Cannot understand Cleveland -3

Sammy Meatballs

Sammy Meatballs? Never Heard of Her
Not sure how Cleveland lost today, but vs Denver on the road this is lining up to be a great spot for the Browns--

Denver is complete and utter shit and crap----

Shanahan cannot coach anymore, he is in love with Cutlers arm strength, ever look at SHANNY's face in the 3rd qtr of a game when his offense is not working?

Denver the way they looked in New England, they got beaten good by Miami today- I dont see how Cutler is going to lead this team to any wins-

Denver has absolutely no pass rush, they cant run very well, theri offense has the ability to be totally shut down by double covering Brandon Marshall--

This is exactly the same spot last year when denver went into Houston on a Thursday game and got beat--

My feeling is that Jay Cutler is a guy who tries to outmuscle teams, all he can do is throw that sideline comeback route or the intermediate crosssing route-

The overall Denver team is very weak- Their D cannot make stops-

Braylon Edwards and Winslow are going to be wide open all day vs this Defense-

Not too mention a short week and the fact that SHANNY knows nothing about D--

the result is a CUTLER who gets worse every week--

Denver at this cheap line, they really have quit on the season, they start out fast because their O is in mid season form when others are not-

Once the rest of the league catches up to Shanny, he cannot coach, he presses, has no idea how to plan for a team's weakness--

Cleveland playing at home IMO has everything for this short week, they should rip apart Denver, and I expect Denver to quit on this game--

At home they try hard and they still look shit, there is no way a shit team can look good and play good on the road----

This will be IMO the worst team along with Detroit at the end of the year-

waching Cutler trying to use that golden arm is hilarious, it will not win in the NFL-- Cleveland playmakers will abuse Denver mickey mouse Db's-

Thinking this line should be -7

There are many better teams that Denver that would get the same spread or more points IMO--

In fact I believe a team like Houston, Arizona would probably get +3-

They are making this line close to the Ravens line OK Denver is not in the Ravens league--

It is the perception that Denver can score, their last 5 games they have averaged like 10 points a game---

I am telling everyone this team has quit on the season- there are too many roookies, fighting, bad attitudes, on this team, Cutler is taking all the blame and trying to do too much- If they dont run for 100 yards they have no chance at winning any games--

This is a perfect team to make money against- you get great lines vs them--

Shanahan is a front runner coach, he can coach well if he plays the Raiders or a team with no D at all- if they play anyone else he loses and gets blown out-
<EMBED src= width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always"></EMBED>

You remind me of this dude
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<EMBED src= width=425 height=344 type=application/x-shockwave-flash allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></EMBED>

You remind me of this dude

More importantly whats up with the Steelers? Are they going to cover tomorrow?
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I actually agree with most of you write-up sammy.... just don't flip flop on the posts in-game if Denver starts off hot or wins.
I actually agree with most of you write-up sammy.... just don't flip flop on the posts in-game if Denver starts off hot or wins.

If denver wins they win-- it is hard to win in this league--

there is a lot to winning in NFL and this is why teams like Den lose-

-no defense
-all deep passes
-no good run game
-rookies everywhere-
-Overrated qb with a rocket arm
-Db's that cannot cover and should get exposed
-short week on the road playing vs a team that was at home
-shanahan team that scored 10 points avg last 5 games
-Denver play calling that sucks-
-Brandon marshall taken out of game and its game over teams know this now
lesson to be learned

-----We all should of saw the real Denver GAME 1 vs. Oakland

That defense looked like garbage then I saw Oakland getting big holes and said right then they would have trouble.

Denver gets blowout win and tremendous over inflation of value.

----Defense, Running Game. IF you don't have it your shit.

Sammy, your right, alot of money can be made fading teams with good offenses and no defenses. Public loves offense and it's a sexy pick. But Denvre does not even have a good offense it's all perception.
Shanahan is really looking to me like an overrated bad coach now.

His defense has been problem for years and he is too naive. He brings in Courtney Brown, Gerard Warren, all these Cleveland leftovers thinking that is the answer. Then he fires his D-coord every year.

