Can ya'll make me a line...

Just a guess, Wisky -2

4-2 Nebraska was -6 at NW last year and NW was only -5 vs 4-4 Iowa. So vs Badgers I think Wisconsin still a small fav.

This game is after the tOSU homecoming national TV night game, so what happens in that game will determine where this line goes I'm sure.
ok...tOsu seems 1.5/2 pts higher this week than they should be, that being said...I like them and think they're 10+ pts better in this game. As far as next weeks tOsu @ NW game...going into this weeks game PR's have tOsu -7 to NW on neutral...I like NW next week though...
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Northwestern -1, although after watching Maine march up and down the field on them, it really should be Wisconsin -2.5.
Waiting on the first overreaction lol you were odds-on favorite...;)

Was a deliberate knock at Wisco...about it. Game week.

Hahahaha hardy har har har...I'm just tryin to get a deal, u wanna gimme 6 pts I'll take it right now.