can cavs steal one from home in texas??


Pretty much a regular
does anyone think they have a know it has to be going through lebrons mind if he can win one of the first two games that gives him the homecourt.....who would nba rather have win if the NBA is FIXED...a team that is in the headlines for being dirty or the (dare i say it, even though i don't believe it) future micheal jordon.......i see lebron getting alot of calls in this series...and i really like the lineup they put out there against detroit....gibson, marshall and jones. if bowen does get into foul trouble...who will hold lebron....i really see value in clev +375 for the series...
of course they have a chance, u kidding? they do need to get 1/2 at home tho, ur right about that
I personally won't be surprised if the Cavs steal one of the first two games. I'll be less surprised if the Spurs go 2-1 in Cleveland.
Given the high Cleveland is coming off, and the extent their performance arc (7-0 ATS last 7, never being out of any game come the very end), while I wouldnt say they cant win/cover 1 game, I would say the Spurs definitely win 1 SU & ATS.

Cleveland will not win both ATS in San Antonio.
lets say i put 3 units to win 12 units if clev wins one game in san an...then what can i get the san an to win the series will not be -525 that is what i am saying....there is more value in clev cause i believe they can take one of the 2 games in san an....
After tonight, I don't see Cavs having a chance in game 2. Expect the Spurs offensive rust we saw in game 1 to wear off. That defense will continue, though, because it's been solid all year long.
I watched maybe five whole minutes of this game tonight, that is actual minutes, not game minutes (and I can honestly say that was too much), but it felt very much like the Jazz/Spurs series to me.

Thus, I don't really see Cleveland winning on Sunday.
i still see clev stealin the next game.....that was a horrible offensive game for them and i know spurs always play great defense.....i was really surprise how few calls lebron got in the game and i can really see him taken the ball to the rim alot more in game 2.....i will gladly take the +8 but will probably buy it to +8.5 and also put the same amount on the ML.....i don't think they can afford to lose game 2 and they know it......i saw lebron settle for jump shots kind of like he did in the first 2 games at det.....but seeing that it took him 2 games to figure it out in det i can really see if taking over the game in the 2nd game of this series...he is the best player on the court and i see him showin it in game 2 after a bad performance.....
i have figured out in sports anything is possible......the obvious doesn't always hold up....i am a strong believer that NBA is FIXED....and i think this series will go 7 games and lebron wins the game in the final min....but we will see if not i guess it will be a long series for me....i think game 2 CLEV.....And the to all
If the rest of the Cavs team wake up and their "coach" actually does some coaching in game 2, perhaps Cavs can win it. If they leave it to Bron to "figure it out" and "learn" how San Antonio plays the game, Cavs are looking at a 0-2 deficit going back home.
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Spurs will only get better, and Vegas will suck you in to bet the Cavs as Bron-Bron should bounce back, NOT!!! Agreed Cavs will be 0-2. I no longer see the Cavs having any chance