Caron Butler.. thoughts


Fairway to Heaven
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Ricky Davis's trip dub says hi.
What a douche bag. LOL. Next time up 27 just try and score on them some more. He asked for it.
Funny yes

what was on the line? he hate that guy or somethin?

Butler from interviews seems like an alright guy

I think I heard on Rome that he took extended family on a vacation/gathering and made all put their computers and cell phones in a box and didnt allow use since he was paying...pretty cool
If he were laughing while he did it, it would have been different (or at least better to handle). As some have said, it was kinda funny, so if he was just playing around and laughing I wouldn't have had an issue with it.

I like Caron Butler twink, just don't think it was cool.
i prefer:

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The big deal is, your team just got whooped and you're goofing off and showing up other players. It's an unwritten rule to let time just go out.
i agree..i think nbafan was doing his fake im angry on the internet thing that he does