Carolinablue Sunday 4/2

By all means bro don’t let me tell ya what to do, not my intention but man it tough to win playing those sizable favs. I can’t do it, im sure some can, @~Utah picks one big fav a day and comes out ahead seemingly every year, not sure I know anyone who bet volume and does real well w bigger favs tho.

For me the beauty of this sport is the randomness, every day I can find 2-3-5ish games where you get plus money and game is a totffal fcfofin flip. I just don’t see how a pads offense struggling to score runs can be laying 2-1 when they got a guy starting who been in the pen his entire career? Certainly not saying they won’t win, just not sure they win that game at a high enough clip to profit long term. Baseball not like the other sports, way more randomness and down right flukey at times!! again I’m not trying to tell ya what to do, just wanna see you win baby! If you more comfy with juice/favs take a look into hitter and pitcher props, those I think often have plenty of value even as favs where I struggle to find much on sides laying -150 and higher. Hope I’m not offending you. And hope you win these even tho I have a small play on Rox.
By all means bro don’t let me tell ya what to do, not my intention but man it tough to win playing those sizable favs. I can’t do it, im sure some can, @~Utah picks one big fav a day and comes out ahead seemingly every year, not sure I know anyone who bet volume and does real well w bigger favs tho.

For me the beauty of this sport is the randomness, every day I can find 2-3-5ish games where you get plus money and game is a totffal fcfofin flip. I just don’t see how a pads offense struggling to score runs can be laying 2-1 when they got a guy starting who been in the pen his entire career? Certainly not saying they won’t win, just not sure they win that game at a high enough clip to profit long term. Baseball not like the other sports, way more randomness and down right flukey at times!! again I’m not trying to tell ya what to do, just wanna see you win baby! If you more comfy with juice/favs take a look into hitter and pitcher props, those I think often have plenty of value even as favs where I struggle to find much on sides laying -150 and higher. Hope I’m not offending you. And hope you win these even tho I have a small play on Rox.
No offense at all man as cfb is my money sport so just gettin my feet wet with baseball and have a ton to learn no doubt!

Always appreciate input from all sides as I don’t quite know what I’m doing here…yet

2-1 today for small profit but completely agree that dogs vs favs make more sense longer term as the juice is brutal.

Trying to figure out value in terms of dogs vs RL favs but still a work in progress

Keep the discussion coming as I love this kind of stuff my man!