hence they won.

The moral of...(trust and use your teammates. James is already there. Pretty impressive at age 22)
he trusted his teammates b/c they finally stood up for themselves when mike keep riding their ass day in day out and thats when they started their run. i, also, agree that phil helped in this.

problem with lebron tho is hes putting too much trust in players who im not quite sure fear lebron if they dont perform. lebron needs to be more assertive as a leader and a scorer.
one person who Lebron isn't afraid to yell at is Andy. I've seen him ride Varajeo multiple times this year.

But for Damon Jones, it's nothing but rehearsed high-fives. :shake:
Bottom line, Jordan was an *sshole. An extremely talented one, but an *sshole nonetheless. Not to mention someone with a pronounced gambling problem.

I agree with BAR in many respects, and think LeBron will grow into being who he's going to be, but let's go easy with the Oscar Robertson/Magic
comparisons. Those guys are in another galaxy compared to LeBron right now.

Yes, he may eventually get there, but that's going to take time, championships, MVPs, and a significant growth of his game.
Joe..right on..I was talking style of play

He's like a taller Jason Kidd with a better
I hear ya, BAR. And I think you're right, based on his size that's kind of where he should head. However, that's a huge challenge.

I think in some ways Magic was actually a better player than Jordan because of what he did for his size. Magic was a great point guard and a great shooting guard--and he did it at 6'9". I mean, what the f**k? That's ridiculous.
James is more like a Magic than Jordan with an excellent all-around game.

spot on.

I disagree with most of your analysis G-Man but I like the side your on.

Let's hope for a Cavs win tonight.

GL tonight.

And I can't wait for Football to start again so I can tail you and pad my bankroll...