Mike there are not quick fixes or gimmicks to defense. You can't just patch crappy parts in there because your a confident arrogent smart ass who thinks your offense can score 100 points and win every fucking game.

-----Now he gives Cutler the entire playbook and let's him throw pick after pick. If the qb can't stop the bleeding Mike you have to curtail the playbook and limit what he does and make sure you don't turn the ball over. But you don't have a defense so you have to throw every down and put Cutler in bad situations he's not ready for.

--And against NE Cutler is injured and can't throw he is your future and Shanahon leaves him in there in mop up duty in blowout situation risking the franchise because he's arragont and thinks Cutler can bring them back.

Braylon Edwards and Winslow are going to be wide open all day vs this Defense-

It doesnt matter if Braylon is open all day if he cant catch the ball. He has the worst hands in the NFL. I am even a Browns fan.
Not a Denver fan here but I did catch the game on TV. Minus a phantom pass interference call on Brandon Marshall, Denver wins that game yesterday. Not sure they cover the spread but SU they win. All momentum was gone with that flag late in the 3rd quarter and frustration just set in.

Cutler can pretty much make every throw there needs to be in this league his issue is getting set in the pocket and seeing the whole field. Too many times he makes a throw and a defender he should have seen or known was going to be there makes a play on it.

The biggest problem for Denver right now is no running game, they have nothing in terms of rushing. I know Miami can stop the run but 10yds rushing is a joke. They need to get that fixed big time and quick.

Not sure Clev is a team I can put a whole lot of faith in either after their 4qrt collapse yesterday in a game they really should have won. Should be interesting to see how both teams come out Thurs night after both had winnable games at home.
Ohio state: You are the on the same page as me exactly. Shanahan is becoming exactly like a coach like Joe Gibbs, he should be an offensive coordinator and that is it, he has no idea about Defense and it affects his coaching. To see the Denver score turn on the tv in the 3rd qtr and dont look at the score just look at Shanahan's hair, if its all messed up they are losing the game and struggling, also if his face is flush red they are losing-

Capping Bob- Braylon Edwards is an amazing talent, if he could catch the deep passes he would be one of the leagues best receivers. He has probably cost the team a few games already, no exuse for dropping those passes-

Deuce's Wild- This has nothing to do with Denver winning or losing the game to MIAMI. Denver is a good home team, they play well and usually win at home. Remember the game vs the Pats, remember how bad they were beaten. They have no athletes on Defense, in fact #37 at safety and the backup db's will not make plays, when Greg CAMARILLA is burning you oncomebacks, its honestly gonna be Braylon wide open, they will give him a 10 yard cushion. WInslow vs shit linebackers-

Denver is getting worse exactly like they did last year, Cutler is pressing, Stokely is done as a receiver in this league, no tight end hurts, and more importantly Denver O sucks, it has not delivered after game 3 of the season- Denver could have won by 10 at home vs Miami it makes no difference. Fading Denver getting +3 is a good bet, Cleveland Offense can score and they can stop Denver as everyone after week 3 has easily stopped a one dimensional offense that is overrated anyway-
Shanahan is a joke, he is another JOE GIBBS, if anything SHANNY should be an offensive coordinator, but even at that he is gonna turn into a Mike Martz-
Denver is very soft, dont see how a soft team wins a short week on the road-

The biggest mismatch vs Browns, is Edwards, Winslow, big physical receivers will kill the mickey mouse backups of the Broncos.
Braylon needs a sports physcologist to fix his hands. I am sure he is in the NFL and have seen him make amazing catches--

I am sure he has big hands being 6'3, so small hands are not the problem. He seems to drop passes when he has time to think about the ball coming like on a deep pass over the shoulder catch--

He is thinking too much, the good receivers dont think, they catch the ball, when it gets in your head, you start dropping them. I dont remember him dropping this many in Michigan for sure--

I think he is a talent though, but cannot drop this many passes or his team will lose games and not throw to him on 3rd down-

Nothing a sports physcologist cannot fix as its all mental I am sure