CappingThe game Proudly Presents its 1st Annual Masters Pool

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CappingTheGame is proud to present its first annual Masters Tournament Pool!

Cappers, show your knowledge of the game of golf and test it versus the forum to win the first" major" of the season.

The format goes this way:

1. Pick FIVE golfers to start the week. Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are EXCLUDED from this list due to their overriding success in Augusta. This allows for cappers to show their skills better.

2. After the conclusion of the second round, just like the tournament, their will be a cut. You must have four Golfers qualify for weekend play or you will be cut as well from the contest. In the event that all five of your golfers make it to the weekend we will take your four highest scores AFTER the second round is concluded and they will represent you over the weekend.

3. The goal is to be the lowest under par, just like in a regular tournament. Your four golfers scores will be combined for your final score. For example, you pick Singh, Fuyrk, Couples and Sergio. Their scores are as follows: -1, +2, E and -8. Your final score would be -7.

4. In case of a tie, you will choose what you believe will be the winning score in relation to par before the tournament starts.

5. All picks will be made in this thread and in this format



Please copy and paste this in your reply.

Rules and regulations:

1. Only one entry permitted per contestent. Any aliases are prohibited and the failure to comply may lead to banishment from
2. All entries must be submitted by 6:00 am Thursday, April 5th.
3. No editing picks after 6:00 am April 5th. It will be permitted up until that point.

I have provided a link for users to find the complete Masters field.


1st Place: $50
2nd Place: CTG Shirt

Alright CTG members, make those picks and become the official first "major" winner of the season at CappingTheGame!
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masters picks

1. els
2. singh
3. stenson
4. couples
5. g.ogilvy

tiebreaker: 7 under par
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1. Vijay Singh
2. Henrik Stenson
3. Retief Goosen
4. Mike Weir
5. Ernie Els

Tiebreaker: -12
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1. Ogilvy
2. M.Campbell
3. Singh
4. Stenson
5. Goosen

Tiebreaker: -11
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here are the "other" contenders.

1. singh
2. ogilvy
3. olazabal
4. donald
5. goosen

Tiebreaker: 10 under

keep your head down....whatashot
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1. Charles Howell III
2. Retief Goosen
3. Vijay Singh
4. Ernie Els
5. Geoff Ogilvy

Tiebreaker: -8
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1. Geoff Ogilvy
2. Vijay Singh
3. Chris Dimarco
4. Jim Furyk
5. Adam Scott

Tiebreaker: -11
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1. Vijay Singh
2. Ernie Els
3. Charles Howell III
4. Geoff Ogilvy
5. Henrik Stenson (my sleeper*)

Tiebreaker: -12
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1. Appleby
2. Ogilvy
3. A. Scott
4. Goosen
5. Taylor

Tiebreaker = -13
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1. freddy "boom boom" couples
2. sergio garcia
3. jim furyk
4. padraig harrington
5. david toms

winning score -13
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Tiebreaker: -7
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1.Vijay Singh
2.Geoff Ogilvy
3.Adam Scott
4.Retief Goosen
5.Aaron Oberholser

Tiebreaker: -10
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Paddy Harrington
V. Singh

11 under par
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1. Adam Scott
2. Vijay Singh
3. Ernie Els
4. Retief Goosen
5. Paul Casey

Tiebreaker: -9
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1. Vijay Singh
2. Jim Furyk
3. Ernie Els
4. Geoff Ogilvy
5. Adam Scott

Tiebreaker: -10
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1. Adam Scott
2. Vijay Singh
3. Charles "Thurston" Howell III
4. Henrik Stenson
5. Jose Maria Olazabal

Tiebreaker: -9
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1. Adam Scott
2. Vijay Singh
3. Ernie Els
4. Stuart Appleby
5. Paul Casey

Tiebreaker: -11
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1. vijay singh
2. Ernie Els
3.Retief Gooosen
4. Geoff Ogilvey
5. Jose Marie Olazabal

tiebreaker -5
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1. Ernie Els
2. Vijay Singh
3. Jim Furyk
4. Adam Scott
5. Retief Goosen

Tiebreaker: -9
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1) Vijay Singh
2) Adam Scott
3) Ernie Els
4) Geoff Ogilvy
5) Charles Howell

Tiebreak: -12
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1. Vijay Singh
2. Henrik Stenson
3. Chris DiMarco
4. Padraig Harrington
5. Angel Cabrera

Tiebreaker: -10
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1. Couples
2. Appleby
3. Garcia
4. Goosen

Tiebreaker: -11
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1. Scott
2. Ogilvy
3. Stenson
4. Els
5. Singh
Tiebreaker: -10
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1. Adam Scott
2. Vijay
3. Retief Goosen
4. Ernie Els
5. Stuart Appleby

Tiebreaker: -9
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Vijay Singh
Jim Furyk
Ernie Els
Adam Scott
Geoff Ogilvy

Tie breaker: -12
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Tie Breaker should read -8, not Ernie Els

1.Jim Furyk
2.Adam Scott
3.Retief Goosen
4.Vijay Singh
5.Henrik Stenson

Tiebreaker: -8

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Top 5 Right here

1.Geoff Ogilvy
2.Vijay Singh
3.Henrik Stenson
4.Retief Goosen
5.Jim Furyk

Tiebreaker: -8
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1. Singh
2. Ogilvy
3. Scott
4. Stenson
5. Goosen

Tiebreaker -9
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1. Singh
2. Furyk
3. Weir
4. Dimarco
5. Stenson

Tiebreaker: -9
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1. Retief Goosen
2. Jim Furyk
3.Charles Howell III
4. V.J. Singh
5. Sergio Garcia

TieBreaker- 9 Under
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1. JJ Henry
2. Adam Scott
3. Henrik Stenson
4. Vijay Singh
5. Camilo Villegas

Tiebreaker: -14
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1.) Vijah Singh
2.) Retief Goosen
3.) Ernie Els
4.) Adam Scott
5.) Charles Howell III

Tiebreaker: -10
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1. P. Casey
2. V. Singh
3. S. Ames
4. M. Weir
5. R. Goosen

Tiebreaker: -9

Cheers Steve
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1. vijay signh
2. paul casey
3. charles howell III
4. geoff ogilvy
5. robert allenby

Tiebreaker= -11
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1. Adam Scott
2. Retieff Goosen
3. Geoff Ogilvy
4. Sergio Garcia
5. Charles Howell III

Tiebreaker: -8
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1. Jim Furyk
2. Vijay Singh
3. Adam Scott
4. Ernie Els
5. Retief Goosen

Tiebreaker -9
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1. Singh
2. Furyk
3. Stenson
4. Adam Scott
5. Stewart Appleby

Tiebreaker: -13
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1. Adam Scott
2. Padraig Harrington
3. Brett Quigley
4. Charles Howell III
5. Sergio Garcia

Tiebreaker: Score -9
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1. Adam Scott
2. Vijay Singh
3. Ernie Els
4. Geoff Ogilvy
5. Jim Furyk

Tiebreaker: -12
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1. Paul Casey
2. Retief Goosen
3. Adam Scott
4. Vijay Singh
5. Henrik Stenson

Tiebreaker: -11
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I see a problem with rule # 2.
After second round I have 5 guys make the cut, 2 or 3 of them with the same score. Which one do you eliminate for the final 2 rounds.
bull's picks
singh vj
score = -9
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