CA Racing


Pretty much a regular
Races won from starting pos 1: 1
Races won from starting pos 2: 1
Races won from starting pos 3: 3
Races won from starting pos 4: 2
Races won from starting pos 5: 2
Races won from starting pos 7: 1
Races won from starting pos 8: 1
Races won from starting pos 9: 3
Races won from starting pos 14: 1
Races won from starting pos 16: 2
Races won from starting pos 17: 1
Races won from starting pos 19: 2
Races won from starting pos 22: 1
Races won from starting pos 24: 3
Races won from starting pos 25: 2
Races won from starting pos 31: 1
Races won from the top 5: 9 of 27
Races won from the top 10: 14 of 27
X Race
To W
Larson 5 = 22.5
E. Jones 4 = 40
Sadler 2 = 50

Logano looks to be the class of the field, but he is barely over even money. Probably be him or Kyle, but will take some flyers on the boys above.

Parley 15 = 41.29
E Jones o Menard
Sadler o Allgaier
Ty o Wallace Jr.
Grand total +140.55 after Phx

X Race
To W
Larson 5 = 22.5
E. Jones 4 = 40
Sadler 2 = 50

Logano looks to be the class of the field, but he is barely over even money. Probably be him or Kyle, but will take some flyers on the boys above.

Parley 15 = 41.29
E Jones o Menard
Sadler o Allgaier

Ty o Wallace Jr.

Well got the W with Larson, Logano & Kyle B finished 2 and 3. went 2 of 3 on the parley, and that is why I need to stay away from parleys! Cleared 1.5, so basically broke even, but it's better than losing 1.5

Today's total - +1.5
Grand total +142.05
after CA X race
Bayne o. Stenhouse 10 =13
Newman o. A Dillon 15.6 = 12
Blaney o. E Jones 12 = 16.2
Blaney o. Bowyer 16.2 = 12
Kenseth o. Dale JR 19.2 = 12
Chase o. Dale JR 21.5 = 10

Top 3
Chase 10 = 24.5
Larson 10 = 19.5
Harvick 10 = 19.5
Johnson 10 = 37

Top 5
Chase 10 = 11
Larson 11.5 = 10
Harvick 11.5 = 10
Johnson 10 = 16.5
Blaney 4 = 19
Newman 4 = 24
E Jones 4 = 16
To W
Larson 7 = 35
Chase 5 = 35
Harvick 5 = 40
Kyle B. 5 = 40
Johnson 5 = 45
Newman 2 = 132

Top 8 to win 17.95 = 5.79
Top 8 drivers include: 2 4 18 22 24 42 48 78
Matchups -34.8 Bayne o. Stenhouse 10 =13
Newman o. A Dillon 15.6 = 12
Blaney o. E Jones 12 = 16.2
Blaney o. Bowyer 16.2 = 12
Kenseth o. Dale JR 19.2 = 12
Chase o. Dale JR 21.5 = 10

Top 3 -10.5
Chase 10 = 24.5
Larson 10 = 19.5
Harvick 10 = 19.5
Johnson 10 = 37

Top 5 -33.5
Chase 10 = 11
Larson 11.5 = 10
Harvick 11.5 = 10
Johnson 10 = 16.5
Blaney 4 = 19
Newman 4 = 24
E Jones 4 = 16

To W +13 Larson 7 = 35
Chase 5 = 35
Harvick 5 = 40
Kyle B. 5 = 40
Johnson 5 = 45
Newman 2 = 132

Top 8 to win 17.95 = 5.79 +5.79
Top 8 drivers include: 2 4 18 22 24 42 48 78

Today's total -60.01
Grand total +82.04
after CA
Well it didn't work out too well for me today. Harvick and JJ struggling all day didn't help me and neither did Kenseth's wreck at the end. On to the paperclip.